oftotc ago

Dudes and Dudesses, I never thanked you for this. Wish I would have screencapped this morning though. You folks are great! Stay cool :-)

Crensch ago



@oftotc It's taken care of. Thank you for letting us know, good citizen!

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Awesome sauce, thanks for the help and props to @oftotc for being an upstanding citizen

VictorSteinerDavion ago

imma need a bit more than a screenshot to understand what your point is.

For instance, I have a reddit account (different but related user name) but that account is not a moderator on reddit - just an inactive troll account.
Does that disqualify me from moderation here? Or is there some other threshold required to auto trigger voat moderator removal?

If you've found a shill mod on the pizzagate moderation team please include the details in a /v/pizzagatemods post so the community can know about and discuss the issue openly
Which you've already done here - I just need more info than the screenshot, so adding to this post is fine too

Just for reference to any one unclear about /v/pizzagate comment moderation standing orders,

Comment deletions are a universal don't unless it meets the criteria of:

  • Violation of Voat site policy
  • Spam/Copy Paste content that has already been posted at least once in the same thread
  • Spam/Copy Paste content that is being made in many threads and is unrelated to the post

Meaning, unless it's one of the above a comment should not be deleted.