heygeorge ago

From the article claiming investigators ruled out electricity:

mostly shallow at 3 1/2 feet deep, a portion of the pool was 7 feet deep

So the post starts off with a falsehood. And so far the corroborating evidence of a tie to elite pedophilia consists of twitter links. Not looking promising.

And... here is the first linked tweet


Screen record this thing immediately. I am VERY drunk right now but think i just broke something big about that drownings in Jersey. Orrrrr i just wasted 3 hours of my life!

Circulate this cause My account may get zapped for this.

Ok, so some drunk guy, I see some videos...

A Reply:

Nisha Patel has DECADES of experience in her field..but the Nisha Patel who drowned is only 33. I don't believe it is the same person

Ok, let’s look into that Nisha Patel.


That was easy. Wow. That’s a lot of experience for a 33yo. She’d have been approx 21 when Obama was inaugurated!? And she has two decades of experience. So the 33yo began her career at 13?

Holy shit, did you vet this at all? Vindy, what is going on with you lately?


MolochHunter ago

ur such an obvious pedo, heygeorge

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ur such an obvious paid shill and disinformation agent. Why don't you fuck off back to your Qtarded Picaninnies. - https://archive.is/0Z5OD - God Damned Foreign Fucking Racist.

Oh, and quit whorshiping our fucked up politicians, and fix your own fucking country. U Fame Whoring, Unfunny, Dipshit.

@heygeorge @MadWorld @Vindicator @think-

MolochHunter ago

lol you think that old link 'owns' me

my use of the word picanninnie was in description of THEIR attitudes towards blacks, not mine

and whats with the pings ? cant handle fights on your own ?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

vin and crunchy taught me that.

In case you haven't noticed, I ping my enemies as well as those who have an interest in this PG post. I want them all to know.

What's with you cramming DJTs cock down American boomer throat? Don't you have some Royals you should be sucking off, right now?

MolochHunter ago

whats with you trying to fuck Donkeyhote / Analinsects ?

eeeeeww , bitch thats some nasty shit

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What's with you sucking fagos cock? Homo

MolochHunter ago

i dont even know what 'fagos' means, is that ancient greek or something

I mean wow bitch, Analinsects is a guy that openly declares that children deserve, enjoy and ask to be raped, and there you were telling him how tight your pussy was, and that youd crack your legs open for him

I mean just wow bitch

with that in your history, maybe you should have come at me using one of your cumrag sock puppet accounts, dontchu think ?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hahaha. Says the dude having sub-sex with more than one woman on Voat. You should learn to be more discrete.

So now you're just gonna take @Don-Keyhote's place in the sub? cuz he's much funnier than you could ever be.

Start accusing me of whatever your porn filled mind can think of. Jews RCC and muzzies do that, a lot. Have at it, then at least the women will have a good lesson as to why you guys who are addicted to porn are not really men. Unfit

Well at least i know you're just like your friends.


Why do you, as a foreigner, feel you have a right to tell Americans who to vote for?

Shouldn't you be eliminating Royals somewhere?

@vindicator @MadWorld @think- @heygeorge

MolochHunter ago

I know it really bugs you that an Australian can be a better patriot to your nation than you are, but its water off my back that it makes you all resentful and pissy

and im perfectly proud of the flirtatious connection I had with @think- , she's a sweet lady who is well intentioned.

Unlike a guy who openly advocates child rape, good lord woman what on earth possessed you ?

dont think i didnt keep the receipt of you offering up yourself to him

you want me to drop it?

just say the word

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I voted for DJT. DID YOU???

because i voted for him, i have a God Given Right to question him, and all other elected officials. You need to fix your own Penal Country, then maybe you can worry about mine. You have no say, and your opinion doesn't matter.

and im perfectly proud of the flirtatious connection I had with @think- , she's a sweet lady who is well intentioned.

Funny, she never said a word to me. Unlike you, she has discretion. I've heard about you from other sources.

My kindness to Donqi mostly started when I realized that pernicious lying cunt SARSie was making alts to fuck with him. Help yourself with whatever attack floats your porn filled fantasy boat. I don't hide my kindness.

But you're still a kiss and tell porn addict

Why are you so damned indiscreet?

Must be a 'liberal thing'.

@heygeorge @vindicator @MadWorld

MadWorld ago

Not sure why I am been pinged into this, and a number of other threads, considering that I am irrelevant to the conversation and that I have very little desire to interact with the SBBH users for the most part.

As for President Donald J. Trump, I will continue to vote for him. I have my faith in him, for doing what he promised, though certain goals may not be achievable within the desired timeframe.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Mostly I ping you because you haven't told me to stop. But if you'd like me to, it's not a problem.

The other reason is that my enemies ping you. And I'm not afraid of anyone knowing what I'm saying. I would ping more people, but I do not want to brigade with downvotes. You and george are the only two who care about PG, and don't seem to downvote brigade anyone, unless you actually disagree with them. I know it pisses off vin, but I didn't mean to anger you. I sent DM awhile back, asking if you'd like me to stop. It might have gotten lost, i know you're busy.

As for DJT, I think the only way you get politicians to carry out their campaign promises, is to hold a pitchfork to their throats, and calmly remind them, that which has been given, can also be taken away. In a heartbeat. Just by not voting.

I'm getting too old to not see on of his cousins tried and executed for treason, crimes against humanity. And i want it, Yesterday. damnit

Vindicator ago

Holy shit, did you vet this at all? Vindy, what is going on with you lately?

A better question: what's going on with you?

Three minutes after posting you try to debunk, eh? While you were hovering over everything I post, waiting to pounce and criticize, you failed to notice I was in the middle of writing the thing. If you watched his short videos, the whole point was him vetting whether the mom was actually connected to Gates. In the second one, he states she wasn't. I wrote the headline based on what I recalled, then sketched a draft submission with the urls to each of the tweets, so the TweetSave bot would archive them. I hit submit, so I wouldn't lose my work, then went back to vet and archive the possible pizzagate Arkancide connection before that was scrubbed. THEN I went back to the beginning to add some summaries of the beginning tweets of the thread and realized I'd mischaracterised his work on the Gates connection. By that time it was too late to edit my submission headline, which was wrong. So I deleted the whole thing -- only to find that you felt the need to deploy a little ProtectVoat smear action.

For the record:

[>Posts in v/pizzagate by @heygeorge

None found, 0.182 secs](https://searchvoat.co/?s=pizzagate&u=heygeorge&b=on&nsfw=on&o=on)

Did Kev make you the v/pizzagate developer so you could fuck with our CSS? Or are you actually one of his sockpuppets?

heygeorge ago

you were hovering over everything I post,

Lol, no, I browse all/new and thought interesting, if true. Then as soon as I saw the submission, it reeked of low quality/effort than the average v/GreatAwakening submission. And, to top it off, disinfo pusher/powerbottomuser rikki6 shows up to chime in.

As for the middle part, which I skimmed, it sounds like this post is a fit for v/pizzagatewhatever. As we know, the reason that was set up was to have a place for speculation and a place for what is concrete.

KKWW put me in as designer, which you clearly know as owners/moderators have access to that information.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @madworld look at the bizarre smear attempt.

Vindy, it is really sad to witness you firsthand gaslighting and inventing smear attempts. I genuinely believed you in the past, and had been extending that courtesy.

I am glad to hear you came to your senses and deleted the submission, although it is really still troubling to see it posted (and flaired) in the first place. I find it hard to believe you’d have deleted it without there being a check.

Vindicator ago

as soon as I saw the submission, it reeked of low quality/effort

Oh really? In what way?

As for the middle part, which I skimmed, it sounds like this post is a fit for v/pizzagatewhatever. As we know, the reason that was set up was to have a place for speculation and a place for what is concrete.

Mmm. So the part where the dead grandfather runs a charity that is a Clinton Foundation partner is something you want to bury in pgwhatever, huh? It's a good thing you're not in charge of this sub, isn't it!

KKWW put me in as designer, which you clearly know as owners/moderators have access to that information.

Untrue, as you also well know. Once someone is removed from the mod team, that information disappears. And when I removed you, I didn't think to check who modded you, or screencap it, because I wasn't yet convinced you had ill intent toward this sub.

But let me get this straight: you're saying Kev had nothing to do with putting you on the mod team.

Vindy, it is really sad to witness you firsthand gaslighting and inventing smear attempts. I genuinely believed you in the past, and had been extending that courtesy.

"Gaslighting". "Inventing smear attempts." Right.

Here's a protip: You might want to put down the EsotericShade script. It makes you look really, really bad to anyone who has actually helped build this subverse.

I am glad to hear you came to your senses and deleted the submission, although it is really still troubling to see it posted (and flaired) in the first place. I find it hard to believe you’d have deleted it without there being a check.

I deleted it as soon as I realized I'd gotten one of the facts wrong. I was in a hurry to get it up on the board for digging and the key elements archived before I had to go to work.

I find it hard to believe a genuine Goat would be "troubled" by efforts to get all hands on deck investigating a children's charity tied to the Clinton Foundation, whose leader just drowned in three feet of water.

heygeorge ago

The submission reeked of low quality due to a large amount of twitter links by the same person.

I don’t believe the middle part of your comment, which I replied to, mentioned anything you are mentioning. Funny about you bringing up your ‘authority’ in the sub. I didn’t bring it up.

Your next line of bullshit, I only skimmed, but it seems peculiar that (for years) you never even noted who modded me in the first place. Aren’t you a researcher?

It looks like what follows is another smear to cover up your own failings. Then it seems with you ending with a plea about being genuine.

Getting ‘all hands on deck’ to promote bullshit is not what this subverse is supposed to be about. There are a great many Voat subverses out there. The creator’s intent for v/pizzagate was to make it a haven for facts.

The reason for that is very clear: bullshit speculative material only helps the naysayers and further only helps the elite pedos.

You’ve lost your way. The old Vindy might’ve simply made a comment about their admitted mistake instead of wasting time on drama and finger pointing.

Circling back a bit: You are accusing me of invention when that’s precisely your behavior. We’re not perfect people. It’s just a message board. Truth is more important than speculation here. You don’t have to pretend otherwise to save face. It only hurts everyone.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @think- @madworld

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This merely demonstrates your ignorance. Original research posted on Twitter always involves "a large amount of twitter links by the same person." It's called a "thread". Twitter only allows 150 characters per tweet, including urls, so it always takes multiple tweets to articulate anything in-depth and juicy.

You shit-talked research without properly vetting it, based on your own ignorant and erroneous perception of Twitter. And then you had the gall to try to chasten me about sloppy modding.

Well done. :-)

See...I told you to keep talking.

Notice how he never addresses any real concern. Just jumps on the one thing you said, that in his mind makes everything else irrelevant. Like people are somehow less, because they aren't familiar with twitter platform. Twitter bugs the hell out of me, I've only posted a thread once, but they have 'thread reader apps' that make it so you can put it all into one link. Kinda cool.

Funny about you bringing up your ‘authority’ in the sub. I didn’t bring it up.

He does that a lot. Just like Crunchy and Cartman.

bullshit speculative material only helps the naysayers and further only helps the elite pedos.

He used to know this. I didn't see what he put up originally, so I don't know how much of a mess it was. But I do think it's odd that he didn't put this in his own sub, to work on until he was sure he had it right. Maybe it's 'journalistic competitiveness', 'publish or perish', idk. Just seems odd. @think- @MadWorld @Vindicator

heygeorge ago

Notice how he never addresses any real concern.

I did notice that. I’m sure others who care to will notice as well. And then there is another smear attempt in here by Vindy, because I called out another thread I happened to catch as utter unsubstantiated bullshit. And yet he thinks their bad behavior can be twisted onto me? Every single time.

I want the truth. I thought that was the point of this place. They seem to want propaganda. I thought that was the point of the Qniverse.

And then, to top it off, moloch comes in with direct libel. I wonder if he recognizes the liability associated with that? Wasn’t Vindy threatening court proceedings about something like this?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I want the truth. I thought that was the point of this place. They seem to want propaganda. I thought that was the point of the Qniverse.

Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. But PG must be destroyed for TrustThePlan to succeed.

Moloch libels everyone who thinks he's unfunny. Another one of those 'self-confessed-superstars'. Racist soyboy.

Vindicator ago

The submission reeked of low quality due to a large amount of twitter links by the same person.

This merely demonstrates your ignorance. Original research posted on Twitter always involves "a large amount of twitter links by the same person." It's called a "thread". Twitter only allows 150 characters per tweet, including urls, so it always takes multiple tweets to articulate anything in-depth and juicy.

You shit-talked research without properly vetting it, based on your own ignorant and erroneous perception of Twitter. And then you had the gall to try to chasten me about sloppy modding.

Well done. :-)

See...I told you to keep talking.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

it reeked of low quality/effort than the average v/GreatAwakening submission.

So many do, now.

And, to top it off, disinfo pusher/powerbottomuser rikki6 shows up to chime in.

So disgusting.

KKWW put me in as designer, which you clearly know as owners/moderators have access to that information.

Oooo, @vindicator should check to see if his 'pants' are on fire. Big fibber.

Vindy, it is really sad to witness you firsthand gaslighting and inventing smear attempts. I genuinely believed you in the past, and had been extending that courtesy.

You and me, both. But alas, those days are gone.

I find it hard to believe you’d have deleted it without there being a check.

If I'd have said anything, fucker would have stickied it. @think- @MadWorld

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did Kev make you the v/pizzagate developer so you could fuck with our CSS? Or are you actually one of his sockpuppets?

Always with the accusations, whenever you disagree with anyone. Is this what RCC teaches now days? You're prolly confusing him with your girl SARSie. Provably more her speed.

For the record:

Posts in v/pizzagate by @heygeorge

None found, 0.182 secs


The v/pizzagate owner says you have to make submissions before you're allowed to have an opinion, Or allowed to tell him he fucked up. YOU DID U Know.

Too bad you've never bothered to read the comments in all the posts of the past. Or you'd know that @heygeorge has been commenting in this sub, from the beginning. Guess it just ain't good enough. Sorry Georgie.

@MadWorld @think-

Vindicator ago

Reposted this with a corrected version showing he debunked the Gates connection. I was focused on vetting and archiving the Clinton Foundation/Ekal Vindalaya link to the grandfather, which appears to be accurate.

rickki6 ago

wow! Tommy did good work even with a few drinks lOl great post

Vindicator ago

I archived the Clinton links he showed in his video tweet. We need to dig further into Ekal Vidayala Foundation, folks. Please help dig.