pizzaboss ago


The only thing that is shaky is your insistence on seeing only what you want to see regardless of what the evidence proves. The peers of the doctor did not agree with her findings when it went up for review. The anal injuries were not anything like the doctor had made them out to be in both her first and second examination and were most likely caused by constipation or the enema which the mother had given them for it. The constipation likely having been caused by Abraham's forcing a change of diet onto the children.

Or perhaps it was caused due to neglecting to ensure the children ate or drank enough, because the school were concerned about their well-being after finding them eating food from a bin at school because they were so hungry. Or how about the time the social services were called by a neighbor because the mother locked them out on the balcony in their nightwear for hours with no food or drink.

So are you saying that the cuts and bruises on the children were caused by the father 3 months ago and that neither the mother nor Abraham saw them in all that time?


No i suspect the cuts and bruises occured after they were taken into custody with the police.


Sorry, but I am not going to indulge this fantasy any further because no amount of actual proof or reasoning with actual real evidence and what was really said and not your twisted version of it will convince you.

I am sorry that you are so damaged (I assume from the abuse you yourself have suffered) that you are desperate to cling to any story because you want to believe it is true rather than what the evidence actually proves (which isn't Abraham's version of events in this case) and that you are so blinded in your desperation for this far-fetched and unbelievable story, where everybody else is 'in on it', to be the real version of events, to the point that you condone the real abuser of the kids - Abraham, and point blank refuse to see what he did. It would be cruel to let this continue here or elsewhere.

Please seek professional help and tell them exactly why you support a very real abuser of children.


Again, you come at me with line after line of horrible opinions. And of course you are done with me because you were never interested in talking to me, like you mentioned earlier, only to a general audience. Because you are a horrible person who likes to lump people out and treat them like trash. You want to suggest im just "one of them". And you want to suggest negitive things about me. And i can only assume its because you are paid advocate or something but no matter i will talk to you all day. Any more horrible opinions with no base it evidence? I am no expert in this case but you sure claim to be. Maybe you can give me a better education on hampstead.

waiting for response from norb

thicktail1730947 ago

I... don't understand this post...

pizzaboss ago

Ay EEAASTSIYYYDE construction clean up for life brah!