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Piscina ago

I remember a comment from a user very early on (years ago) that said something about not trusting horse names.

manyx ago

Don't trust anyone but Jesus, God and the Holly Spirit.

MandatoryVaccines ago

You are correct. The main two were Dressage2 and EquineLuvr for anyone paying attention. There have been a slew of bad actors since this all began after Reddit Pizzagate was shut down. You have seen how this all has played out over the years and how the moderators have proven to be untrustworthy liars.

Vindicator ago

Says the 2 hour old account. LMAO

manyx ago

Shame on all that turned the institution of moderating into a disgrace.

Vindicator ago

Right. You make a submission full of blatant BS using a three-year-old sleeper account, start pontificating about "truth" and attacking moderation that calls you out on your hypocrisy. Cry me a river.