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MercurysBall2 ago Henry Louis Gates Jr, Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director and Susan Rice _ Obama Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony

MercurysBall2 ago (L-R) Buddy Fletcher, Bo Fowlkes, Jonathan Capehart and Darren Walker attend Cocktail Party Celebrating Jonathan Capehart's Appointment as Senior Vice President at Hill & Knowlton USA at The Home of Darren Walker on February 15, 2005 in New York City

Darren Walker, 2013- The most dangerous man in America. [archived:]

Before being named the president, Walker was vice president for foundation initiatives at the Rockefeller Foundation and a social justice warrior as a chief operating officer of the Abyssinian Development Corporation, a leading community organization in Harlem. He is a lawyer and as an investment banker.

He is a board member of the Arcus Foundation.

He is a board member of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Walker is a board member of the Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies.

After law school, he moved to New York and worked in Wallstreet. A member of the Ford family invited Walker to a benefit dinner for the Children’s Storefront School, a private tuition-free elementary school in Harlem. .. he finally left ADC for the Rockefeller Foundation in 2002... “Rockefeller presented me with a unique opportunity, and that was the chance to head up the national urban program there. It allowed me to work nationally on things I was working on locally. It allowed me to bring my local experience to the national stage,” he says.

In 2010, Walker received a call from then-Ford Foundation President Luis Ubiñas, and shortly after that, he became Ford’s Vice President for Education, Creativity, and Free Expression. .. Walker led nine foundations, many with ties to Michigan – including Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. What you see in Detroit is not an accident, but a well-planned system by Ford. Foundation which will be Nation-wide implemented if the people don’t know who their real enemies are.

Walker is openly gay. His partner is David Beitzel.

In a statement about Soros’s Open Society Foundation, Walker says:

“There is no foundation in the world, including the Ford Foundation, that has had more impact around the world than the Open Society Foundations in the last two decades, Because there is no part of the world that they have not been. Their footprint is deeper, wider and more impactful than any other social justice foundation in the world.”

.In an extensive article about Planned Parenthood, I named Darren Walker and published his picture as one of the major donors to Planned Parenthood. T..

..According to the Ford Foundation website:

“In 2017, Agnes Gund partnered with the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller to create an Art for Justice Fund, which provides “vital new resources to organizations working to address mass incarceration.”

..Walker is aggressively active in fulfilling the United Nations plot to create Smart Cities. Or we may say the United Nation is aggressively active to fulfill Walker’s smart city project. He was the moderator of the October 6, 2009’s Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program and hosted an event and panel discussion focused on creating sustainable global cities. The program highlighted metropolitan models for managing climate change while restoring national economies and advancing opportunities for low-income populations. Brookings President Strobe Talbott, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and UN-HABITAT Executive Director Anna Tibaijuka, and Metropolitan Policy Director Bruce Katz opened the event. Lisa Heinzerling, associate administrator for the Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) presented the administration’s goals on climate change and sustainability. Darren Walker moderated a discussion with U.S. and international leaders on how federal and national policies can empower comprehensive local climate change and sustainability plans.

MercurysBall2 ago

Re Arcus Foundation... posts:

Seems they're dedicated to two very odd things at once: Gay social justice (SJW's essentially), and the conservation of great apes.

Founder is Jon Striker and one of the higher ups is Kevin Jennings.

Relevance to Pizzagate: Kevin Jennings (someone with connections to Nambla thus certainly a pedophile) alone makes this foundation suspicious.

darkknight111 ago

Enty confirmed /pol’a digs regarding Maxwell’s reddit account were on target on Friday.

MercurysBall2 ago


Citco, also known as the Citco Group of Companies and the Curaçao International Trust Co., is a privately owned global hedge fund administrator headquartered in the British Virgin Islands, founded in 1948.[2][3][4][5] It is the world's largest hedge fund administrator, managing over $1 trillion in assets under administration.

In 1965, the Sandoz Family Foundation made a substantial equity investment in Citco.. In 2010, Citco purchased the trust company operation of Wells Fargo in the Cayman Islands

In 2013, three Louisiana retirement systems that had invested $100 million in a hedge fund promising high returns with low risk sued Citco, which administered the deal.[19] The suit alleged that Citco told pension trustees that their investment was gaining value while that was not true, as Citco misled the investors as to the true value of the investment's assets

..Investors in Fairfield Greenwich Group, the biggest operator of “feeder funds” for Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff, brought suit against Citco in the case of Anwar v. Fairfield Greenwich, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, before Judge Shira Scheindlin.

Sandoz Family Foundation

The foundation was created by sculptor Édouard-Marcel Sandoz, son of Édouard Constant Sandoz, founder in 1866 of the Basel-based company Sandoz, now Novartis.[1] Its purpose is to engage in charitable activities in various fields of education and training, higher education and research, as well as in cultural and social activities.

The foundation operates mainly in Switzerland in several fields, including support and encouragement of artistic culture with the Edouard and Maurice Sandoz Foundation (FEMS), and economically in the watchmaking sector with the support of Parmigiani Fleurier and Vaucher Manufacture in Fleurier,[1] as well as in the hotel business with six hotels: one in Neuchâtel, one in Zermatt and four in Lausanne, including the Beau-Rivage Palace in Lausanne, the Lausanne Palace and the Château d'Ouchy.

Related : The Sackler Family.......MK-ULTRA......And Jeffrey Epstein.....

@Swordfish69 previously linked the Sackler Family (Manufacturers of Oxy-Contin) to Ghislaine Maxwell's charity..

Endorsements came from members of several billionaire families, including: .... Sir Richard Branson, David De Rothschild, Francesca von Habsburg, Shepard Fairey, Lord Peter Mandelson, Nick Pritzker, Leon Koffler, Jonathan Soros, Jacqueline and Mortimer Sackler (Purdue Pharma), Richard Rockefeller, Barry Diller.

The Sacklers trained at Creedmoor State Hospital outside New York City under Johann van Ophuijsen, M.D... They were seeking the physiological causes of insanity, particularly schizophrenia. Their experiments revealed that electric shock therapy, which sometimes aids in the recovery from this type of insanity, released histamine, a hormonelike substance, into the blood stream of the patient...

The Sacklers worked for Creedmoor alongside Lauretta Bender, a leading NY Child Electro-Shock Therapist who began dosing kids with LSD for the CIA.. In 1960, Dr. Bender launched her first experiments with LSD and children. They were conducted within the Children’s Unit, Creedmoor State Hospital in Queens, New York. The LSD she used was supplied by Dr. Rudolph P. Bircher of the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company. (Dr. Bircher also provided Bender with UML-491, also a Sandoz-produced product, very much like LSD but sometimes “dreamier” in effect and longer lasting.) Her initial group of young subjects consisted of 14 children diagnosed schizophrenic, all under the age of 11. (Because diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia, autism, and other disorders have changed over the decades, one cannot assess what actual conditions these children really had.) There were 11 boys and three girls, ranging in age from six to ten years old.

Truthseeker3000 ago

So where Barry Diller is mentioned as being one of the billionaire donors, you can add in the Von Furstenberg family. Alex Von Furstenberg, Dianes son, is heavily invested in the Child Mind Institute himself. Not to forget he also has a weakness for young models.

MercurysBall2 ago

A Grand Hedge Fund Conspiracy: Fletcher Asset Management and Citco – Part II

Yesterday I described the ill-fated investment made by Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) and three Louisiana public pension plans into hedge funds managed by Alphonse Fletcher. I also outlined the master-feeder fund structure that governed these investments.

Everything that can go wrong in an investment went wrong immediately after the pensions invested with Fletcher. First, the values of existing securities in the master fund were vastly overvalued. Second, the investments were subject to far more leverage than the investors bargained for. Some of the leverage was applied in the master fund (margin loans), some was buried in the feeder funds, and yet more leverage was contained in special purpose vehicles (SPVs).

SPVs are subsidiary legal entities set up to house specific assets and liabilities in order to protect lenders from bankruptcy. These entities afford lenders greater protection from bankruptcy than if they lent directly to a fund or corporation. They also can be used to hide liabilities. You may recall that Enron made heavy use of SPVs in the 1990s, and many Wall Street banks used these entities to house mortgage exposure before the credit crisis. Fletcher and Citgo hid a great deal from its investors using SPVs.

Finally, the proceeds from MBTA’s and Louisiana’s capital contributions almost immediately flowed out of the funds in order to enrich Citco, a senior executive at Citco, Mr. Fletcher, and several of his associates. In other words, very little of MBTA’s or Louisiana’s money went into the investment strategies marketed by Fletcher.

Citco is a well-known administrator of hedge funds. As the administrator, they were supposed to set the value of the fund after receiving reports from the manager. Investors in Fletcher’s funds thought Citco was involved in the process based on the offering memorandum. However, in its agreement with Fletcher, Citco limited its involvement to administrative matters. Fletcher valued the fund; a clear conflict of interest. Quantal, a risk management consultant, assisted Fletcher even though it had no experience in valuing the illiquid securities held in the Fletcher Funds. In addition, Quantal’s president became a director of one of Fletcher’s improperly acquired businesses, Richfield Financial (see below).

In order to get the Louisiana pensions to invest, Citco and Fletcher created an SPV called Corsair. Corsair was supposed to absorb losses if the fund didn’t earn the 12% preferred return and enjoy the gains above 18%. Most of Corsair’s assets were in the form of a loan from RBS. When the credit crisis hit, RBS called the loan, resulting in a crisis for Fletcher. Instead of notifying Louisiana as required by its legal documents, Fletcher covered up the problem, arranged to repay RBS, and created $160 million in fictitious notes.

The story gets even stranger. Mr. Fletcher acquired Citco’s hedge fund of fund business, using his investors’ capital to finance the transaction. The company, Richfield Financial, was falling apart just as it was being acquired. Again, the pension clients had no idea that their capital was going toward the acquisition of a business for Citco’s and Fletcher’s benefit. In addition, the founder of Richfield, who was also a senior manager of Citco, was allowed to make an investment in one of the Fletcher funds at a valuation that allowed him to draw millions of dollars out of the fund.

It’s bad enough that a money manager violated his fiduciary duty to his clients. Having the fund administrator in on the impropriety is even worse, especially as Citco continues to hold itself out as global leader in fund administration and valuation.[1] Moreover, the accountants and lawyers who created and blessed this byzantine structure and the banks who financed it, gladly took their fees and either participated in the deception or conveniently averted their eyes as Fletcher and Citco went about defrauding their investors.

There is much more to this story, as Fletcher and Citco created many other SPVs and made investments that were not part of Fletcher’s stated investment strategy. The dollars involved in this fraud are small in comparison to the Madoff or Stanford scandals. However, the scope is breathtaking.

MercurysBall2 ago

Richcourt Funds et al v. Citco Group Ltd. et al: Complaint(1)

Complaint in Corinne Ball, as Chapter 11 Trustee of Soundview Elite Ltd., Soundview Premium, Ltd., Soundview Star Ltd., Elite Designated Premium Designated and Star Designated, and John Ayres and Matthew Wright, as Joint Liquidators of America Alternative Investments Inc., Optima Absolute Return Fund Ltd., Richcourt Allweather B Inc., Richcourt Allweather Fund Inc., Richcourt Composite Inc. and Richcourt Euro Strategies Inc. v. Citco Group Limited, Ermanno Unternaehrer, Soundview Capital Management Ltd., Richcourt Capital Management Ltd., Citco Fund Services (Cayman Islands) Limited, Citco Fund Services (Europe) B.V., Citco Global Custody (NA) N.V., Citco Banking Corporation N.V., Citco Trading Inc., Richcourt Holding Inc., CFS Company Ltd., CFS Corporation Ltd., Christopher G. Smeets, Robert A. Voges, Alphonse Fletcher, Jr., Fletcher Asset Management, Inc., Fletcher International, Inc., George Ladner, Enrico Laddaga, Gabriele Magris, Yves Bloch, Denis Kiely, Stewart Turner, Gerti Muho, and Floyd Saunders at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.