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auralsects ago

imagine being such a sperg faggot with nothing better to do than "prove" (impossible) some internet posters are also other internet posters.

ES is a faggot too but at least he didn't delete a thread saying "Jewish bloodlines and Jewish ritual sacrifice have nothing to do with Pizzagate" when that's literally what pizzagate is LMAO

literally propeller-cap tier retards

Crensch ago

Imagine being so vile that laws would have to be enacted to prevent people from downvoting you.

Also, I hear George Webb is an attractive gentleman. Really, really attractive.

srayzie ago

Uh oh. Donkey...

‼️ Trigger Warning! ‼️


auralsects ago

lmao Im sure you know exactly how many "masculine alpha males" are here since we hear you DM and "flirt" with every single one, including me.

Dirty, dirty whore manages to bring drama to a forum documenting child sex abuse. You must be proud of yourself

For real though you save tons of screenshots, show one like u describe there.

You literally said "ur just jealous u cant gaslight women like him": you acknowledged that women are stupid AND that hes a lying kike in order to call me ugly with no evidence; thats not exactly a win LMAO! God damn you are so fucking dumb.

These situations are exactly why i defend you and know youre not some shill. No one can fake being as retarded as you actually are. Think about that.

Come to think of it people following the Webb videos was exactly like Q, LOL

srayzie ago

lmao Im sure you know exactly how many "masculine alpha males" are here since we hear you DM and "flirt" with every single one, including me.

Dirty, dirty whore manages to bring drama to a forum documenting child sex abuse. You must be proud of yourself

You must get your info from GothamWhore

@Crensch @Shizy @Think-

think- ago

Look how delusional he is. He thinks you bitching about him meant flirting. Final proof he is a masochist! LMAO

srayzie ago

He wishes 😂 I wouldn’t touch him with @Shizy’s hands 🤢

Shizy ago

Ewww! No thanks! I don't like moobs on men! 😂

srayzie ago


think- ago
