DarkMath ago

"I do not really follow either"

I'll catch you up. George Webb presented evidence the Deep State is harvesting organs from poor black people in inner cities all across America especially in Holman Square Chicago: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/oct/19/homan-square-chicago-police-disappeared-thousands

He also discovered evidence Hillary Clinton and Laura Silsby may have been exploiting the Haiti Earthquake to buy poor black children a child traffic them to Brownstone Operations the world over. And possibly steal the organs from the ugly ones. Minor detail.

And technically George Webb didn't uncover the fact George H.W. Bush & Co have been importing Crack Cocaine into inner city ghettos to make money of the suffering of poor black people but he sure has raised awareness of the fact Slavery never went away it just went underground.

And just for lulz I'll add in the Deep State and Hillary & Co are so intellectually superior that those poor black people they've even got them convinced Donald Trump is the problem. I got bad news for ya. Donald Trump isn't the problem. He's trying to stop the daily harvest of poor black people. Some day one of those poor black people will rise up and convince their black brothers and sisters that the Democratic Party is STILL to this day the party of Slavery. The Democratic Party wants to keep black "on the plantation". They been doing that for the past 150 years and poor black people still haven't woken up. Malcom X tried to wake black people up to the truth but he was murdered before his message took hold.



heygeorge ago

Ha! Figured as much. All of the criticism of kkww is how I ended up designer of PG. Was a smart move on their part to extend olive branch. I had PG blocked for awhile, but unblocked it recently. I get a good laugh or two every day when that one dude posts about it being fake and goads them.

heygeorge ago

I don't follow. I'm out of the loop on this whole Webb thing, too.