argosciv ago

DMT Trip - 'Enter The Void' (HD)

(All rights to their respective holders, etc)

better video, Quantize - Dimethyltryptamine

@srayzie @jangles @Vindicator @VictorSteinerDavion @cantsleepawink

darkknight111 ago

With all the horrible stuff we've found just in this thread alone, I'm getting REALLY motivated to plan out the victory party themed around mocking the hell out of these sick fucks.


  1. Menu such as cheese pizza, ice cream, hot dogs, pasta with pesto sauce.

  2. Some form of dessert involving walnuts and acorns...somehow.

  3. Stuff like playing domino masks.

Any other ideas guys.

Dressage2 ago

Numerous nooses with their name on them in glitter.

argosciv ago


Walnut sauce = Blood and excrement of young abused/traumatized/drugged children(probably male), either black or sinlight-deprived; high concentrations of(+repeated conscious over-exposure to) dmt, melanin, melatonin, adrenochrome and others - in combination with a lack of vitamin D.

Walnuts = Same as above and/or flesh and/or pineal glands of the aforementioned

Acorns = Pineal glands specifically, possibly from "high-profile" persons who otherwise have a desired(sometimes forced to be this way) body chemistry.

Children are sought because they are more submissive and less tainted by a lifetime of poor-choice eating and etc, resulting in "more pure" blood which is itself far richer in DMT(and etc) (concentration in volume of liquid).

@cantsleepawink @Commoner @srayzie @carmencita @ESOTERICshade

Quarter ago

Has anyone seen these little jems? Clearly pizza initiation time and what up with the PIZZA BOXES? and These guys create super powerful dashboards. A dashboard in the elite style is like, dont laugh because they really exsist, ive seen one on accident, its like Dr. Claw set up in inspector Gadget. Before you laugh your head off Ill tell you what they do. Its on a computer screen and they can make them look like anything the customer wants. the one i saw was an old car dash, it was so cool and it scared the heck out of me to look at it. Anyway, they have all kinds of game code written into them that make them perform like video games. At the push of a button they can send anyone a virus or block thier computer or hack your email, crash your computer. The one ruined my business it was so powerful. It literally put a banner over all my you tube vids, it crashed my website ect. Then they started to call me.What happened was i asked them to get rid of my yahoo email and they said they could do that for a fee and that they would have to come on board my computer to get rid of it. i didnt know it was a scam. I dont know how this happened but thier dash appeared on my computer. My computer had thier dash board. anyway thats how i got to see this dashboard. ive seen some of thier emails that talk about them. Its like a warfare dashboard of somekind. I delete

darkknight111 ago


carmencita ago

Sorry, I had brain freeze last night.

Quarter ago

Oh wonderful news, Its the gonad and pineal report. Just when I thought Mengele did all the damage himself.

Quarter ago

Im numb, i cant type. They have been harvesting our penguins! %^&%%$#%& I never thought to check pineal gland shipments. Only brilliant people do that. 1973? Heres a study It appears they have been doing this along time, they have one up on us. They are probably giving people the Bill Gates population poison control while reaping any benes for themselves. It just doesnt end. Did you know that its illegal to travel across the antarctic? You can take a cruz to the edge but you cant travel across it. The countries that have elected themselves say they are protecting the land and animal reserves. Ya, like they are protecting our penguins? How would we know if thay have been wiped out down there. We wouldnt.

ESOTERICshade ago

quarter every time I try that link I get an error message. What do it be sayin at the link? Can you paste the tl;dr?

Your session has timed out. Please go back to the article page and click the PDF link again.

Quarter ago

Well this is my third time through this:). when I check my links they delete my comment to you! What gives. I will tell you how to search for this, In your bar put study of the pineal gland 1973. There is some incredible history there. So sorry it took me this long but as soon as i got your message i started to work on it. whew. I just couldnt go through it all again, plus there is corruption in some of the study links, i think its because your on to something or they dont want thier work passed around who knows.probably both, thx for telling me about the broken link, i will do the same for you if i run onto any.

Quarter ago

Oh I see it now, let me see what i can do.

Quarter ago

:) what link? im cornfused, is it in the seat of the soul pineal gland, because thats were you replied to me from?

carmencita ago

I have always loved Penguins and Puffins. We are losing Puffins as well. This is just too much for my brain to take. This will take some time for me to process. My tears are falling, for our Penguins and what species is next. They will not stop until they have stripped the earth. Somehow we must pass them up. We have very smart people too. We just have enlist them and wake them up.

argosciv ago

Le sigh

Okay, you guys clearly want me to lay out the DMT stuff too...

I'm going to keep this comment short, but, know that I willl expand upon it when the time is right(not being cryptic or delaying on purpose, I told you it's a massive discussion to be had.


There is, to my knowledge, no evidence supporting the claim that the mammalian pineal gland produces DMT, though, my memory is hazy on whether it produces the precursors necessary for the production of DMT through other biological processes - two things seem certain one way or another:

  • The pineal gland is a focal point for all neurological impulses and external stimuli to be translated by the conscious and subconscious minds. (the so-called seat of the soul)

  • DMT is produced in trace amounts(as a byproduct?) somewhere in the human body and utilized in ways which are yet to be fully understood by science - mostly due to extreme efforts("War on drugs", etc) to hinder any research into psychedelic compounds(nevermind the attacks on personal freedom...).

Much is available regarding DMT's activity at the receptor level, however, studies into the more subjective/abstract element; the psychedelic experience, are difficult to get support for, let alone translate to those who are locked into "Left Brain" thinking as being the only way to arrive at fact/truth; sometimes the illogical/the creative/the abstract, holds the answer or at least some of the clues...

DMT, analogues thereof and it's precursors are indeed, present in trace amounts in a plethora of organisms, from plant to animal, fungi, etc etc - it's widespread presence is no coincidence, yet, we are indoctrinated to avert ourselves from such curiosities - all the while, a few worldfuckers already know full well, what it's all about.

Another running theory, though, unconfirmed to my knowledge, is that DMT 'floods' the body at the time of death or a near death experience... Vegas shooting

I will stop here, for now, but, know that DMT is very much a key element in establishing the motive of the worldfuckers...

@Jem777 @carmencita @Blacksmith21 @Commoner @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

Dressage2 ago

Excellent post! Upvoat

Jem777 ago

I did not intend for this to appear as just is also Satanists pretending to be Catholics, Christians, Judaism etc. And just plain evil mother fuckers who think they are God or want to become Divinity and steal power to control the rest of us as cattle.

argosciv ago

Le sigh

I did not intend for this to appear as just is also Satanistsworldfuckers pretending to be "Satanists", Catholics, Christians, Judaism etc. And just plain evil mother fuckers who think they are God or want to become Divinity and steal power to control the rest of us as cattle.


darkknight111 ago

This email chain (the third email) suggests you may be on the right track. Might provide a possible method to get the DMT too.

argosciv ago

dude, i'm bawling my eyes out, i've found something I can't articulate yet.... it's...

Tool - Eulogy Live [HD]

Dressage2 ago

Here are the lyrics to Tool Eulogy

argosciv ago

haha cheers, already know them (most of the time), was just not in any condition to post them as per usual

darkknight111 ago

If a seasoned PG investigator is being shaken, then I can only imagine what's going to happen when all of this gets to the people as a whole.

We must all be careful in terms of how full disclosure is delivered.

argosciv ago

It was a combination of utter anguish and love at the same time... shaken, yes, but not stirred ;)

@Jem777 @carmencita

carmencita ago

We thank you :)

argosciv ago

for clarification: I'm okay and Eulogy was only posted as it was literally the song/video I had playing at the exact moment of the comment.

@Jem777 @carmencita

The things I've begun to uncover are beyond surreal and just utterly astounding, in some of the best and worst ways imaginable, simultaneously... It's not cognitive dissonance, but, it makes my soul ache, so to speak.

Jem777 ago

Thank you for sharing what you can. The things I have uncovered and even witnessed make my soul ache as well... it has for years as I have been silenced but it is like cancer inside once tmyou know and then see things happen that the word Evil does it no justice.

carmencita ago

You are a Blessing. Thank you for all of your hard work. No matter how hard it will be to take, the truth must come out.

Jem777 ago

WTF is this? @argosciv are you ok? Something is very sinister here.

carmencita ago

WTH? If you can figure out how this applies I will probably never be able to process it. I tried watching and had to stop at half point. I am awaiting this explanation, for this one is going to be good.

Dressage2 ago

I posted lyrics.

Jem777 ago

Can you tie in the fact melainvis being harvested in African American victims

Melanin also has a key role in DMT and Pineal Gland performance.

argosciv ago


Melanin is?

Can you tie in the fact melainvis being harvested in African American victims

Melanin also has a key role in DMT and Pineal Gland performance.

Melanin, I can't remember... melatonin on the other hand, definitely has a relation - I'll brush up on melanin(I know it's responsible for the dark pigmentation); it's quite plausible that high-concentrations of melanin are desirable alongside DMT.


Melatonin, also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine,[1] is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in animals and regulates sleep and wakefulness.[2] Melatonin is also produced in plants where it functions as a first line of defense against oxidative stress.[3]


It's real, please afford me time and trust, for now - I speak from experience(as self-incriminating as that may be)



Melanin (/ˈmɛlənɪn/ (About this sound listen); from Greek: μέλας melas, "black, dark") is a broad term for a group of natural pigments found in most organisms. Melanin is produced by the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, followed by polymerization. The melanin pigments are produced in a specialized group of cells known as melanocytes.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @cantsleepawink @jangles

darkknight111 ago

I studied biology in college (though I focused on microbiology) This all rings a bell.

Melanin IIRC is an adaptation that provides protection against UV radiation. Sunlight is at its strongest near the center of the equator, which is people who's ancestoral roots are near the center (like Africans) tend to have darker skin.

However, there is a trade off. The more melanin you produce, the less efficient you are when it comes to using sunlight for vitamin D synthesis.

A similar trade off effect occurs when it .comes to eye color (brown vs blue)

Jem777 ago

I corrected the spelling to melanin...melanin is involved with DMT and Pineal Gland. The more melanin the larger the Pineal Gland the value is raised.

I am cheering you on. I want to hear all info.

argosciv ago

@carmencita @Gothamgirl @VictorSteinerDavion @srayzie @Crensch - see parent: rationalizing dmt connection(counter to attempts to muddy the waters)

argosciv ago


Melanin is?

Can you tie in the fact melainvis being harvested in African American victims

Melanin also has a key role in DMT and Pineal Gland performance.

Melanin, I can't remember... melatonin on the other hand, definitely has a relation - I'll brush up on melanin(I know it's responsible for the dark pigmentation); it's quite plausible that high-concentrations of melanin are desirable alongside DMT.


Melatonin, also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine,[1] is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in animals and regulates sleep and wakefulness.[2] Melatonin is also produced in plants where it functions as a first line of defense against oxidative stress.[3]


It's real, please afford me time and trust, for now - I speak from experience(as self-incriminating as that may be)

argosciv ago

@Quarter here, have a read, just in-case you're wondering what the DMT stuff is about

Quarter ago


carmencita ago

Thank you for contributing. Sick vile vermin, the whole lot of them..

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @VictorSteinerDavion @srayzie @Gothamgirl @cantsleepawink - see parent: DMT info - keeping it short for now

ESOTERICshade ago

I have also been wondering if "walnuts" could be a reference to a pineal gland. About the same size and shape.

argosciv ago

Walnuts on pizza has a double-fucking-meaning!

Pineal glands(and the blood) of young black children(males?)

@Commoner @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @carmencita @Jem777 @Vindicator (someone ping cantsleepawink and others)

carmencita ago

Oh My God. These people are beyond help and hope. Vile Vermin.

millennial_vulcan ago

oh god, I can't anymore, Carm :(

carmencita ago

I know. It is hard. Very hard. While researching St. Louis I read about Little Jane Doe St. Louis and that was the hardest reading I think I have ever done. We are doing important work. This is part of it. Unfortunately.

argosciv ago

sorry, but, it is what it is... stay strong, never give in.

millennial_vulcan ago

Thanks @argosciv that's sweet. Just when you think you heard it all, another day reveals more insanity.

argosciv ago

Oh boy, I have the perfect song for you, brother...

Entheogenic - Soma (Veda Mix) (Music Video)

(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video/other - nor the channel which posted the video, nor the audio samples used)

@carmencita @GothamGirl @srayzie @jangles @VictorSteinerDavion

You too...

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @13uddha @cantsleepawink @Jem777 @ArtificalDuality ~ see parent: soak it in, much love

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you.

Quarter ago

i wonder if the pizza is better than the tacos? Iv e heard this is a poop song but dont know << I wonder about the street they mention? << It says its a new york state route 25 << << chase bank on a corner

carmencita ago

I will.

Quarter ago

ive been pinged where are ya?

carmencita ago

@argosciv has news to reveal about the pineal gland

srayzie ago

That’s a really good point. Interesting.

cantsleepawink ago

That's a very good question. Hmm...

argosciv ago


Archon (Gr. ἄρχων, pl. ἄρχοντες) is a Greek word that means "ruler", frequently used as the title of a specific public office. It is the masculine present participle of the verb stem αρχ-, meaning "to rule", derived from the same root as monarch and hierarchy.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @Jem777 @ESOTERICshade

Quarter ago

This says Caldeans numerology or its a commune in France << >>

argosciv ago

add the h, to get archon, though, France does keep popping up in today's research(and consistently throughout previous)

tip: Name abstractions require additional characters, removal of characters, re-arrangement of characters, phonetic breakdown, etc; Akon?

Quarter ago

I saw that, it popped up. did you see my comment on arcon?

argosciv ago

Yeah it's definitely something I'm gonna chase up, I have a strong feeling my current chain will connect back to "Acorn" and variants.

Quarter ago

im sure, they do the variant dancer alot. Did you see my comment further down the line where I say have you seen these jems? It about HBGary emails in wikileaks. I believe we are looking at a PIZZA initiation as it happens, after that happened they got a huge contract with the gov of usa

argosciv ago

Saw, haven't read yet.

On the other hand... this fucking broke my heart... this is beyond surreal now.

This email chain (the third email) suggests you may be on the right track. Might provide a possible method to get the DMT too.

argosciv ago

@jangles @srayzie @VictorSteinerDavion @Vindicator @darkknight111 - see parent: Acorn | Arcon | Archon | "ruler; see heirarchy/monarchy"

argosciv ago

Watched, thank you for posting, I was worried for a moment there.

argosciv ago

thanks, will watch in a mo'

ESOTERICshade ago

I been wondering what they do with all these Penguin pineal glands they ship? Dept. Of Food Science...State Department...hmmmm.....

UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 01 BUENOS 05632 012156Z 73 ACTION ST-01 INFO OCT-01 PASS-00 ADP-00 /002 W --------------------- 113406 R 011947Z AUG 73 FM AMEMBASSY BUENOS AIRES TO SECSTATE WASHDC 3067



jangles ago

I have been saying this for months

Dressage2 ago

You have brought it up repeatedly. Of course, it always gets deleted. They do not want us to get too close.

argosciv ago

What the fuck?!

Commoner ago

That is a good question.

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't know much about this subject, but someone told me once that being anally sodomized has something to do with the (calcification) pineal gland. I have no idea of the relation - but it was tied in through the third eye, Horus, Siva, etc.

carmencita ago

It has to do with MKUltra and using the sodomy to achieve maximum effect. When they open the third eye I guess that facilitates for MKUltra It is beyond disgusting. They have been getting away with this stuff for decades or even longer. This has got to be exposed. It must STOP.

Vindicator ago

Yes. This is a very heavlily pushed narrative by a particular user(s) fond of mythology who contribute nothing of solid value, refuse to respect the submission rules on the main board and never provide any solid support for any of their claims. It has been pushed in the context of every lead we've investigated. We have requested evidence be provided hundreds of times; none has ever been linked. Most serious investigators are convinced it's CTR trying to foul people's legit research with gibberish and hokum.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes. This is a very heavlily pushed narrative by a particular user(s) fond of mythology who contribute nothing of solid value, refuse to respect the submission rules on the main board and never provide any solid support for any of their claims.

Wrong, vindicator. The evidence is in the victim testimony. Physiology ascertains that the base of the spine is directly connected to the brain. Anything done to the spine directly affects the brain. After months of moderating this subverse you mods have learned very little.

ESOTERICshade ago

We have requested evidence be provided hundreds of times; none has ever been linked.

Show me "evidence", vindicator, that Comet Ping Pong is involved in child abuse. You can't, but, we all believe it anyway. We are sick and tired of the thought police using the word "evidence" to police our speech when there is very little "evidence" for any of this anyway.

ESOTERICshade ago

Most serious investigators are convinced it's CTR trying to foul people's legit research with gibberish and hokum.

You seem to be mostly by yourself on that one. Forcing satanic ritual victims to eat flesh has been documented nine ways to Sunday. It is certainly no stretch of the imagination to assume they might prefer certain body parts over others. You like dark or light meat chicken vindicator? People choose their chicken parts and i'm sure human flesh eaters do too.

Vindicator ago

Red herring, Esoteric. I said nothing about eating flesh. I was referring to the claims about the psychedelic high supposedly derived from doing so. Zero evidence has been provided that that is biochemically possible, despite repeated requests for it. The fact that this keeps being pushed -- without any factual support whatsoever -- undermines the reputation of those who are doing so.

ESOTERICshade ago

And for that matter, Vindicator, DMT has little or nothing to do with why I am sometimes interested in the Pineal gland. My interests is in genetics and why these people do what they do. I have tried to tell you mods before that it doesn't matter if we believe in some of this crazy shit or not. What matters is if satanists believe it. Do you consider anything they do rational? I don't. In order to understand their irrational ritualistic minds and actions one must understand the irrational. Its really pretty fucking simple.

ESOTERICshade ago

Vindicator, DMT has nothing to do with why I am interested in the genetic defects of Colobama.

Jem777 ago

If you are referring to me. I have provided evidence. Even more than that does eye witness, first person testimony to being sodomized in Tavistock and other MK Ultra programming centers mean anything to you. Would you like a victims video to be provided?

Vindicator ago

Jem777, you know very well I was referring specifically to the pharmaceutical claims about DMT and the pineal gland. No one has every provided links to any evidence showing this was medically, biochemically feasible. Just a lot of unsourced claims. Unsourced claims are just words; with nothing to back them up, they are not very helpful to this investigation. It has nothing to do with what I think, or how anyone feels about the terrible things that have happened to people. It has to do with being able to establish facts. It's amazing that you can't see or appreciate that simple reality and spill all these words here blaming mods instead. Why would someone who wanted to stop this shit do that?

Jem777 ago

I am not blaming all mods. Have you seen what is happening on v/pizzagate. It is disgusting what is being deleted. There are many victims and witnesses on this forum that are risking their lives. They have been silenced since they were children. They desperately want to tell their stories. The most detailed grotesque parts are now being brought to the surface. Those victims and witnesses have been trapped in silence and fear for years many since childhood. Millenial Falcon deleted them immediately stating sources. We are the sources the best sources some our personal testimony is so disturbing it has made people off themselves.

I am used to it from MF I realize he does not want the truth out.?It is not just me. We should cc you copies of PM where researches have fled. Two brand new Voaters that I personally know joined the v/pizzagate forum last week and gave personal testimony about being raised in acgeneratiinal Satanic bloodline and gave details of her story including names and citations to current pizzagate events such as Alefantis. It was gripping as she explained how scared she was too share. She named her own family and provided the geneology showing how the families inter marry and breed. Many people commented right away supporting her since she was scared. She attached geneology documents named institutions involved, etc.

Within moments Millineal Falcon deleted her post stating it was not Pizzagate related.,In the past few days alone I have had four posts deleted by Millenial Falcon that were chocked full of citations, evidence, and my own personal testimony.

These posts were not only confirmed in documents I recieved confirmation from actual insiders as I was and backed it up including me calling Mandalay Bay personally to get a recording of who owned and operated the floors of the shooter at great risk to myself. I was contacted by a relative involved who asked me to share the truth because they were terrified of being offed by hitmen for speaking.

I have had 5 long term Voaters contact me in PM stating not only their frustration but sadness that they finally were able to tell personal experience only to have Millenial Falcon delete it. I lost it with him when I provided a post with at leadtcsixcdirect links that had been confirmed in articles and reconfirmed with direct Voaters behind the scenes to scared to talk about it. When I included all of this that tied many threads together with personal eyewitness testimony Millenial Falcon deleted it and then in response in a PM told me to stop whining....

There are over 50 accounts that I as long as others have either quit or want to walk away. But we want children to stop being hurt.

The most heartbreaking pistcwas from a young woman who had been satanically abused by her own family in Monarch programming and Satanic rituals and she shared her story with citations. When M_F deleted her thread she was devestated. It had taken her a year of lurking before she felt safe enough to share the details of her story and name names.

When she was deleted she contacted me and was devestated not understanding who Milineal Falcon was or why he would do such a thing with his usual note. Rule 1,2 or 3 he chooses at will and told her this is not pizzagate related.,She was an actual trafficked victim in elite circles who had decided to go against her own family and with a stroke of a keyboard her words were gone. She said she would never talk again because it was what she always feared.

You realize their is a seperate sub set up for MF as a mod because he has abused his power with such intensity so many people have been hurt.

Last week he deleted almost everyone post I made as irrelevant as he did others and after reposting the same words in this thread they took off so much that I was notified I made the top 50 Voaters that had contributed the most significant and highest points.

I don't even care about that but it shows the point that the same exact posts were put into v/pizzagate then deleted because they weren't relevant then moved to pizzagatewhatever and recieved the highest Upvoat and comments to place me in top 59 in all of Voat...

This is not about you Vindicator ask all these posters who have been here from day one about how they are treated when they post actual real time lunkscthat will expose certain groups that MF does not want exposed.

Dressage2 ago

For some reason my whole fucking rant disappeared! I didn't even get to post! People can die over this, it is not a game and MF has no fucking right to delete someone's researched, cited work just because in his mind it is not relevant . We have lost great researchers over MF's bullshit deleting frenzy. We recently spoke of rule changes and numerous people said MF has to go not helping our cause. Yet, he is still here, why? Supposedly, the rules are to prevent shills from sliding the board, etc. Many of us have been here almost a year if not more. MF KNOWS WE ARE NOT SHILLS LOOK AT OUR POSTING HISTORY, yet he still deletes our hours of our research. People are risking their lives over this just to save a child. These pedos are not playing. This their livelihood we are trying to stop. They would sooner kill you. Life means nothing to them. They will kill you rather than going to prison or losing money. This deletion shit needs to stop. @jem777 @carmencita @jangles @sprayzie @blacksmith21

argosciv ago

hah, apparently I didn't get notified of your ping here(remember that only 5 pings per post actually get sent as notifications, presumably, the last 5 users pinged).

BTW I did not know you were only talking about DMT although that does not matter I trust @argosciv to flesh this out since he has hinted about "personal experience" and I want to learn.

I should probably clarify this one a bit, as it was very risky for me to even say such a thing. My experience does not involve abuse anywhere near the likes of what is regularly discussed re: pizzagate...

My life has, however, been a perfect storm(of sorts) of synchronicity, chaos, occasional trauma and intermittent corruption(including biological, psychological and even being literally poisoned a couple of times) mixed with consensual exposure to DMT and analogues thereof and some other concoctions I'm not too proud of...

Plus some other consensual stuff which I'm just plain not going to get into, in public discussion - I have a right to privacy also - plus, consenting adults; no harm no foul, except unto myself.

@jangles @Dressage2 @blacksmith21 @carmencita @Commoner

jangles ago

honorable narative. Thanks for being clear, shows a person of true integrity to say some of the things you said here.

Dressage2 ago

Thx for sharing

carmencita ago

You have passed the smell test with me :) I am not in any position to throw stones and am sure many others are not either.

argosciv ago

still, given the subject at hand, "personal experience", is very easy to misinterpret xD

ESOTERICshade ago

Would you like to know who sodomized Hitler into the club and which club that is?

I would love to know. I always wondered who sodomized Hitler into the cult.

Jem777 ago

You want to know who personally Hitler into the club...Ekert

@argosciv @ESOTERICshade @jangles @carmecita

You want to which "club" and who & where that occurred? Stay tuned...

Jem777 ago

@9217 and I wrote about this months ago.

@Dressage2 @commoner

argosciv ago

I'm working on that, pretty fucking close now, I think.


argosciv ago

Some are trying desperately to muddy the waters on this one, but, I ask that you offer at least myself the benefit of doubt, when I say that DMT is absolutely a valid element of the investigation(motive-wise), but, only up to a certain point - if the subject is mishandled, it can be spun in such a way that makes any attempt establish connections, seem disingenuous or to be laced with agenda.

Vindicator ago

Yes. Therefore, posting as many supporting links as possible from medical/scientific sources supporting any medical/scientific claims is crucial. :-)

darkknight111 ago

3rd email in the chain (mentions DMT and smoking people's pineal glands) is potential evidence that they're doing this for the very reason we suspect they are.

argosciv ago

thank you for your trust <3

mooteensy ago

MF is the biggest fucking shill. I am so sick of it.

Commoner ago

mf only wants posts on what mf considers to be 'pizzagate' . Of course if I were part of the deep state that is what I would prefer too. Let people limit the search to podesta and Hillary and ping pong pizza because all of that has already been scrubbed.

finska ago

How can we get rid of him as a moderator?

Commoner ago

Thanks for posting this. It is amazing how much the pineal gland looks like the eye of horus. So you know the brain and it have been a subjects of interest for many, many years.

MF is pretty biased in their thinking.