Fate0011 ago

I have ample information of all teams Vin. DM me. And get a flash ready. I don't want to be in a thread with M_F, I do NOT trust her. And don't want to speak about anything open around her.

AngB23 ago

Just seeing this and thanks. The attacks are heavy but they can kiss our asses. Fight back just as strong

ETA-don't waste ur down votes on them. And I know I have fought back, but wonder if just down right ignoring is better? Also...when they fight back REAL hard, dig even harder. It means we are close to something

abortionburger ago

Hey! Sorry, I've had a bit of ongoing personal stuff with an illness in the family, better to ping @sensitive or @vindicator unless you can see that i'm obviously active for a few days :)

MostPostersAreShills ago

I really dont know what to think of Army seer. From what I have seen he is most likely not a shill because he puts alot of effort into that shitty subforum that only he can post on. No shill would waste their time doing that because they wouldnt be paid to do that. Although I do find it odd that this board tries very hard to hide that video of John Podesta beating up the kid. Even ArmySeer tries to claim it to be false, and Vindicator along with other mods have repeatedly taken threads down which post the video instantly. Anytime I post that video with a new theory about it its taken down in under a minute. I wouldnt mind so much if there werent so many other shitty threads on the board being upvoted to the front page that arent taken down.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Hey Armyseer are you saying that Honey Bee might be a shill? Im interested in that theory if you can prove it.

MostPostersAreShills ago

The only legit post in this thread. Why the fuck would you be a shill if you literally have your own subforum and you post huge paraonoid threads that probably take up a lot of energy. I know that shills will only post if they get paid for it. Shills would not respond to personal messages because they wont get paid for these. I dont really agree with every single thing on your subforum from what I know of you I think you are not a shill.

Vindicator ago

Tagging @nomorepepperoni @OrwellKnew @cantsleepawink @9217 @palmitespo910 Heads up on new shill tactic! Please help with up/downvoats.

palmitespo910 ago

Thank you very much, Vin! I'll keep an eye out. Together we can downvoat them into submission. Maybe.

Vindicator ago

Also tagging @Fate0011 @privatepizza @johnlupus @rootingforredpillers @kestrel9 Heads up on new shill tactic -- please help with up/downvoats.

privatepizza ago

Thanks @Vindicator. Appreciate you giving us the heads up on what you're seeing. I'm on it ; )

kestrel9 ago

Okay got it...I hadn't read through the thread correctly, sorry.

Honeybee_ ago

Please keep me on patrol, if you need a hand on mending a shill attack, just tag me, I check voat daily and I have a lot of dedicated subs who are bullshit about the paid troll mayhem upon us, they will rush in to help I think.

Vindicator ago

This is awesome Honeybee. I usually get a rash of crap between 8pm to 11pm Pacific time...it usually starts to die off around 10:30pm. You could let your followers know we get a wave around that time if any are up and want to check in an downvoat nasty comments and upvoat legit users' threads and comments.

Honeybee_ ago

You got it

Honeybee_ ago

I've noticed a HUGE decline in activity and I post voat threads EVERYWHERE

YingYangMom ago

I noticed the division too. Some 3-4 month-old users are butting heads. Are the turn-180-degrees-around double-down-on-disinfo-and-trolling agents finally coming out?

nomorepepperoni ago

Well this explains all the toxic infighting of late. Youtube personalities who agree on PG butting heads also does us no favors.

This said, jumping to calling each other shills is also a problem. You don't agree with this lead or thing I said, so you must be a shill. No, maybe I just have a different opinion.

abortionburger ago

That's my theory. Sleeper shills posing as legitimate users and then turning on us to create a divide. If we're aware of it, it won't be as effective.

AngB23 ago

But the thing is, regardless of "Pizzagate" we ALL know Pedogate is REAL! humantrafficking is a $32 BILLION BIZ. Top three -weapons, drugs and Humantrafficking and I totally believe all three can not be done without some type of Gov corruption.

We need to stick together, fight the shills and keep digging. I'm still digging on this damn CGI/Hedge Fund stuff. So far, I found the Clinton Group, INC, CGI has a bunch of "Clinton" named funds like Clinton Relational Opportunity Master Fund, Cayman Islands and many more but can't find a smoking gun. Ive searched for last couple of day bcuz the push back was so hard on this. https://imgur.com/a/t6rQ2

abortionburger ago

Ooh that is interesting. Have you confirmed that these are run by THE Clintons?

AngB23 ago

Not yet unfortunately. But they were pushing so hard for the "full stop" I feel like something has to be there. If I'm wrong, I will say so. But these hedge funds are set up with so many layers, it's hard to find the info. CGI is initials for a LOT of companies. And I have a bad "ADD" habit of seeing something and going off on that search, then see something else and go to that so I have like 30 browsers open at any given time. Just so many things sound like it could be something. I do know in the Panama Papers had so much dirt on Clintons and Podesta ties to Russian banks that I get pissed they get away w/this stuff. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1940746/posts

I don't know how voat works very well, but is there a way to get like a private thread w/people we can trust to throw out info as we find it? Regardless if it pans out or not? I do throw stuff out at Gab.ai bcuz I know people there. I feel like if we throw info out, someone else might see a name or something that connects to their search if that makes sense. I'll keep searching in the mean time

abortionburger ago

There are a couple differenet riot chats (riot.im) that spitball ideas around, I'm on gab.ai too, what's your username?

AngB23 ago

AngB (I'm not very creative-LOL)

abortionburger ago


DarkMath ago

You don't think I'm a shill right?

abortionburger ago

No no. I was tagging you so you'd see this post.

DarkMath ago

Ah ok, that's what I thought. I had a bunch of people call me a shill yesterday. Yesterday was insane, it went on for hours. Hopefully someday when all these perps are in jail we'll find out what really happened.

I strongly suspect the Bush/Clinton Crime families have terrorized anyone down in DC who would oppose them. That's the only way I can reconcile the deafening silence within the perp stack.

I just made up that phrase "perp stack". It's the giant rat's nest of all the people wrapped up in this thing. I think it's all those "donors" to the Clinton Foundation and anyone working for the "donors".

They ain't donors, they're fellow conspirators and extortion victims all at the same time. I think it'll take years to unwind all the different threads of people involved.

abortionburger ago

Honestly at this point I'm feeling like no one is ever going to bust them. What can we do if literally every intelligence agency refuses to investigate? There has to be another plan of action.

DarkMath ago

Trump's team at the White House started taking depositions this week. There is an investigation. Many perps are going to jail.

abortionburger ago

Oh, I hadn't heard that! i'll hold out hope then.

DarkMath ago

George Webb mentioned it in one of his videos. It was from earlier this week, maybe Monday.