3.3 Years Ago on v/pizzagate:
Investigators like @9217 have grown suspicious of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ( NCMEC ) and information has been provided that appears to connect John Podesta to the Brian Podesta at the NCMEC, leading to widespread censorship and account deletions on Twitter. @DonaldWashington 's excellent submission breaks down the network of the International Center for Missing and Exploited Chidren (ICMEC). Included in the post is a group photo of the ICMEC Board of Directors from 2014 with name tags attached to all but one person. It's just another oversight or 'coincidence' I guess, but just exactly who is that? Well, it's none other than Patty Wetterling. Besides being a board member of the ICMEC, Patty is also the Chairperson of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ( NCMEC ) that has been connected to James Alefantis and Laura Silsby. Her biography is remarkable and replete with an incredible number of coincidences that have placed her at the center of the child abduction and exploitation world, since birth. Patty was born in Omaha, Nebraska, home of the Franklin Cover Up, and grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota, raising 4 kids with her husband, Jerry. She was thrust into the national spotlightYouTube in October of 1989 when her 11 year old son Jacob was abducted. Four months later, Patty and Jerry set up a foundation in Jacob's name and Patty became the leading advocate for legislation that would produce the National Sex Offender Registry in 1994. ( interesting trivia: In 2004, she mounted a failed attempt for her Congressional district with none other than Illinois State Senator, Barrack Obama, contributing to her campaign.)
Jacob's disappearance and the subsequent actions and statements by his parents are both problematic. On October 22, 1989, the night of his abduction, Jacob was accompanied by his brother and a friend, and they were returning home on their bicycles from the local convenience store after renting a video when a man drove up, got out of his vehicle and stopped them at gunpoint. He asked the ages of all three boys and when Jacob answered '11', he was taken. The other two boys were told to run and not look back or they would be shot. You can get all the details here, but two items are huge red flags. Jacob was specifically targeted and the age question by the abductor clearly indicates that. And if he was targeted, the abductor was tipped off that he would find 3 boys on bikes on the road to the video store and he was to take the 11 year old. Who were the only persons who knew the boys were on that road and who told the kidnapper Jacob's age?
The show 'A Current Affair' interviewed Patty and Jerry and that interview contained many signs of deception and I found both of them entirely unconvincingYouTube: Awkward choices of words like Terry being 'amazed' that his son was missing, lack of tears and grief, head shaking, eye rolling and lack of contact. Additionally, the framing of Jacob's abduction by the MSM mirrored the concepts of hope, forgiveness and community. Another huge part of the case ( since ignored ) involves the discovery a large volume of child porn later found in the house of a known sex offender who had died. Within his sickening cook books on cannibalism and torture/sex videos were films of Jacob Wetterling taken prior to his abduction. Let that sink in for a moment.
Jacob remained missing for 27 years with no hard leads or suspects. That was until last September when police arrested Danny Heinrich on child pornography charges, also an original suspect in Jacob's abduction. Out of the blue and without coercion, he confessed to Jacob's murder and led police to a body. The timing of the confession and the deal made with police in avoiding all prosecution for Jacob's kidnapping and murder are extremely dubious and suspicious. Why would he choose that moment after nearly 30 years of silence and how could police get so lucky in solving one of the biggest child abduction mysteries in history?
Youtuber and ritualistic child abuse survivor David Shurter, by random chance was asked about Jacob Wetterling on a radio showYouTube TWO WEEKS prior to Heinrich's arrest and subsequent confession. Shurter is certain that his own father is actually responsible for Jacob's abduction and spells out his case in convincing detail. He is adamant that his on-air statements about his father's role in Jacob's abduction and Heinrich's confession are directly connectedYouTube. He feels strongly that the remarkable timing of Heinrich's confession was tied to the election, and so do I. But the election was not the only factor. The confession was desperately needed bury the relationship between Patty Wetterling, ICMEC, NCMEC, and the Podesta emails.
Joe10jo ago
Wow! I’ve kept up with the Wetterling case and am absolutely blown away at the allegations. Never in a million years did it occur to me that the parents could’ve been involved. Holy Cow!