letsdothis2 ago

Cake of Light https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cake_of_Light

The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.

The radiant dove that hovers in the air between Mary and Gabriel is the traditional symbol of the Holy Spirit, said to have ‘overshadowed’ Mary when Christ was conceived. In medieval art the dove is sometimes even seen carrying a miniature figure of the Christ child to plant within Mary's womb. http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/pharos/collection_pages/northern_pages/98/TXT_BR_SS-98.html


Dove "Baby Dove" by Ogilvy & Mather https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/dove-baby-dove-ogilvy-mather/1429663

Voat posts on Ogilvy:

A further look into child trafficking monitoring organisations like Polaris.

Another organization of interest is Charity Navigator which gave Beyond Borders (just opposite Comet Ping Pong) a four star rating. Again the navigation theme in their logo. Their history is quite interesting but I won't go into that here. Charity Navigator has been criticized in this Stanford report. The founder John Pat Dugan stepped down in June 2016 (like previous charity) for tech savvy types.


To be replaced by advertizing man Matt Giegerich of Ogilvy. Here's an article on the company, the image does not induce confidence : http://www.mmm-online.com/agencies/ogilvy-commonhealth-worldwide/article/506196/

Beatles allegedly attended underage brothels with good friend Jimmy Savile

It's unfortunate that a good percentage of Beatles fans are still Beatles fans and will most likely die Beatles fans without the realization that they were a British social engineering think tank Tavistock experiment to begin with. They were all avid Crowleyist and Occult themed entrepreneurs, the cover of the Beatles Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a collection of British Spooks, Crowley, and other spooks tasked at bringing eastern religions to the west to help corrupt western ideologies.

SIS is just another name for MI6, the British equivalent of CIA. Pepper succeeded William Stephenson as chair of BSC. The BSC is the British Security Coordination, which even Wikipedia now admits was a covert organization setup in New York City in 1940 upon the authorization of Winston Churchill “to mobilize pro-British opinion in the US.” This “massive propaganda campaign” was mobilized from Rockefeller Center. It was supported by the OSS, the precursor of the CIA. The front for the BSC was the British Passport Control Office. Notable employees of BSC include Roald Dahl—who wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willie Wonka), Ian Fleming (James Bond), the screenwriter Eric Maschwitz (later BBC and ITV head and creator of Doctor Who), Dorothy Maclean (Findhorn Foundation), and David Ogilvy (the father of advertising).

letsdothis2 ago

Liber LII Manifesto of the O.T.O. - BAPHOMET XI° : http://lib.oto-usa.org/libri/liber0052.html

The whole of the Knowledge dispersed among the bodies mentioned in paragraph 2 has been sifted and concentrated in the following degrees.

0° Minerval.; I° M.; II° M. .; III° M∴ ;


Every man and woman that is of full age, free, and of good report, has an indefeasible right to the III°.

Beyond this, admission is only granted by invitation from the governing body concerned.

letsdothis2 ago

Zero Equals Two is a blog on magical news and culture sponsored by U.S. Grand Lodge, O.T.O.

In the same blog under the category of Magick is an article on GENESIS BREYER P-ORRIDGE (See the Hampstead case connections) http://zeroequalstwo.net/change-itself-an-art-apart-genesis-breyer-p-orridge-a-film-by-carl-abrahamsson/

Change Itself: An Art Apart – Genesis Breyer P-Orridge

letsdothis2 ago


The Degrees of OTO - http://www.geocities.ws/nu_isis/degrees.html

P.I. Perfect Initiate, Prince of Jerusalem (Annihilation)

letsdothis2 ago

There are multiple recipes in use today and the oil continues to be used in several modern occult traditions, particularly Thelema (created in 1904 by Crowley) and the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecclesia_Gnostica_Catholica

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church, is a Gnostic church organization. It is the ecclesiastical arm of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), an international fraternal initiatory organization devoted to promulgating the Law of Thelema.

The sacerdotal ordination admits members to the priesthood. Sacerdotal ordinands must hold at least the K.E.W. degree of O.T.O., a degree only available by invitation. The Priesthood is responsible for administering the sacraments through the Gnostic Mass and other ceremonies as authorized by their supervising Bishops.

K.E.W. = Knights of the East and West https://www.bradford.ac.uk/webofhiram/?section=ancient_accepted&page=17eastandwest.html

The Seventeenth Degree of the Scottish Rite

Order of Knight Masons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Knight_Masons

The Order of Knight Masons is a secular, chivalric Masonic order, open to all Master Masons who are also members of a Mark Lodge and a Royal Arch Chapter. Members of the order meet in Councils of Knight Masons which are governed by the Grand Council of Knight Masons based in Dublin, Ireland. A member of the group is a Knight Mason.

The Order of Knight Masons is a system of three degrees, namely Knight of the Sword, Knight of the East, and Knight of the East and West. Councils of Knight Masons are individually presided over by an Excellent Chief and the degrees are conferred separately upon candidates. The Degrees communicate the story of the efforts to build the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

letsdothis2 ago

O.T.O. also encompasses Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), the Gnostic Catholic Church, which was originally brought to O.T.O. by Dr. Gérard Encausse (Papus) in 1908 e.v. The E.G.C. is a Thelemic religious environment, dedicated to the advancement of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty through the Law of Thelema. https://www.oto-uk.org/egchome.html

Note image: https://imgur.com/a/eoLlzpJ

The church in Praia da Luz one year after Maddie went missing had a new stained glass window: https://imgur.com/a/KbX212e


goatboy ago


Fucking emos man! They're always good for a laugh.

"Oh, jerk off into bread dough, throw in a tampon, and suddenly you have maaaaaaggggiiicalll powers, oowwwe."


When dealing with idiots just play along. Nobody tell the emos that Alistar Crowley died a strung out heroine addict, alone, forgotten, and pathetic. No amount of circle jerk, tampon biscuits could conjure him up a last meal or a loved one to give a shit.

letsdothis2 ago

Think you might need a course in Jewish mysticism.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/QYXhU :

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