Vindicator ago

@PoeticJunction: Why are you citing this deleted post as evidence against @Millennial_Falcon? It is evidence he was doing his (thankless) job. You provided no links supporting your claims. Stop wasting people's time. The community established to rules requiring linked sources to prevent bullshit like this. Show some respect for v/pizzagate users.

TheGeneSequencer ago

It's sickening what you are doing.

Vindicator ago

This is your only comment on Voat? In a year?

PoeticJunction ago

Pizzagate DEEP LEVEL GENETIC CONSPIRACY submitted by TheGeneSequencer to pizzagate

TheGeneSequencer 1 points (+1|-0) 1 year ago

You are not worthy to judge me.

permalink I will be your president submitted by TrueAlienBlood to AskVoat

TheGeneSequencer 0 points (+0|-0) 1 year ago


permalink o- Blood and migration of ancients submitted by EyeSkyPi to whatever

TheGeneSequencer 0 points (+0|-0) 4 months ago



Vindicator ago

Clearly, you should keep your day job.

PoeticJunction ago

Meaning what exactly?

Vindicator ago

You suck at trolling.

PoeticJunction ago

You suck at being a human being.

srayzie ago

You post ridiculous things here constantly. You don’t care about pizzagate. Go post on Reddit about Stephen Paddock.

TheGeneSequencer ago

You are a total creep @srazyie

Seriously creepy dude.

HotelCalifornia ago

Srayzie spends every day on the pizza gate sub attacking people but contributing nothing to changing laws, or doing anything constructive to bring awareness. More interested in talking shit about people.

srayzie ago

Thanks Sarah