DongKeyhote ago

This board is absolute cringe since you Qtard dickholes took over. Not that it wasnt before too, but at least you had YOUR BOY delivering ACTUAL research on obvious hotpots like Seattle

darkknight111 ago


Most people on this board agree this is a much better place with you banned.

You were never intelligent to begin with. Even less awesome.

The only thing that’s ever been awesome about you is your ego.

Then again, no one in your beloved white sharia (all psychopaths since you are a fair representation of the entire group) is of any value to life or the internet.

Fuck Islam, fuck allah, fuck mohamad, and fuck you.

BTW, the quran makes fantastic toilet paper.

EricKaliberhall ago

This board is absolute cringe since you Qtard dickholes took over.

I prefer Qrackhead... You fuckin sandnigger. :)

Snailracer ago

"Raz" Solomon Simone, he's not on the WA SO register, but people say he's a pimp and a rapist. Achive of Reddit. The national register is giving me a bad gateway...

FantomasSF ago

Idgaf anything goes. Fake news or not why not spread it like wildfire

Drakgan ago

Annnnd. There it is.

Voat4CBD ago

Not in the national sex offender database. Take your fake news and shove it

Snailracer ago

"bad gateway" means the search failed for a technical reason, not that he is or isn't on the list.

Voat4CBD ago

That is only for Pennsylvania. The rest of the States were clear

darkknight111 ago

How did you find that guy’s name?

Voat4CBD ago

Easy to find on his Wikipedia.

That is a very valid point. Duly noted

RevoltNow ago

Cool, if anyone needs an autonomous zone, it's pedos.

heygeorge ago

just babble that means nothing.

Of course it is. The tweet is a lie from the outset, easily verified by reading the tweet itself and then the very beginning of the unattributed Facebook post.

Also, this post has ZERO to do with elite pedophilia. @darkknight111 you may want to delete this and repost in v/pizzagatewhatever


Oh, it looks like @vindicator is pushing it, too. Vindy, really? This is the standard of evidence now? Sad. I appreciate that you want to fight the good fight against the occupiers shutting down your freeway.

darkknight111 ago

If Seattle leadership is helping these scum bags out, then they are involved in protecting pedos.

Cover up and protection efforts go under submission rules.

heygeorge ago

If Seattle leadership


the claimed witness account does add up.

So, let’s see:

The burden of evidence demonstrating elite pedophilia is now a deceptive tweet?

Letter from a friend of mine who works for the Seattle police Dept
I've known this guy since childhood.

The “letter from a friend of mine” is a Facebook post. Which immediately attributes itself to being from someone else. The account also is fond of blaming Twitter for typos... The Facebook post is a minimum four days old. Yet the tweet (that @vindicator also shared) claims OP personally knows this person? But they also claim not to know when this exactly was ‘sent’.

While u/darkknight111 can defend rule one, I don’t see how rule two is remotely established.

EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link.

So either the admission is that this is not fact in any way, or what we are acknowledging is that a phone screengrab of unattributed Facebook copypasta meets the burden of ‘evidence’.

@madworld @shewhomustbeobeyed @heyg3orge

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for getting him to delete this garbage. <3


heygeorge ago

I didn’t archive the post. The link above is a grab of the tweet. Below is Vindy’s retweet, pushing this as if factual, or evidence-based.

And here is the original submission title/body:

Leader of CHAZ is a Pedophile

submitted 1.1 days ago by darkknight111 to pizzagate

Found the account of a Seattle police officer.

Turns out the current leader of CHAZ is a pedophile guilty of crimes against children on a federal CP watch list.

Shit is getting BAD there.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good grief, you just had to show me that tonight. dinnu?

Now i'm all grumpy. Well done.

heygeorge ago

Oh. Congrats!

heygeorge ago

It’s better, but really too little too late, however. There were 300+ views of this swill already. And @vindicator is complicit for not only failing to as for removal or remove it himself, but expressing support both in the thread and via retweet.

Now the thread is conveniently memory-holed from v/pg [not in the deleted log]. It’s unfortunate to see what had the potential to be the very best bits of Voat falling and sliding every time I check in.

I actually wouldn’t mind seeing a mea culpa from u/darkknight111, which in days of yore was part and parcel of being in a responsible position of power over others.

darkknight111 ago

Thread was put on ice for the time being.

Had more important leads to attend to anyway, such as certain accomplices connections to domestic terrorist groups.

accuracyinQuestion ago

Why did you "ice" (self-delete as a submitter) instead of flairing it "accuracy in question" or "potential disinfo" as a mod?

Cannot flairs be modified or removed after the fact?

heygeorge ago

put on ice for the time being.


Had more important leads to attend to anyway, such as certain accomplices connections to domestic terrorist groups.

Cryptic. What are you looking at? Why use more words to say less?

darkknight111 ago

I was refering to Tom Steyer’s ties to antifa. He is an accomplice to the Heather O’Rourke case.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It has been my experience that mea culpas, apologies, and proper recognition of good works has become scarce 'round here.

It's crystal clear to me, that the mod team is more interested in making it appear that PG is still alive and vibrant. To bad they ran off, or instilled fear into everyone who was capable of helping them actually make this a better place.

I used to wonder what kind of tidbits millennialfalcon would delete every day, and i would always check the deleted submissions log first, when reading PG. Now I always wonder what tidbits the mods and certain others are trying to slide off the front page, every time they post. I know, i'm crazy. @MadWorld

I'm having trouble figuring out how to ask a v/electric question, without getting laughed off the sub. AND pissing hubby off. What should i do now?

heygeorge ago

trouble figuring out how to ask a v/electric question, without getting laughed off the sub. AND pissing hubby off. What should i do now?

Don’t worry, I’ll just delete it then smear your character. You’ll feel right at home

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Oh, so just another Saturday then? Good to know.

He's gonna be real mad, if i end up being right about this question. And yes, you'll prolly bust a rib laughing at one/both of us.

Regardless of outcome, I'm blaming the children.

IShallNotFear ago

This sounds like the typical Facebook nonsense that people on there share all the time. "An anonymous government source told a friend of a friend of mine." These people should put up or shut up when it comes to extreme claims.

tankingwrong ago

Y'all going to have to quit getting baited like this.

Your friends, your enemies, there's hundreds of thousands that have been approached by State agents, told "we're seizing your hard drives on suspicion of CP, sign here to admit to it in exchange for probation or we'll have a trial where we'll guarantee you'll get prison time for trying to fight it".

For people that claim to distrust government because of the thousands of pedophiles running it, there's far too much eagerness to believe that same government when they present to you people they want you to unperson.

It's all deflection.

Mind_Games ago

And the police still aren't "allowed" to tear down the homeless camp.

Mayors are failing, Governors are what point is the responsibility of the department to

keep these fuckheads in check ?

Maybe take some of these crackheads off the street ...drop them off inside these Governors gated walls and let them

go to town.

basedmangod2015 ago

the leader of america is a pedo too.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

Retweeted. They've totally shut down Interstate 5 every night for the past few nights. They are not just staying in their zone.

Colbert ago

How close are they to you? I drive past it weekly.

Colbert ago

Where do you live in Washington?

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

Is his name HulkJizz?