norobotono ago

The documented physical injuries were from the mother's boyfriend who spent the previous month torturing them in Morrocco. They could not possibly be from the father as they had not seen him for 3 months.

He beat them, kicked them, slapped them, held his hand over their mouths so they couldn't breath, made the boy partially deaf in one ear because he hit him so hard, made them knell while he poured water over them, repeatedly hit them with metal spoons (you can still see the bruises on the girl in the videos).

How about for once you address this very real abuse instead of ignoring it?

When will you supporters acknowledge that he was the only abuser of the children?

Care to comment on the child porn found on his phone? Or how about when he hospitalized the mother of his children or beat up one of his own for which he was cautioned. Or even drugging the children as the medical evidence showed.

The only amazing thing here is that not one of you people pushing this story will admit what he did was abuse. You actually campaign for the children to be let back into his company, and to the mother who chose him instead of her children. Let's not forget she allowed him to do all that to them.

pizzaboss ago

These sound like cover up claims with no evidence. Unless you have evidence, please stop trolling. And bruises are evidence that abuse is occuring, not who did the abuse.

norobotono ago

The children were in Morocco for a month prior with the mother and the mother's boyfriend. The boy reported that Abraham hit him so hard in the face that he had a black eye and was not allowed out anywhere in case somebody saw him. The girl still had the bruise on her forehead where he hit her with a metal spoon and the cut on her chin where he poked it so hard it cut her skin. Look at her on the video to confirm this.

ALL of the recorded cuts and bruises could only have been inflicted within the previous 2 weeks which means the father could not have done any of that as they had no contact with him for 3 months.

Stop supporting the person who DID abuse them. Stop supporting who the real abuser was here.

YOU are the one covering up what happened because you ignore all actual proof that Abraham did this to the kids and the medical report shows that. They never left his company for the month prior to returning to the UK and up until the police got involved.

As you are too lazy to look, here is a google search for your perusal...

They pretty much all state that a normal bruise should have gone by two weeks time. No doubt you will suspect the whole medical profession of being pedos because of this fact because they must be covering up that it was the father because the kids said so. (Ignoring the torture Abraham inflicted upon them during that month to make them say that).

There is no other way to explain those bruises however much you want to point the finger at someone else.

pizzaboss ago

Im lazy? Bitch u dont know me. Im no mothafucking christian and i aint no politically correct tard or an altright(what the FUCK u think that is) also fuck you. Ps I dont see theses bruises u r talking about In this confession. Personnally, i was convinced by the tellin body language and expressions with the confessions and retractions.

norobotono ago

I will not post the parts of the videos you can see the bruises on because it would be illegal to do so and I do not wish to inflict more fame and suffering to the children than has been done already but they are visibly there and also detailed in the medical reports, which you would have known if you had read them.

Call me all the names you want. It still doesn't change the fact that the children suffered physically and mentally at the hands of Abraham, but do carry on ignoring all of that in favour of more insults.

I'm glad you mentioned the retractions though because yes you can see how much happier the children were to tell someone what he did to them and that they would not have to see him again. No doubt you have no comments about how the children said they hated him and were sad their mother let him do all that to them.

pizzaboss ago

. you started the idiotic emotional name calling game with your "lazy" comment you fucking idiot. . your claims are so far unsubstantiated and im not going to research them because i dont work for you. Present me with your articles. . the tells are subjective but do a real survey and i suspect more people agree with me.

norobotono ago

Why bother? People like you ALWAYS ignore it anyway even when it is there in black and white (or black and blue in the case of the girl). All you can do is insult people who question this story and who point out that Abraham was the real abuser, and you ALWAYS ignore this fact.

You present nothing but his version without question and never read any of the documents or comment on the facts brought up by them. Pointing out that someone is lazy for not reading them is only stating a fact. You called me a troll for simply pointing out things you choose to ignore. You present nothing as evidence other than the videos which were made from torturing the children. Show the link to the medical report (which you should have if you read it) and we will discuss that.

Counting down the posts till you accuse me of being a pedo...

pizzaboss ago

Too long didnt read. STOP. TROLLING. ME.

norobotono ago

I imagine watching videos and giving links to them, rather than actually doing any real research into the claims is more up your street because TLDR just about sums up the supporters of this story. Much easier to question nothing, believe everything and never have to think about what was really done to those poor children.

Happy to leave you alone as I much prefer intelligent debate to accusations of trolling for simply not agreeing with you anyway.

pizzaboss ago

Care meter: [-_________] 1% . Debate videos??? I made no claims. I said EYES ON HAMPSTEAD like look at this. And you start in with you hunger for debate and engagement and word salad. I didnt accuse you of trolling at first i threatennto accuse you of troll at which point you went off bla bla trolling your ass off.

norobotono ago

I quote..

" pizzaboss [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.9 hours ago

These sound like cover up claims with no evidence. Unless you have evidence, please stop trolling. And bruises are evidence that abuse is occuring, not who did the abuse."

Yes, you asked people to look at it and those that actually have, in depth and not just the videos, came to the conclusion it was Abraham that abused the kids and that is backed up by the children, the medical evidence and lack of any proof of what hundreds of innocent people were accused of.

Why do you even bother to reply if you don't like what I say? If you are not prepared to discuss the evidence then it is you that is actually trolling an untrue story. Debate is what will sort the truth from the crap and most rational people have no problem debating. You do not debate, you insult and avoid the hard questions instead.

pizzaboss ago

Also why would they come out with a confession against the father and then be dragged away by the boyfriend and beated into confessing it was all the boyfriends fault. Is that what you are trying to tell me happen?

norobotono ago

They did not 'confess' anything until they were in Morocco where he tortured them into making the claims against the father. They admitted to lying because Abraham made them after the police had investigated some of their claims and driven them around to find the adress they were supposed to have gone to regularly with their father. The place they eventually showed the police looked nothing like their description.

A person (presumably the taxi driver) reported a man and child to the police as they were shocked by the treatment of the man towards the child and this is backed up by video which shows Abraham and the girl being driven to various locations where he was drilling into her a story which she had to get right.

They also searched the head teachers house and surprise surprise - there was no secret room behind the wardrobe. In fact it was just a plain old wardrobe.

After the police confronted the children with this information, the children then both admitted it was Abraham making them say it after he physically and mentally abused them in Morocco. They were greatly relieved that they would never see him again.

This you should already know and not need me to explain it to you. I do so for the benefit of others.

pizzaboss ago

I just want to be sure of what your cover story is. I dont want to have to report you to your handler for poorly promoting a cover up story.

norobotono ago

Why are you protecting Abraham who is a proven abuser? Still no comment on the child porn that was found on Abraham's phone?

Your only defense is insults and insinuations because the real evidence doesn't back up the fantasy version of events. Supporters of this story are so predictable in how they react to facts and anyone that questions the story.

pizzaboss ago

Sure. Heres a response, the police were thr major contributing party to the coverup and they planted evidence and couched the kids. Now where is your response to the medical report stating that injuries were also sexual and evidence of many years of abuse. So far all yout got is more cover-up opinions which you keep promoting like a broken record in a lame attempt to drown out the truth. Please reply in the new thread EYES ON HAMPSTEAD 2 as i am deleting this post as it got too crowded here.

norobotono ago

Sorry, but I am not going to indulge this fantasy any further because no amount of actual proof or reasoning with actual real evidence and what was really said and not your twisted version of it will convince you.

I am sorry that you are so damaged (I assume from the abuse you yourself have suffered) that you are desperate to cling to any story because you want to believe it is true rather than what the evidence actually proves (which isn't Abraham's version of events in this case) and that you are so blinded in your desperation for this far-fetched and unbelievable story, where everybody else is 'in on it', to be the real version of events, to the point that you condone the real abuser of the kids - Abraham, and point blank refuse to see what he did. It would be cruel to let this continue here or elsewhere.

Please seek professional help and tell them exactly why you support a very real abuser of children.

pizzaboss ago

Again, you come at me with line after line of horrible opinions. And of course you are done with me because you were never interested in talking to me, like you mentioned earlier, only to a general audience. Because you are a horrible person who likes to lump people out and treat them like trash. You want to suggest im just "one of them". And you want to suggest negitive things about me. And i can only assume its because you are paid advocate or something but no matter i will talk to you all day. Any more horrible opinions with no base it evidence? I am no expert in this case but you sure claim to be. Maybe you can give me a better education on hampstead.

pizzaboss ago

Ok get it. You are saying it went down like this. 1. Abe takes kids away for a month and beats /couches them into a crazy bizarro accusation of satanic cult cover up. To cover up the huge amount of sexually inflicted injuries and bruises he had inflicted during that month which were inflicted to cause them to tell a crazy lie targeting the father, school, church and businesses. .. And also when then police take custody of them, they make a very nervous retraction

pizzaboss ago

[They did not 'confess' anything until they were in Morocco where he tortured them into making the claims against the father. They admitted to lying because Abraham made them after the police had investigated some of their claims ] You saying 1. Abe took them, abused them mentally, physically, and giving them both extremely sexual injuries. And 2. That this happen AFTER the police investigated some of their claims. So you are saying they made claims against the father twice and then imediately after the second claim they retracted after hearing about wardrobe. Unless you are saying the first claims are the claims that Abe beat about AFTER the police investigated the claims. Either way your story seems p shakey. Anything else to add to it? Maybe theres an important comma or two missing from your statement so it makes more since.

norobotono ago

The only thing that is shaky is your insistence on seeing only what you want to see regardless of what the evidence proves. The peers of the doctor did not agree with her findings when it went up for review. The anal injuries were not anything like the doctor had made them out to be in both her first and second examination and were most likely caused by constipation or the enema which the mother had given them for it. The constipation likely having been caused by Abraham's forcing a change of diet onto the children.

Or perhaps it was caused due to neglecting to ensure the children ate or drank enough, because the school were concerned about their well-being after finding them eating food from a bin at school because they were so hungry. Or how about the time the social services were called by a neighbor because the mother locked them out on the balcony in their nightwear for hours with no food or drink.

So are you saying that the cuts and bruises on the children were caused by the father 3 months ago and that neither the mother nor Abraham saw them in all that time?

pizzaboss ago

No i suspect the cuts and bruises occured after they were taken into custody with the police. Please continue your campaign in this new post

norobotono ago

Despite the fact they are clearly visible on the video BEFORE they went to the police. You are truly delusional.

pizzaboss ago

Again just your opinion. You dont even site the video confession you are referring to. The one i submitted to this thread you said "oh i cant show you for legal reasons". Also i understand you just want everyone else to see your message but ive deleted this post, and these comments are buried at the bottom. So you are p much just talking to me now. Sup kid.

pizzaboss ago

These articles suggest some important details. 1. There is evidence of many years and extreme psychological and physical abuse. 2. The father had contact with them for many year the boyfriend did not. 3 the mother gave a detailed account of the fathers sexual abuse of the kids while he was with them.

pizzaboss ago

So far you claim a story. Great. And you privide evidence to support the claim that bruises go away. Great. Do you havr any more evidence for your other claims? Like maybe an detailed report of what you are talking about. Im not just going to starting googling hamstead kid bruises medical report.. If thats what you are trying to sell me on.. Maybe you can provide with the correct google material to point me in the right direction.

doubletake ago

Amazing accounts, and they want us to believe that the children had been told what to say? They were talking from a script? no way. And they had physical injuries backing their stories. Huge story. but somebody said "just another Satanic Panic" -- oh no, not one of those again... PG seems to be giving all these old cases new light.