remixedcat ago

Elon musk is dating Grimes and she took a houseboat down the Mississippi river and that houseboat had a typewriter on it

siegnagel ago

Multiple threads on /pol. There's certainly something to all this, Ellen and Hanks and so on, still don't know who's in charge the bad guys or the good guys.

MercurysBall2 ago

I don't know either.

Vindicator ago

This is damn interesting, MB2. While it's not surprising that typewriter manufacturers were recruited for WWII arms manufacturing -- they require precision machining, just like guns do -- the Frank Underwood/Spacey thing really can't be ignored. I don't know how anyone could think that guy wasn't signalling with is weird videos.

So do you think Hanks is giving coded messages? If so, what do you think he is saying?

MercurysBall2 ago

I have no idea who is saying what to whom. That's why I'm paying attention.

carmencita ago

Madonna looks Asian. She slanted her eyebrows on purpose. More symbolic messages. Dumb Witch.

Quinceberry ago

I have a theory about these plastic surgery facelifted morons. You know how many of the super rich have gotten facial surgery that makes them look like alien cat-lizard people? I mean how weird and twisted is it? How can that possibly be a desirable or attractive look? I suspect they are emulating their demon-gods. I mean how many of these filthy rich idiots look completely alien? I think they are doing it to honor and resemble their evil demon overlords. No sarcasm intended. I think they are trying to look like their demons.

carmencita ago

I’m certainly not a specialist but you might be right with some. Or some are just dirt cheap. They get bad job and look like a gargoyle. The advice I read many years ago is to only get one face lift and make it a good one. Around age 50 to 55. Then age gracefully. Not many have heeded this advice for sure. Sadly some might be sick enough to want a devil image. Sadly Serious Intervention may be needed at that point.

carmencita ago

Someone had a post where Hanks tweeted the typewriter in 2011. Also in Madonna tweet she capitalized the whole word of GOD. Why is my question. Have not thought this out yet. Video was very strange as usual. Of course we have the always Illuminati One Eye Symbol by wearing an eye patch. At about 4 min. there are figures carrying tube like shapes that to me looked like they could be large ammo. Especially while they are using the gas masks. Later there is a band in the background appearing with other singer and they appear to be wearing green army helmets or berets. Throughout the whole number there are hooded people that to me are like monks. She is always mocking religion. Usually Catholic Religion. She’s a Catholic my arse.

MercurysBall2 ago

Notice the signet ring : Let Me Be Frank

It's fromThe Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina,_The_Military_College_of_South_Carolina

The Citadel, officially The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, is a public college in Charleston, South Carolina. Established in 1842, it is one of six United States senior military colleges. It has 18 academic departments divided into five schools offering 23 majors and 38 minors.

In the remake of the movie The Manchurian Candidate (2004) Major Ben Marco (Denzel Washington) is a 1984 Citadel graduate.

MercurysBall2 ago

Special Operations Executive

The Special Operations Executive (SOE) was a British World War II organisation. It was officially formed on 22 July 1940 under Minister of Economic Warfare Hugh Dalton, from the amalgamation of three existing secret organisations. Its purpose was to conduct espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance in occupied Europe (and later, also in occupied Southeast Asia) against the Axis powers, and to aid local resistance movements.

Few people were aware of SOE's existence. Those who were part of it or liaised with it were sometimes referred to as the "Baker Street Irregulars", after the location of its London headquarters. It was also known as "Churchill's Secret Army" or the "Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare". Its various branches, and sometimes the organisation as a whole, were concealed for security purposes behind names such as the "Joint Technical Board" or the "Inter-Service Research Bureau", or fictitious branches of the Air Ministry, Admiralty or War Office.

SOE operated in all territories occupied or attacked by the Axis forces, except where demarcation lines were agreed with Britain's principal Allies (the United States and the Soviet Union). It also made use of neutral territory on occasion, or made plans and preparations in case neutral countries were attacked by the Axis. The organisation directly employed or controlled more than 13,000 people, about 3,200 of whom were women.


A variety of people from all classes and pre-war occupations served SOE in the field. The backgrounds of agents in F Section, for example, ranged from aristocrats such as Polish-born Countess Krystyna Skarbek, and Noor Inayat Khan, the daughter of an Indian Sufi leader, to working class people such as Violette Szabo, with some even reputedly from the criminal underworld.

.. Dual nationality was often a prized attribute.

MercurysBall2 ago

"What's London without a cup of Rosie and a smith-corona Sterling? Hans"

In the UK, Rosie has a specific relevance in terms of high level pedo rings:

UK Whistle Blower - Pedo Ring goes "Right To The Top"

(This was not the first time a child-abuse case had been rejected. Years prior, a pedophile that had failed to register was discovered to be living on a boat on the UK rivers with another pedo. This was at the same time a children's TV programme heavily featured canal boats- Rosie and Jim. When he looked into the two on the boat, it lead to a network of 90. A high ranked officer told him the investigation was shut down due to not being able to afford the funding. This then lead to how a fellow Scotland Yard Officer warned him how investigating child abuse cases did not earn praise, and how he had dealt with a cabinet minister who had been investigated multiple times, and on multiple occasions they were shut down.)

Yuke ago

In this instance "Rosie" means "Rosie Lee" which is cockney rhyming slang for tea.

MercurysBall2 ago

There was a lot of stuff on the old David Icke forums about "Rosie" and pedophiles. I haven't visited for many a long time. Just went there to bring back some of that info only to find that the forum has been locked up and a new one is in its place. Therefore all the invaluable information of years of research into pedophilia by British researchers is lost. Whatever happens over at the MI5/MI6/Tavistock controlled Icke forum tends to happen here a couple of years later. I expect that Voat will eventually be 'locked down'.

Benkitchen105 ago

Hampstead cover up is linked massively to Rotherham grooming scandal. A lot of the same players are connected in both cases.

MercurysBall2 ago


MercurysBall2 ago

Ever heard of 'double meanings' ?

MercurysBall2 ago

All my recent posts connecting current day events to the military are being downvoated instantly. Interesting.