So, a friend who has dabbled in Hollywood was surprised to hear the type of things Chrissy Teigen said in her tweets, they said "that's strange because everyone says how nice she is.... she constantly has her child's nursery friends over for playdates!" 👀
@spudsuds is right. - Would require API and help inside. - Nobody deletes that many tweets without help. - Not in that amount of time, and not without people noticing. - That bitch is toast. - Stigma is attached. And - that thing is a fucking Tranny.
It just looks like a Thai lady-boy type thing. - shoulder dimensions, - just google her and examine photos without makeup. - Cheeks look artificial, neck looks strange as well. - Not 100% sure of it, but my spidey-sense is tingling.
Posted automatically (#121498) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@darkknight111: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Vindicator)
Teigen and her husband are involved with the fake charity Elysium. The Art of Elysium gives no money to needy children. All its money goes into arts programs for actors. It has charity status and pays no income tax. Its founders are Jennifer Howell and James Franco. Elysium features a Baphomet and a pentagram in its logo.
She claims she deleted 60k tweets. That's how often she wrote out her pedo thoughts. Oh no but "anon detectives" are evil because, why? We want people to be accountable for the things they say about children? They want us to be accountable for slavery from 300 years ago, but they don't want to have to answer for the vocal support of child s e x slavery or at the very least, child objectification. That is just as disgusting.
It's much more disgusting honestly. We're not accountable for the sins of our ancestors, and many of them died to end the practice of forced labor. These people on the other hand, are accountable for their words and obsessions with sexual abuse of the young and innocent.
"But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man." Mat. 15:18
I dont understand how she could be that stupid. I mean, I can believe she’s dumb as fuck but John Legend is smart and has a brand to protect and didn’t stop her knowing how incriminating these tweets were?
The black and white checkerboard pattern of the fur coat could point to Luciferian signalling. Beyond that, there's something kind of chilling in the eyes. So, it's not just you...
Tranny Chrissy Teigen said the best place she/he had public sex was at an Obama event, and her husband inadvertently confirmed. There's a video of this interview out there.
One time at a family get-together we all had a few grossed-out laughs speculating on what each other would taste like if the shit hits the fan and we have to eat our dead.
deleting 28k tweets would require API access and someone on the inside helping, hahaha. you can't just delete twenty-eight-thousand tweets one morning lmao. thats deleting a tweet every 3 seconds for 24 hours.
You can get an api key easy. I had a raspi tweet my room and computer temps for a while on the hour. There are twitter manager websites and apps that can do all sorts of bulk actions as well. It's pretty open platform wise, just not so much on the speech side.
If Chrissy Teigen deletes tweets it takes 3 seconds to delete a tweet, and she has 15 laptops running scripts... how long does it take to delete 6.000.000. tweets? ;)
She & John Legend are/were very vocal about denying and demeaning Pizzagate and its researchers. Her tweets, words, actions, and proximity to other suspected pedo celebs are very suspicious if you can read the 'communications'. Teigen seems too stupid to keep up the ruse and is almost eager to give it away at times. IMO she is a very weak link in their 'community'.
Yeah, Kappy made some sweeping generalizations and he was on something a lot of the time. He wasn't an expert he just stumbled on to something over at Seth Green's place, something Seth told him about and where. We have people on here that know a lot more than Kappy ever did. Don't get me wrong glad he became a face for exposing all this but he was not the insider people want to think, unless that was an insider with Seth Green and Paris Jackson. He wanted victims of Ritual Abuse to come forward and tell him but how was he going to protect them?? This is serious shit by the way, the people that do this. Many are murdered once they come out or start to remember their programming and trauma abuse. I don't thin he was in any shape to protect them from that
“He called me ugly as a child and then asked me if I wanted to have sex with him," she wrote in a string of tweets. "My dad fondled himself in front of me so many times that I started recording him on my phone in hopes of catching him."
You don't have any, obviously, but some of us have paid more attention than you have, so maybe try and listen and learn, instead of trying to give her an immediate hot-chick-pussy-pass like the beta cuck that you are sounding like.
Absolutely none, but, I do recall seeing her and/or John Legend in the Epstein flight logs. Currently going through them again to confirm and also building a special side project because I'm sick of having to scroll up and down the logs repeatedly lol.
Having gone through the logs, up and down, again, I can't actually find her or John Legend there.
I could swear I've seen at least Legend's name in there before, but missed it on this pass. I'll be going back through them again over the next several days as part of a project so I may end up coming across the entry again. At this time though, I have to say they're not confirmed to be in the logs (unless someone else knows which page to look at and can provide said page).
In the article you'll see a hyperlink "published today for the first time", it's a pdf though (but otherwise served via documentcloud), so y'know, pdf warning and all that.
I've found a few sources, including the above, which tried to use document readers to do it but they mostly come out an absolute mess. Earlier though, I looked up the reference on the cover page and found a very well typed out version presumably from the courts:
When we did that big dig on the Laybournes and Nickelodeon, there were links to a searchable version of the flight logs. They actually released newer pages than the Gawker release as part of the lawsuits against Epstein. I think last year? @argosciv
Only ones I've heard of were the drastically watered down Dershowitz-provided ones (he is seriously suspect as fuck), and the David Rogers ones which also have some inconsistencies with the Dershowitz ones.
If there's another set out there, verified to be real, I'd love to see them.
Also found this interesting pg piece. One of our better researchers created a CSV version of the logs. Dershowitz' name is misspelled in the title of the submission, so it didn't pop up until I searched for "Epstein pilot"
I've been working on a mostly-portable website using the Rogers logs, which has objectives such as:
Sidebar links to the gawker release and above-linked well-typed pdf. [done]
Independent screenshots of each page from the official documents (as provided by gawker). [done]
Chronological page sorting (gawker pages are out of order and even have at least 2 duplicates, much to my annoyance).
Database of confirmed names and links to each page they're found on.
Compendium of debunking/notes of false/unconfirmed accusations of a flight log presence such as those levied against Chrissy Teigen (whether or not there's other reasons to be suspicious of her is irrelevant, demonstrably false accusations should not be clung to just because you don't like/trust someone), Jim Carrey and any others I may find.
Side note: Per the above pg post by @anonOpenPress, there are a couple of hits for names which match the initials "AP" in the Rogers logs, I can't remember what they are off the top of my head but I'll make a note to get back to you next time I see them.
Side note: Per the above pg post by @anonOpenPress, there are a couple of hits for names which match the initials "AP" in the Rodgers logs, I can't remember what they are off the top of my head but I'll make a note to get back to you next time I see them.
Mystery solved.
Initials AP almost certainly refer to Epstein's private chef: Adam Perry Lang (Adam PerryLang).
Also listed simply as "Adam".
"Adam" never appears in the same entry as "AP".
"Adam Perry Lang" never appears in the same entry as "AP".
"AP" does appear in the same entry as "Alberto Pinto".
Entries containing "Adam", "Adam Perry Lang" and "AP" predate the first appearance of "Alberto Pinto".
"AP" appears frequently enough to be consistent with Epstein regularly traveling with his private chef.
Side note: Per the above pg post by @anonOpenPress, there are a couple of hits for names which match the initials "AP" in the Rodgers logs, I can't remember what they are off the top of my head but I'll make a note to get back to you next time I see them.
Alberto Pinto, pages 41 and 42 (so far) of the Rodgers logs as provided by Gawker.
It's coming along nicely. It'll mostly be a personal-use thing though, unless I decide to actually host it online or provide the code and database for someone else to.
I'd like to hand the final product over to the authorities for their convenience too, but that may be a pipedream... who knows.
Currently in the process of fleshing out some functionality like the page displays and admin panel (used for registering pages, people, notables, etc).
All I can think of when I see this is, is Trump's tweet from 2012; "Gotta do something about all these pedophiles snatching up children. Fast trial, death penalty."
Did you even read them? What kind of context are you imagining here? There is none that would make much of any difference for these comments individually let alone THIS MANY instances. And all taken together, she's evidencing a clear obsession.
"But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man." Mat. 15:18
Holy shit that video is fucking cancer. I havent watched any tv in years. Couldnt even make it to the halfway point. Who is this cunt we're talking about anyway?
Mel already had fuck-you-hollywood money and fame before making Passion.
The name Jim Caviezel is not one I am familiar with. I don't pay much attention to the who's-who of celebrities.
I've read somewhere that the grip on Hollywood has gotten stronger in recent decades. Mel got into acting/directing back in the day. If someone younger and with Mel's talents tried to get into acting/directing nowadays, I think they wouldn't be able to. Not without first doing some terrible deeds (blackmail).
WOW in shock, never saw this. Did you @darkknight111@carmencita I feel sick as now I’m picturing our girls, H and J. In fact, its helped me to see H, J in the eyes that those sick perverts see them. Now I’m going to throw up.
Was T Hnx in this video and got edited out?
WOW. I got questions! What else did Kappy have on camera or audio recordings.
Yes. 3 little girls running around moving stuff in bathing suits. Room looked like the one in the movie Taken, where they were auctioning off his daughter.
I don’t have a link, not that I would keep that one.
elephantdoesntforget ago
Was involved in film and music industry. These people are notorious.
Popad ago
But the NSA has everything...right?
MilitaryTribunals ago
Thats too bad she did all that work. I read a tweet with a link that the Library of Congress archived all public tweets from 2006 to 2016.
Terraeri1 ago
So, a friend who has dabbled in Hollywood was surprised to hear the type of things Chrissy Teigen said in her tweets, they said "that's strange because everyone says how nice she is.... she constantly has her child's nursery friends over for playdates!" 👀
Piscina ago
Why hasn't Target dropped her, when she's a proven bully:
tech-adm ago
Yet she is till on Twitter because...attention Whore.
darkknight111 ago
The “baby porn star” tweet got found by James Woods.
Bradox ago
Where are all of the tweets that were deleted? They were all over the front page, and now I can't find them at all
anotherdream ago
@spudsuds is right. - Would require API and help inside. - Nobody deletes that many tweets without help. - Not in that amount of time, and not without people noticing. - That bitch is toast. - Stigma is attached. And - that thing is a fucking Tranny.
Joe10jo ago
I’m beginning to see it but help me out... what do you see that most convinces you that she’s a tranny?
anotherdream ago
It just looks like a Thai lady-boy type thing. - shoulder dimensions, - just google her and examine photos without makeup. - Cheeks look artificial, neck looks strange as well. - Not 100% sure of it, but my spidey-sense is tingling.
FingerMcGee ago
He's a nigger and she's a nigger lover !
FingerMcGee ago
I'll torment her for being a nigger lover !
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Vindicator.
Posted automatically (#121498) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@darkknight111: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Vindicator)
TheWitnessOfCacti ago
I read a few before they were deleted. High on pink I think.
Piscina ago
Teigen and her husband are involved with the fake charity Elysium. The Art of Elysium gives no money to needy children. All its money goes into arts programs for actors. It has charity status and pays no income tax. Its founders are Jennifer Howell and James Franco. Elysium features a Baphomet and a pentagram in its logo.
21yearsofdigging ago
Franco, that guy is def. a satanist creep. As bad as Jared Leto who I worked with CREEPS!!
Vindicator ago
Now would be a good time to do a fresh submission about Elysium, rounding up past research. :-)
Tiessa ago
Can’t stand that burger faced gremlin.
ketoll ago
I still don't know who the fuck she even is. Too lazy to Google it.
Deplorablejohn ago
She is still satan's spawn with deleted twitts or not!
slowcrash101 ago
You can't delete anything, the internet is forever.
thislionsheart ago
I can tell by the skin tone and texture of Cannon and Teigen that they eat babies because their skin is so childlike and smooth
millennial_vulcan ago
I think that’s the Injectables, tbh. Botox whores.
thislionsheart ago
I don't.
FingerMcGee ago
All niggers do that, ever hear "Black don't crack" ? Because they all eat babies !
Empirella ago
It's all the natural oils in their skin from never washing it. Ever.
thislionsheart ago
juschippinyababe ago
Twitter is protecting her shit hard right now
Floppyhorsecock ago
That bitches face literally looks like a catcher's mitt
RedBullTrooper ago
No idea who she is.
tokui ago
She's just trolling pg faggots.
Dailytacs ago
She claims she deleted 60k tweets. That's how often she wrote out her pedo thoughts. Oh no but "anon detectives" are evil because, why? We want people to be accountable for the things they say about children? They want us to be accountable for slavery from 300 years ago, but they don't want to have to answer for the vocal support of child s e x slavery or at the very least, child objectification. That is just as disgusting.
Angelis_Solaris ago
It's much more disgusting honestly. We're not accountable for the sins of our ancestors, and many of them died to end the practice of forced labor. These people on the other hand, are accountable for their words and obsessions with sexual abuse of the young and innocent.
"But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man." Mat. 15:18
millennial_vulcan ago
I dont understand how she could be that stupid. I mean, I can believe she’s dumb as fuck but John Legend is smart and has a brand to protect and didn’t stop her knowing how incriminating these tweets were?
Joe10jo ago
“They never thought she’d lose.”
CheeBooga ago
oy vey its anudda shoah!!!
apple-bag ago
maybe I'm suffering from Pareidolia but her fur jacket in her thumb nail looks like a demonic face
eucalyptus_spearmint ago
The black and white checkerboard pattern of the fur coat could point to Luciferian signalling. Beyond that, there's something kind of chilling in the eyes. So, it's not just you...
juschippinyababe ago
Panda eyes symbology?
darkknight111 ago
I saw a face too. Took a while though.
Could be a cognition thing. Probably due to the way the fur was parted.
TheManyHands ago
It's a man.
reason247 ago
I want them all pushed off a cliff... With a bulldozer. Can we arrange that somehow?
TheManyHands ago
Tranny Chrissy Teigen said the best place she/he had public sex was at an Obama event, and her husband inadvertently confirmed. There's a video of this interview out there.
millennial_vulcan ago
He literally looks like Webster. Gross.
yewotm8 ago
PsychoticBreak ago
One time at a family get-together we all had a few grossed-out laughs speculating on what each other would taste like if the shit hits the fan and we have to eat our dead.
Nojoke ago
She’ll be next on the arrest and execution list
lovely1 ago
People nees to leave her alone on twittee. We look nuts. Court is for guilt dwtermination.
Qd4Action ago
Cabbage patch face.
fuckyourownface ago
Garbage pail face
millennial_vulcan ago
JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago
So what we're really seeing here is... the DS's useful idiots never got a memo saying "tread lightly" with the Qanon thing.
They are leaving them in the dark. There's no way they'd have them shake a hornet's nest unless they just simply didn't tell them.
Qd4Action ago
Nice work! I think this bitch is the most overrated, wonky-faced whore that is objectified and glamorized in Hollywood...and that's saying a lot.
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
cancel culture is a bitch eh
CaptHamPlanet ago
Chrissy Teigen is a product of a sex-pat father and low classed Thai jungle hoe. She was probably abused as a child by her creepy dad.
millennial_vulcan ago
This makes a lot of sense. Thank you Captain Ham.
Rahav ago
Word is out; she really likes pizza. Too late to hide it. She's sick!
spudsuds ago
deleting 28k tweets would require API access and someone on the inside helping, hahaha. you can't just delete twenty-eight-thousand tweets one morning lmao. thats deleting a tweet every 3 seconds for 24 hours.
IslamicStatePatriot ago
You can get an api key easy. I had a raspi tweet my room and computer temps for a while on the hour. There are twitter manager websites and apps that can do all sorts of bulk actions as well. It's pretty open platform wise, just not so much on the speech side.
Floppyhorsecock ago
There are browser add ons that auto delete for you
spudsuds ago
Oh yeah. Well look at that hahahaha
MightyQuinn72 ago
Celebs and twitter work hand in hand. Therefore not difficult to delete 100000 tweets in a day.
squidicuz ago
6 million tweets a day.
fuckyourownface ago
Oy vey, flashbacks of da shoah
Sympozium ago
If Chrissy Teigen deletes tweets it takes 3 seconds to delete a tweet, and she has 15 laptops running scripts... how long does it take to delete 6.000.000. tweets? ;)
fuspezza ago
Tweet deletion was an inside job
RockmanRaiden ago
Lol @ the normie celebrity worship in the responses defending her.
In_Cog_Nito ago
Chinese bots? Mossad? JIDF?
Polic3Stat3 ago
She & John Legend are/were very vocal about denying and demeaning Pizzagate and its researchers. Her tweets, words, actions, and proximity to other suspected pedo celebs are very suspicious if you can read the 'communications'. Teigen seems too stupid to keep up the ruse and is almost eager to give it away at times. IMO she is a very weak link in their 'community'.
un1ty ago
Isn't John Legend the plasticine looking jogger that was voted "Sexiest Man" or some shit?
Yep. Gross. Dude is prob some F2M tranny and Tiegen is a M2F. So they work great.
petevoat ago
Thr bitch is losing her mind on twitter!
bingo-bango-bongo ago
Is this the stupid bint that kept making the stupid tweets about "pizza"?
darkknight111 ago
Including the whole being covered in ranch dressing.
bingo-bango-bongo ago
fucking gross.
un1ty ago
Just spam her with "you look great for M2F transition - amazing job!" over and over. In MineCraft.
millennial_vulcan ago
Roughpatch ago
Jar baby!
3141592653 ago
What evidence do we have that she is guilty of anything?
Roughpatch ago
Yeah all that is perfectly normal.
3141592653 ago
I'm totally not saying its normal.
juschippinyababe ago
Get out of here faggot, put a shotgun in your mouth too. Be somebody.
3141592653 ago
Im not defending her
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
using pedo code
3141592653 ago
I agree. Just need something more concrete to actually call someone a pedo
A_Punkass_Bitch ago
disagree. speak in pedo code, get the rope
JastheMace ago
Kappy named her as one of the sickos he saw abusing children.
3141592653 ago
Any links? Thx
3141592653 ago
Are you sure he said he saw bee abusing children?
21yearsofdigging ago
Yeah, Kappy made some sweeping generalizations and he was on something a lot of the time. He wasn't an expert he just stumbled on to something over at Seth Green's place, something Seth told him about and where. We have people on here that know a lot more than Kappy ever did. Don't get me wrong glad he became a face for exposing all this but he was not the insider people want to think, unless that was an insider with Seth Green and Paris Jackson. He wanted victims of Ritual Abuse to come forward and tell him but how was he going to protect them?? This is serious shit by the way, the people that do this. Many are murdered once they come out or start to remember their programming and trauma abuse. I don't thin he was in any shape to protect them from that
3141592653 ago
I agree. I'm just unsure if he ever even said he saw her abusing kids.
millennial_vulcan ago
Amanda Bynes days are numbered.
3141592653 ago
Why do you say that?
millennial_vulcan ago
3141592653 ago
millennial_vulcan ago
“My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me”
— amanda bynes (@amandabynes) October 10, 2014
“He called me ugly as a child and then asked me if I wanted to have sex with him," she wrote in a string of tweets. "My dad fondled himself in front of me so many times that I started recording him on my phone in hopes of catching him."
3141592653 ago
Thanks. Its hard to believe she wabsn't telling the truth about being abused
ADaniels ago
You don't have any, obviously, but some of us have paid more attention than you have, so maybe try and listen and learn, instead of trying to give her an immediate hot-chick-pussy-pass like the beta cuck that you are sounding like.
argosciv ago
Absolutely none, but, I do recall seeing her and/or John Legend in the Epstein flight logs. Currently going through them again to confirm and also building a special side project because I'm sick of having to scroll up and down the logs repeatedly lol.
3141592653 ago
Same, i just know she wad supposedly on the flight logs
argosciv ago
Having gone through the logs, up and down, again, I can't actually find her or John Legend there.
I could swear I've seen at least Legend's name in there before, but missed it on this pass. I'll be going back through them again over the next several days as part of a project so I may end up coming across the entry again. At this time though, I have to say they're not confirmed to be in the logs (unless someone else knows which page to look at and can provide said page).
@darkknight111 @Vindicator @MolochHunter
3141592653 ago
Thanks. I saw them on a list alleged to be the flight logs, but im having a hard time knowing which list is real. ??
argosciv ago
That list is utter garbage anyway and falsely posits that Jim Carrey is on the flight logs, when in actuality, it's a Jim Kenney. But of course, that won't stop people spreading it.
3141592653 ago
Thx. Where can i see the real logs?
argosciv ago
In the article you'll see a hyperlink "published today for the first time", it's a pdf though (but otherwise served via documentcloud), so y'know, pdf warning and all that.
3141592653 ago
Appreciate it
argosciv ago
That's been quite a battle for many.
I've found a few sources, including the above, which tried to use document readers to do it but they mostly come out an absolute mess. Earlier though, I looked up the reference on the cover page and found a very well typed out version presumably from the courts:
It still has some errors, but damn if it isn't a hell of a lot better than other attempts.
@Vindicator @kestrel9 @Mercurysball2 @darkknight111 @MolochHunter
MercurysBall2 ago
That woman deserves everything she gets with her countless getting her "pedo on" tweets.
3141592653 ago
Great. Thx
Vindicator ago
When we did that big dig on the Laybournes and Nickelodeon, there were links to a searchable version of the flight logs. They actually released newer pages than the Gawker release as part of the lawsuits against Epstein. I think last year? @argosciv
argosciv ago
Only ones I've heard of were the drastically watered down Dershowitz-provided ones (he is seriously suspect as fuck), and the David Rogers ones which also have some inconsistencies with the Dershowitz ones.
If there's another set out there, verified to be real, I'd love to see them.
Vindicator ago
Just did some SearchVoating and you are correct.
Here is the 2015 Daily Mail article where I got the "newly released" list from: It links to the Gawker story: which links to the document cloud pdf:
3141592653 ago
argosciv ago
Thanks for following up.
I've been working on a mostly-portable website using the Rogers logs, which has objectives such as:
Side note: Per the above pg post by @anonOpenPress, there are a couple of hits for names which match the initials "AP" in the Rogers logs, I can't remember what they are off the top of my head but I'll make a note to get back to you next time I see them.
argosciv ago
Mystery solved.
Initials AP almost certainly refer to Epstein's private chef: Adam Perry Lang (Adam PerryLang).
Vindicator ago
Thanks for analyzing that.
argosciv ago
argosciv ago
Alberto Pinto, pages 41 and 42 (so far) of the Rodgers logs as provided by Gawker.
With sister, Linda Pinto, also on page 41.
Vindicator ago
Wow! Can't wait to see this. What a great investment of your time. This will be really useful!
It bothers me to see the screencap that's been going around with the supposed list of Epstein fliers. So easy to slip BS into something like that.
argosciv ago
It's coming along nicely. It'll mostly be a personal-use thing though, unless I decide to actually host it online or provide the code and database for someone else to.
I'd like to hand the final product over to the authorities for their convenience too, but that may be a pipedream... who knows.
Currently in the process of fleshing out some functionality like the page displays and admin panel (used for registering pages, people, notables, etc).
Vindicator ago
Thanks for checking on this.
juschippinyababe ago
Stop using the word supposedly like a limp wristed faggot, she and legend ARE on the flight logs.
3141592653 ago
argosciv ago
What page is it?
argosciv ago
Had to put my search on hold, found something else very damning:
3141592653 ago
Thx. Will check this out
70times7 ago
/hits you with a constitution.
darkknight111 ago
Behaviour like her’s in LE terms would definetely qualify under “probable cause”.
Probable cause is allowed under the 4th amendment (even specified as the prime exception in terms of search/seizure).
70times7 ago
Has nothing to do with what you said.
Helena73 ago
Oh my god this girl is making me work! So much material.
Wise2TheLies ago
All I can think of when I see this is, is Trump's tweet from 2012; "Gotta do something about all these pedophiles snatching up children. Fast trial, death penalty."
StrawberryWuffle ago
Oh disgusting! I think I'm going to vomit... this thing is a blight on our planet.
3141592653 ago
The third one.. It sounds like she is saying he was funny up until he said that...
Helena73 ago
As I said some of these may be comments out of context. But she has a really effed up sense of humor.
Angelis_Solaris ago
Did you even read them? What kind of context are you imagining here? There is none that would make much of any difference for these comments individually let alone THIS MANY instances. And all taken together, she's evidencing a clear obsession.
"But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man." Mat. 15:18
3141592653 ago
For sure. It is very fucked up
elephantdoesntforget ago
Nah, she and John Legend are 100% involved.
3141592653 ago
How do u know?
TheManyHands ago
This should get pinned.
neg ago
The cleanest and best pleasure thing is a reference to an episode of to catch a predator... one of the predators says that
Helena73 ago
Some of these are ambiguous and could be taken out of context. Some of them are, at best, the sign of a sick sense of humor, at worst....?
Angelis_Solaris ago
There's nothing ambiguous about these
PoliceICE ago
No way these can’t be real
Micheal84 ago
Where's that video where she's begging for money?
wipeyournose ago
i hope she gets what's coming to her
CoverGirl ago
Its a bigfoot tranny. Trannies get plastic surgery.
CoverGirl ago
She??? HA
Tuftedtitmouse ago
There is a video where she asks an uber driver if he has or ever would eat human meat. When he says no, she is like 'whhhyyt noooottt?!"
KLDB ago
Christians prefer their cannibalism to be symbolic.
Tuftedtitmouse ago
Well, Catholics believe that the cracker magically becomes the actual flesh of Jesus. Totally fucked up.
fuckyourownface ago
Angelis_Solaris ago
CoverGirl ago
She?? Excuse me?
smoss ago
Yup, go to 15sec
Mind_Games ago
15 seconds of what video ?
smoss ago
Ol_Hickery ago
Holy shit that video is fucking cancer. I havent watched any tv in years. Couldnt even make it to the halfway point. Who is this cunt we're talking about anyway?
Mind_Games ago
No one of any particular importance.
Just another pop culture mind controller
Kristov ago
Gonna be a really tough call on this on.
Arkancide or just normal trans statistic.
LiliYael ago
I read that Kappy mentioned her being either a pedo or satanist yesterday
CoverGirl ago
You dont get famous in this world by following Jesus. Fyi.
GoodGodKirk ago
Mel Gibson would like a word with you. Passion of the Christ gave him fuck-you-hollywood money.
albeit ago
Braveheart and The Patriot come to mind.
GoodGodKirk ago
Jim Caviezel wasn’t famous until he played Jesus.
Do you really think that Mel only started following Jesus after making that movie?
albeit ago
No and that wasn't my point.
Mel already had fuck-you-hollywood money and fame before making Passion.
The name Jim Caviezel is not one I am familiar with. I don't pay much attention to the who's-who of celebrities.
I've read somewhere that the grip on Hollywood has gotten stronger in recent decades. Mel got into acting/directing back in the day. If someone younger and with Mel's talents tried to get into acting/directing nowadays, I think they wouldn't be able to. Not without first doing some terrible deeds (blackmail).
horatioherbert ago
Fame is not a virtue
CoverGirl ago
Im saying all famous people are satanist pedos and also trannies
beefartist ago
Kappy dead, nigguh
LiliYael ago
I know 😢. His videos were so long, that I didn’t really realize all the names he mentioned. If anything, his “suicide” makes his accusations more real
Roughpatch ago
He's not dead..
GoodGodKirk ago
Then why did his dead man’s switch activate?
millennial_vulcan ago
I remember reading about that. Something to do with Tom ‘rhymes with Franks’?
Was there a video released or something?
GoodGodKirk ago
Nvm, easily found online.
millennial_vulcan ago
Saw your other comment down thread about Kappy. Had you seen this video GoodGodKirk has posted? Apparently Kappy ‘suicide’ switch..
21yearsofdigging ago
Couldn't find it,have you got a link??
millennial_vulcan ago
It’s in this thread :) See the poster above me.
millennial_vulcan ago
Thank you GGK!
WOW in shock, never saw this. Did you @darkknight111 @carmencita I feel sick as now I’m picturing our girls, H and J. In fact, its helped me to see H, J in the eyes that those sick perverts see them. Now I’m going to throw up.
Was T Hnx in this video and got edited out?
WOW. I got questions! What else did Kappy have on camera or audio recordings.
darkknight111 ago
Just did and it makes me want to tear Pedowood’s throats out with my teeth.
millennial_vulcan ago
Me too, my friend :(
GoodGodKirk ago
Yes. 3 little girls running around moving stuff in bathing suits. Room looked like the one in the movie Taken, where they were auctioning off his daughter.
I don’t have a link, not that I would keep that one.
Roughpatch ago
Source for dead man switch...?
GoodGodKirk ago
Roughpatch ago
I wanted a video last week here, I know it was kappy, seemed like current events. I was surprised..don't know about a dead man switch though.
LiliYael ago
Roughpatch ago
What is that? A box with an x?
LiliYael ago
My bad :(
indr4 ago
It’s a hand-over-mouth emoji on mobile
beefartist ago
They don't make anything real....if you don't have evidence who cares?
Blacksmith21 ago
The jig is up.
tankingwrong ago
The news is out.
Can_of_something ago
They finally found her.
Thereunto ago
That renegade had it made.
RogueWaveofGoats ago
Retrieved for a bounty? (I'm a little weak on Styx lyrics)
InyourfaceNancyGrace ago
The pedophile
Thought she had style
But fuck her and her sounder
Ralemlol ago
Holy fucking reddit.
InyourfaceNancyGrace ago
What you sayin bud, you don't like Styx?
Nah I was actually a bit ashamed to take part in that myself. Slow day at work.
spudsuds ago
yeah dont do anything this gay ever again
kestrel9 ago
Well aren't you Miss America
LaserTagg ago
Lol great ending.
derram ago :
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