srayzie ago

Wow, good post Bopper! All kinds of things are popping up now about that hotel!

bopper ago

Yeah and thanks to our larper Q ! Who revealed it all to us.

srayzie ago

Lol I know!

Blacksmith21 ago

Full circle. Post this in PG. Pretty fucking amazing. I can't wait to see these fuckers hang.

bopper ago

Yeah, when I saw the Judd daughter (and her "art") being featured by the Standard Hotel it was pretty amazing. Would have posted it in pizzagate but there's so many Q haters over there.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's worth taking the fire. Either it's redpilling more or its countering shill narative. Hard to dispute this stuff. Seriously - there is no way a team of writers could write a narrative that withstood this amount of scrutiny.

bopper ago

@srayzie I just posted it there, thanks. Who knows, it might help at least somebody.

bopper ago

@srayzie You're absolutely right. Great observation. I should have put it there.

srayzie ago

That’s how I feel!

bopper ago

They're missing out. Q is pointing us to the very thing pizzagate is all about.

srayzie ago

Hopefully they will open their eyes.

bopper ago

Standard Hotel features these type of creepy musical acts. Creepy.

pby1000 ago