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cantsleepawink ago

The Sisters of Mercy - Dominion Mother Russia

Sisters of Mercy


The Sisters of Mercy are constituted as religious and charitable organizations in a number of countries. Mercy International Association is a registered charity in the Republic of Ireland.[5] In the United Kingdom, The Union of the Sisters of Mercy of Great Britain is a registered charity, and in 2006–2007 had a gross income of £5.5 million.


On May 20, 2009, the institute was condemned in an Irish government report known as the Ryan Report, the work of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. The Sisters of Mercy were named as the chief among the institutes under whose care girls "endured frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless ... personal and family denigration was widespread"


On London Goth music scene, allegations of satanism, and more synchronicities - weird occult stuff

cantsleepawink ago

The Murder Of Ofra Haza

The missing Yemenite children claimed another victim

Ashkenazi was first exposed to the public eye when, in July 1997, he married Haza, a popular singer.** She was discovered at age 12** at the underprivileged Hatikva neighborhood in Tel Aviv, by Bezalel Aloni, who was her personal manager for years - until her marriage to Ashkenazi, when she severed her ties with him.

Now, with great trepidation, I introduce Shimon Peres. It was Peres who invited Haza to sing at the signing of the Oslo Accord and at the Nobel Prize ceremony, during which he won a prize for "peace." Recalling that Peres was in charge of the Israeli atomic program during the days when the Yemenite children were kidnapped and turned into guinea pigs for atomic experiments, her appearance beside him was more than a little disconcerting.

We all believe she was deliberately infected with AIDS.

He took her everywhere. If Margaret Thatcher was in town, he'd bring her along to serenade her. I have a picture of that event. His affair with her began way before the 'peace' process. He saw her first movie, Ha Frekha, (The Tart), and he took a shine to her. Peres had a contact to the film's director, Pashanel, who died last year. He was Gideon Zinger. He's the father of Yoel Zinger, the lawyer who drew up the Declaration Of Principles with the PLO. That's how he got to meet Ofra. Peres is a serial cad, but at least he rewards his conquests with great careers. However, he really took advantage of her.

archive :

MK Ultra'd ??

Yemenite Children Affair

The Yemenite Children Affair was the possible disappearance of hundreds of babies and toddlers of new immigrants to the newly founded state of Israel, mainly from Yemen, between the years 1948 to 1954.