MercurysBall2 ago

New Marfa Ballroom thread here:

darkknight111 ago

@alooffern. I’m sorry but I have to remove under rule 1 (Relevant links in the original post)

Fear not, I believe I have saved everything on this lead and posted it in a new Marfa Ballroom thread. Continue your work there.

alooffern ago

It’s okay! I don’t mind. I didn’t have access to the internet earlier... sorry for that.

darkknight111 ago

Don’t forget to copy pasta those links you put in your comments into the original post to comply with rule 1.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/thinkdrafts submission by @MercurysBall2.

Posted automatically (#107668) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@alooffern: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @MercurysBall2)


QUESTIONABLE IMAGES from Ballroom Marfa Blog/Site (Many others 404'd please archive anything important)


Prada Marfa:

$3.33 :

More Children:

Ritual Circle:

Pyramids in a strange large building:

Animal Expeditions :

In the middle of nowhere:

Myths at USO Concert:

More children:

Holiday Inn IMMATERIAL & Warehouse ? :

The Ballroom :

Naked performance art/Ritual summoning:

"Marfa Girls" :

Virginia Lebermann and John Wotowicz :


With dancing nudes summoning aliens and tequila flowing, Ballroom Marfa benefit rocked

Centerpiece of the weekend was the other-worldly dinner piloted by Jens Hoffmann, director of the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco and co-curator of the 2011 Istanbul Biennial. The evening began at dusk with a performance choreographed by LA-based artist Kathryn Andrews in conjunction with composer Scott Benzel in which a handful of nude performers romped through an open field summoning alien beings from distant planets. Then it was on to dinner...

Rainer Judd, Naomi Campbell & More Attend The 2014 Ballroom Marfa Benefit Gala

Who was there: Guests included Fairfax Dorn, Graham Reynolds, Allison Sarofim, Douglas Friedman, Jenny Laird, Susan Sutton, Martha Stewart, Lacey Dorn, Naomi Campbell, Sofia Coppola, Dustin Yellin, Sandy Rower, Christy MacLear, Nathaniel Quinn, Reed Krakoff, Sue Hostetler, Virginia Lebermann, Alexandra Chemla, Bettina Prentice, Jessica Hart, Luke Wilson, Marc Glimcher, Maria Baibakova, Rainer Judd, Rambert Rigaud, and Yvonne Force Villareal. Sofia Coppola, Douglas Friedman, Fairfax Dorn, Kevin Sharkey, Martha Stewart, Susan Sutton, Jenny Laird (Pictured)

volunteerwork2020 ago

Aliens don't exist. They are lying demonic spirits.


I would agree that the "alien" story we have been fed is oversimplified and agendized re-telling of the ancient one of angels and demons. Hence my use of the quotations around: 'Real' UFO and highlighting the SUMMONING aspect of their ritual. I believe Hillary Clinton and 'THEY' refer to them as "ExtraBiologicals" or "Extradimensionals". I have also heard them referred to as "UndeadGods". It's less the word we prescribe to the phenomena than the nature of the interaction.

I appreciate and accompany the warning of their possible demonic nature.

IShallNotFear ago

Here are some Instagram pictures I found: I will be making an updated post on how to archive Instagram pictures shortly:

MercurysBall2 ago

Kill Room and Strange Border town THREAD!

WWDJD? - Not sure... let's talk about Donald Judd, his art and it's implications with Human Trafficking

Marfa is only 20 some miles NE from the ranch were Judge Scalias died, rumoured to be the "Bohemian Grove" of Texas - a private resort to indulge in callboy sex, as well as reported Human Hunts.

3141592653 ago

Excellent link at the top of your comment.

MercurysBall2 ago

Kinetic art and Technocracy:

Technocrats of the Imagination

Technocrats of the Imagination explores the collaborations between the American avant-garde art world and the military-industrial complex during the 1960s, in which artists worked with scientists and engineers in universities, private labs, and museums. For artists, designers, and educators working with the likes of Bell Labs, the RAND Corporation, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, experiments in art and technology presaged not only a new aesthetic but a new utopian social order based on collective experimentation.

The “Movement” Group. History of Russian Kinetic Art https://www.quartagallery. ru/articles-ru/gruppa-dvizhenie.-istoriya-russkogo-kinetizma/?sef_rewrite=1&sl=en

In September 1962 five young artists headed by 25-year-old Lev Nusberg founded the “Movement” group. The first participants were F. Infante, А. Krivchikov, V. Аkulinin, V. Scherbakov, R. Zanevskaya and М. Dorokhov. The movement was interpreted by the authors as change, relocation, mutual penetration, development, the state of everything that moves in both biological and esthetic sense. The important part of the project included the synthesis of various technical means and forms of art.

"Kinetists” strove to overcome the art of real esthetic objects and static structures. Constructionists of the 1920s understood movement not only as a mechanic phenomenon but also as a form of perception of time and space, movement as a universal notion. Thus Nusberg’s statement appeared supported by the whole group: «I want to work with electro-magnetic fields, with shining and pulsating concentrations in space, with various movements of gases and liquids, with mirrors and optical effects, with changes in temperature and smells… and, of course, with music». In his program of 1965 called «What is kinetic movement?» Nusberg defines kinetic synthesis: «…we demand to use all possibilities and means, both technical and physical, esthetic and chemical phenomena, all sorts of art, all processes and forms of perception, as well as psychic reactions and the influence of different senses of the man, as a means of artistic expression».

In 1968-1972 the “Movement” created colossal urbanistic projects of the future Cyber-state which involved the viewers. The sketch for the kinetic labyrinth 500 meters long was installed only by half. The rest depended on the activity of the viewers. They had to change the idea, complete it or change it depending on their individual or collective reactions to the impulses which were transmitted by different light-kinetic and electric machine

YogSoggoth ago

https://www.quartagallery link did not work.

MercurysBall2 ago

I had to break the link because Russian websites are banned on Voat .. take out "[space]" in the following https://www.quartagallery.[space]ru/articles-ru/gruppa-dvizhenie.-istoriya-russkogo-kinetizma/?sef_rewrite=1&sl=en

YogSoggoth ago

If you were not here, I would automatically label you a bad person for making me think. Thanks.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Remember that Marina Abramovic is interested in Tesla's findings.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @MercurysBall2.

Posted automatically (#107917) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@volunteerwork2020: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @MercurysBall2)

MercurysBall2 ago

Close to the Ballroom Marfa is Chinati Foundation

based upon the ideas of its founder, artist Donald Judd

In 1979, with help from the Dia Art Foundation, Judd purchased a 340 acre (1.4 km²) tract of desert land near Marfa,[13] which included the abandoned buildings of the former U.S. Army Fort D. A. Russell.

Artillery shed at the Chinati Foundation, the museum Donald Judd created on the site of a former army base.. A book, Donald Judd Spaces, offering a glimpse into his living and working spaces (ranging from the 1870 classic cast-iron SoHo building he bought in 1968 to a 40,000-acre ranch bordering the Rio Grande), will be published in a few days. .. The Marfa Municipal Airport recently lengthened a runway to accommodate private jets...“We turned up the volume on Marfa, but it wasn’t immediate,” admitted Fairfax Dorn, who, with Virginia Lebermann, founded Ballroom Marfa in 2003.

Jimmy Comet loves Marfa artist Donald Judd whose daughter is a featured artist at creepy 'Standard Hotel' in creepy West Hollywood which is creepy Adam Schiff's district.

James Alefantis loves Donald Judd and his boxes. Go figure.

Alefantis also mentions Donald Judd in a Kill Room Instagram photo but I can't find it. (But there's a Voat post about it below.)

Donald Judd's daughter is a featured artist at Standard Hotel in West Hollywood.

Here is the link about Judd's daughter being featured at the hotel (it didn't archive satisfactorily).

..Of course Marfa, Texas is where the suspicious death of SCOTUS Scalia occurred.

Here is an older Voat post talking about Donald Judd's connection to Jimmy Comet.

Apparently Marina Abramovic runs with the set. .. A colony of artists on an old military site, aye? Time to go tunnel hunting again..

alooffern ago

Awesome find! I knew this Marfa Ballroom would lead us to something... thanks for the info!

MercurysBall2 ago

Marfa Ballroom is run by Fairfax Dorn and husband Marc Glimcher of Pace Gallery

Marc Glimcher (born September 16, 1963) is an American art dealer who is the President and CEO of Pace Gallery, a modern and contemporary art gallery founded by his father, Arne Glimcher, in Boston in 1960. He is regularly cited among the top 25 most powerful people in the international art world, according to the annual "Power 100" list published by ArtReview.[1] In 2012, Glimcher made international headlines for selling a Gerhard Richter painting for more than $20 million at Art Basel in Basel, Switzerland.

Glimcher was born in New York City the second son (his brother is neuroeconomist and neuroscientist Paul W. Glimcher) to Mildred “Milly” and Arnold “Arne” Glimcher, an art historian and art dealer respectively, who together founded Pace Gallery in Boston in 1960. He graduated from Harvard University in 1985 with a degree in biological anthropology, and from 1989 to 1991 studied biochemistry and immunology at Johns Hopkins University.

Paul W. Glimcher (born November 3, 1961) is an American neuroeconomist, neuroscientist, psychologist, economist, scholar, and entrepreneur. He is one of the foremost researchers focused on the study of human behavior and decision-making, and is known for his central role in founding and developing the field of neuroeconomics which takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how humans make decisions. Glimcher also founded the Institute for the Study of Decision Making at New York University, which he currently directs.

Glimcher holds the Julius Silver, Rosyln S. Silver and Enid Silver Winslow Chair of Neural Science at New York University (NYU) in the School of Arts and Sciences where he also holds professorial appointments in Economics and Psychology, and in Neuroscience and Physiology in NYU's School of Medicine. He is also the founder of the HUMAN Project, a large-scale interdisciplinary longitudinal study, and Datacubed Health, a start-up company focused on developing and marketing new Software-as-a-Service (PaaS) technologies in the healthcare industry and biomedical/behavioral research domain.

The HUMAN Project

After starting up the Institute for the Study of Decision Making in 2014, Glimcher––working with Miyoung Chun of The Kavli Foundation––also began the development of a new interdisciplinary longitudinal study sponsored by The Kavli Foundation, called the Kavli HUMAN Project. One of his signature achievements, the Kavli HUMAN Project is a “big human data” research platform that took its inspiration from big data surveys in other disciplines, in particular the astronomy community's Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Voat post:

The BRAIN Initiative started at the instigation of the Kavli Foundation. On Optogenetics and EPSTEIN related. :

he BRAIN Initiative started at the instigation of the Kavli Foundation. They were hosting a series of brainstorms about what nanoscientists and neuroscientists could do together, and Paul Alivisatos and George Church and Rafael Yuste and many people at that border were at these early sessions.

...IARPA is involved. They are trying to do a hard push for short-term mammalian brain circuit mapping based upon existing technology, and sort of a small part of that more on the technology development side. Most of the money is on the application side. But we have some new tools that we think can be very, very helpful.

...I can tell you about a collaboration that we have with George Church. George’s group for about fifteen years now has been trying to work on a technology called in situ sequencing, and what that means is can you sequence the genetic code and also the expressed genes, the recipes of cells, right there inside the cells?

Of course George Church is one of the Epstein related scientists.

George Church + IARPA + Edge

He has also pioneered new privacy, biosafety, ELSI, environmental and biosecurity policies. He is director of an IARPA BRAIN Project and NIH Center for Excellence in Genomic Science.

Optogenetics is of interest because of their brain experiments which can be seen to potentially be leading to modern forms of mind control. And as Epstein is involved...


Nice work Merc!

MK Ultra findings evolved = "nanoscientists and neuroscientists"

MercurysBall2 ago

And I just noticed: George Church + NIH Center for Excellence in Genomic Science

That definitely needs further looking into.


On it ...

MercurysBall2 ago


MK Ultra findings evolved = "nanoscientists and neuroscientists"

Nailed it.

alooffern ago


There are suspicious things about Ballroom Marfa...

1. Tied to celebrities such Jay Z and Beyoncé... Jay Z even wore their merchandise in different occasions

2. They are followed by The Standard Hotel. I don’t know why... there aren’t any contact on the surface between the two

3. Looks like abandoned warehouse despite donations and expensive memberships which goes up to $5,000!

4. A pizza place nearby called pizza foundation and symbolism of all seeing eye is around...

5. The pizza place also looks like a warehouse... nothing out of the ordinary except when you look in google maps... you see nothing but a road but no restaurant. However, people uploaded pictures of the so called pizza place...

CONCLUSION: I don’t know if there’s something nefarious about this place... there are clues left and right with pizzagate players...

Remember Jay Z and Beyoncé supported Hillary Clinton. It may be innocent and it may not be so innocent.




Seems like a lot of power and building for a walk up window pizza place :

Local news clipping. Any code?

CHildren 'PF 2014 Alpine Kids' :

Kickstarter for huge 33,000 SF new property :

Above is an aerial shot of the new location and walking directions from old location. It is a full city block in length and half a city block in width. We want to have a place off the street where kids can run around and have an outside and inside area for everyone relax and recharge.

Aerial of 2 locations PF :

alooffern ago

Thanks! I’ll look into it further!

Camera_Eye ago

"They are followed by The Standard Hotel."

The Bunkhousegroup, a collection of hotels (Elcosmico Hotel, Marfa) is owned by none other : Andre Balasz...same pedo's always come up.

darkknight111 ago

Don’t forget to copypasta those links into your original post.

kestrel9 ago

Marfa TX is a major stop in the cabal's twilight zone bucket list.

Rachel Chandler- Marfa TX, and Dash Snow family's matriarchs

darkknight111 ago

In order to screen cap with a phone depends on your model.

If an iphone (like the one I use for my pizzagate work), you push the power button and the button at the bottom of the screen simultaneously.

Post this link on your submission and you should be fine as this is a pretty disturbing image.

FingerMcGee ago

Plus, the well known "Marfa Lights" are from there ... floating lights out in the desert that were known by the natives before whites ever arrived there. People have associated them with ghosts/demonology/aliens.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Definitely from demonic activity. Ghosts and aliens are just demonic spirits.

Madwack ago

I have heard this name before...yes lights but also Ancient Earth Lines and stuff like that all over this area....

video link

How do I know about this stuff....come visit

Call_Of_Goat ago

Good job

darkknight111 ago

@alooffern Don’t forget links as per Rule 1.

Pics count. The spiral signs should get priority in terms of the pics. To do this, take the relevant screen caps -> go to -> submit the cap as an image -> copypasta the file link to this thread.

Do explain the pics in sufficient detail.

Also copypasta the link to something like a note or word file so you have access to the link for later use.

Putting up the 24 hour flair so you can take care of that.

think- ago

Flair doesn't show.

alooffern ago

I’m archiving their Instagram page just in case though until I can access my laptop and provide you guys with links.

alooffern ago

I really wish I can link pics here but I’m using my phone...

Check their Instagram page... Ballroom Marfa and you’ll find them even captioning pictures with the spiral shape...

Referencing moon activation which is also a witchcraft symbolism...

It’s in their Instagram...

Can someone help me link the pics?

FantomasSF ago

Interesting it was also in a Simpsons episode hmm

alooffern ago

Can you link me the episode please? Or at least where you found this information?

Something about the place doesn’t sit right with me but I can’t figure out what it is...