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heygeorge ago

From the article claiming investigators ruled out electricity:

mostly shallow at 3 1/2 feet deep, a portion of the pool was 7 feet deep

So the post starts off with a falsehood. And so far the corroborating evidence of a tie to elite pedophilia consists of twitter links. Not looking promising.

And... here is the first linked tweet


Screen record this thing immediately. I am VERY drunk right now but think i just broke something big about that drownings in Jersey. Orrrrr i just wasted 3 hours of my life!

Circulate this cause My account may get zapped for this.

Ok, so some drunk guy, I see some videos...

A Reply:

Nisha Patel has DECADES of experience in her field..but the Nisha Patel who drowned is only 33. I don't believe it is the same person

Ok, let’s look into that Nisha Patel.

That was easy. Wow. That’s a lot of experience for a 33yo. She’d have been approx 21 when Obama was inaugurated!? And she has two decades of experience. So the 33yo began her career at 13?

Holy shit, did you vet this at all? Vindy, what is going on with you lately?


Vindicator ago

Holy shit, did you vet this at all? Vindy, what is going on with you lately?

A better question: what's going on with you?

Three minutes after posting you try to debunk, eh? While you were hovering over everything I post, waiting to pounce and criticize, you failed to notice I was in the middle of writing the thing. If you watched his short videos, the whole point was him vetting whether the mom was actually connected to Gates. In the second one, he states she wasn't. I wrote the headline based on what I recalled, then sketched a draft submission with the urls to each of the tweets, so the TweetSave bot would archive them. I hit submit, so I wouldn't lose my work, then went back to vet and archive the possible pizzagate Arkancide connection before that was scrubbed. THEN I went back to the beginning to add some summaries of the beginning tweets of the thread and realized I'd mischaracterised his work on the Gates connection. By that time it was too late to edit my submission headline, which was wrong. So I deleted the whole thing -- only to find that you felt the need to deploy a little ProtectVoat smear action.

For the record:

[>Posts in v/pizzagate by @heygeorge

None found, 0.182 secs](

Did Kev make you the v/pizzagate developer so you could fuck with our CSS? Or are you actually one of his sockpuppets?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did Kev make you the v/pizzagate developer so you could fuck with our CSS? Or are you actually one of his sockpuppets?

Always with the accusations, whenever you disagree with anyone. Is this what RCC teaches now days? You're prolly confusing him with your girl SARSie. Provably more her speed.

For the record:

Posts in v/pizzagate by @heygeorge

None found, 0.182 secs


The v/pizzagate owner says you have to make submissions before you're allowed to have an opinion, Or allowed to tell him he fucked up. YOU DID U Know.

Too bad you've never bothered to read the comments in all the posts of the past. Or you'd know that @heygeorge has been commenting in this sub, from the beginning. Guess it just ain't good enough. Sorry Georgie.

@MadWorld @think-