Voatwontletmesignin ago

WTF!! YSL did this!? Ugh I feel sick! Shouldn't this be on the main page of Pizzagate translated?

AngB23 ago

I was going to, but without knowing exactly what the cartoon read...I wasn’t sure. But it does show the huge influence fashion, art, music, movies....all of it had to the sleeping sheep.

realityisinsanity ago

I can't find any pics or video from the anime. It may have never aired due to being too graphic.

Shizy ago

So the jist of what I could understand (please correct me if I am wrong anyone) is that this character LULU was inducted into satanism when she was very young. The first part shows how that is done- rituals, sacrifices, etc. she goes on to spread satanism by fooling and infiltrating society and it's systems where she can further cause death etc. she infests the medical system and kills babies and people but pretends that she has no idea what happened and there was nothing that could be done. She infests the Catholic Church and even takes power over the pope. She infests the educational system where children are taught about satanism and prepared to be sex slaves. She teaches institutions/people along the way how to pick out victims. She is behind human trafficking and white slavery- selling kids/people to what looked like Arabs. And the biggest kicker is she infiltrated television to spread her message and to spin herself in a positive light. Doesn't this all sound familiar? It's what we know about satanism, ritual abuse, and what power structures are involved.

I wish I knew more French because I had a hard time telling if this was meant to glorify satanism and those who participate, or to expose it. I got the sense that the end discusses that and it appeared to say that these might have been sold to wealthy elites but I'm not sure.

AngB23 ago

WOW! Thank you very much for this info. I know this cartoon is older, but I feel like these damn Elites in their sick club, rub this stuff in our face. They are in the “know” and are spreading this crap everywhere.

I hope more people,that know French can chime in. I know there are more YT vids on this, I just picked this one

Shizy ago

Ok so I learned French in high school so I picked up on some of this. I tried to read through the comments and basically people were saying YSL is a monster, but also that he and his partner were mentors to Macron. Interesting

carmencita ago

I know very little French. I do know that if he and his partner backed Macron there could be something else at play here. The wife of Macron is a pedophile. She and he had an affair while he was still in HS. The parents refused to let them marry and they had to wait until he became of age. Could be something more there about YSL.

AngB23 ago

For sure I feel like there is more here. Art, movies, fashion....they have the influence to push satanic stuff down the masses throats. What is mind boggling, is people worship them and don’t see this for what it truly is. The recent Taco Bell commercial is a perfect example. It’s so BLATANT, yet people “enjoy” it

carmencita ago

So True. No one sees the Subliminal Messages. People are So Closed Up. There is always more to the story.

4_InquiringMinds ago

No one sees the Subliminal Messages.

Cept they are not so subliminal anymore sigh

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=DI6YJG4o5RM :

La vilaine Lulu, BD de Yves StLaurent, véritable guide initiatique au satanisme ! - YouTube

https://archive.fo/bdYOM :

‘Nasty Lulu' Yves Saint Laurent's little-known creation | Toronto Star

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