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cakeoflightylight ago

Here is a sample letter you can tweak as needed, this one is to send to a local city or whoever manages records for the city or county police department in your area. This could also be sent to the DC police.

Date To: Public Information Coordinator


City of ___

P.O. Box 12345

___, State Zip

FAX (210) 867-5309

[email protected]

RE: FOIA request from (your name here)

Dear Name:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I request that a copy of documents, electronic or otherwise, or recordings, video or audio files and all other things containing the following information be provided to me:

All information whether written or electronic, audio or visual files, or other media recordings pertaining to the following:

  1. A complete copy of all police reports, records, notes, logs, lists, and recordings electronic or otherwise, details regarding correspondence, or copies of actual correspondence in your possession which reference or pertain to any and all incidents within your jurisdiction involving a child abduction, an attempted abduction, or a child (or children) under the age of 19 being abused, assaulted, bullied, molested, raped, or murdered, dating back to any time within the last (month, year, etc.).

  2. The name(s) of the officer or officers responsible for handling the police reports for these incidents.

  3. The name of any agency case worker or case workers, and district attorneys or county attorneys or prosecutors to which you have reported the abuse, who are responsible for handling cases on the referenced incidents.

For the purposes of aiding in your processing of this Freedom of Information request, please include all incidents occurring within the past (month, year, etc.) Please provide redacted reports wherever un-redacted reports are not allowed by law.

In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am an individual seeking information for personal use and not for a commercial use. Therefore, I am requesting this information to be provided to me electronically if available, via email at the following email address: (insert your email address).

I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest is not primarily in my commercial interest.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Signature (if mailing or faxing)


Street Address

City, State Zip


email address