think- ago

@shadow332: Thank you again for your submission. I will unsticky the post now, so that we can sticky some new stuff.

Please keep up the good work!

shadow332 ago

Thanks a lot!

think- ago

You're welcome. :-)

Votescam ago

They keep this stuff very quiet because they don't want other police officers to know that anyone of them are trying to do something about it. Imagine there are "logs" kept because they probably use them for "billing" and "commission" purposes.

Since other higher ups in police force have made clear that our US military is involved in this sex trafficking, that would seem a big enough hurdle and wall to keep most of the police officers to stay uninvolved. So, finally, it may be the military, higher ups in government -- all protecting the highest Elites involved.

fogdryer ago


QuestionEverything ago

Simple control mechanism. Dirt on people. Via sex.

UK run like this for along time. Before Saville.

letsdothis2 ago

UK Column has been doing a lot on the child abuse problem recently :

About Lumos; open letter from Against Child Trafficking to the European Parliament; @20:13 South Wales police officer paedophile leading a prostitution and trafficking unit, police collusion; @30:00 Dr Alan Billings, Police and Crime Commissioner, Labour Party

EDIT: Re: Dr. Alan Billings:

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

"I know how powerful the police are and I know what they are capable of". This attempt at whistle blowing had someone tell John it would be taken "to the highest level". When he asked to speak to a high-ranked female detective, he was questioned but it was eventually allowed. John said to her that he wanted to speak to her since she "could not roll up her trouser leg" (persubaly a metaphor for not being knee-deep in the scandal). She said she knew exactly what he meant.

He approached her because he knew she couldn't be a mason, or a high ranking male on the level.

"Rolling up a trouser leg" is a phrase related to the fucking masons, which is why this investigation is going to the lead to "to the highest level".

Take notice that the blindfolded man has one pant leg rolled up.

Thanks for posting this, shadow332. Explains a lot about the opium epidemic in my state and others.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Think about it!

Jimmy Saville dies everyone KNEW he was diddling kids but no one ever said anything suddenly BBC implicated in pedo rape scandal royals implicated MPs and government officials implicated They needed a scapegoat to take the heat off of the British pedo elite! So, a few months after Jimmy Saville dies suddenly these "muslim rape gangs" and "MUH 1700 girls raped" as a smokescreen to distract from the pedo elite!

Think about it! Why would they arrest Tommy Robinson, knowing it would cause massive blowback? Why would they then transfer him to a 70% muslim prison, KNOWING it would cause massive news attention?

ITS A DISTRACTION! They want to attract as much attention to Tommy Robinson and "muslim rape gangs" as possible to make everyone forget about Jimmy Saville and his CONFIRMED pedo ties to the british elite!

When was the last time you saw a Jimmy Saville thread? Exactly!

Although we should pay attention to TR we should also pay attention to Jimmy Saville and the elite.

european ago

If you read what is written here , the theory seems to be that thepakistani networks he speaks about connect with the elite networks. It could be the can of worms they want to keep the lid on.

european ago

No. They just want to silence too my Robinson.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

This confirms what we know. Excellent post.

HennyPenny ago

Here's John Wedger giving testimony to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice on June 4, 2018 and on June 10 Criminologist Carine Hutsebaut gave an overview of European pandemic of child sex abuse

truthdemon ago

This tribunal does not have any arresting powers as far as i know...the whole thing could be a honeypot attract and then neutralise genuine witnesses..

HennyPenny ago

Don't know who is the author of this blog but I wonder if this could be the case. He says the "USA" team got "out" of the Tribunal because of 240K being billed to them.Trying to be hopeful that this Tribunal will have a positive effect. But in scrutinizing their advocates, I'm somewhat leery: Pierre Cardin with a young male lover 46 yrs his senior, Robert David Steele exCIA, Susan Lindauer self proclaimed ex CIA???

"The "ITNJ Committee" attempted an international presence in 2015. While the money raised from the public went straight into Never Never Land, and shortly after the USA team got a bill from Walsh in the amount of nearly $240,000 for his time and expenses from the beginning, our request for and flat refusal to see a full accounting of the income and expenses resulting from the first fundraiser, we saw the light. That money for Walsh was expected to come from your donations. The USA got out, followed by The Squamish Nation in Canada and, most recently, South Africa."

shadow332 ago

Thanks, Henny!

HennyPenny ago

"He told the Daily Star: "I found a lot of paedophiles were going off the radar. There was a loophole in the law that allowed them to live on canal boats without being on the electoral register." Oct 2016

derram ago :

UK Government's Cover-Up Of Grooming Gangs - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Vindicator ago

Flairing this "Important" shadow332.

think- ago

I am going to sticky it for a couple of days, so that it gets some more views.

Going to re-sticky the Executive Summary again, once this post will get unstickied.

P.S.. @shadow332, thank you for digging this up. If you should have the time occasionally, we've had quite a view posts about other British whistleblowers already. Would be awesome to have a summary post one day. :-) ;-)

shadow332 ago

Thanks. Someone forwarded me this video. It's incredible!

shadow332 ago

Summary pg. 2 (con't from main post):

A colleague was concerned about John's lack of money and how he was sleeping in his car to stay close to his son while in hospital. The colleague brought this up with superiors begging for help. The Met police then sent two child protection officers to interview his youngest boy on allegation of being left home alone during this time.

John persisted a forum with other police whistle blowers that grew.

The ITPC stopped investigating (the corruption charges). An Investiagion end should lead to a full report. John got "a one paragraph letter and was told not to contact them again." They claimed the charged officers spoke to them and denied it. "That was the extent of their investigation."

John took the matter to the police minister at the time (part of the privvy council and the governer's cabinet), and was "appauld" to discover his findings. The Home Office was brought in, and their independent investigation team claimed they would look into it (along with a 24 hour number for John to contact them). John was brought into a meeting, with recordings and witnesses. The cabinet minster handed John's paperwork over to the Home Office Officials. This wasn an "official hand-over".

John never heard from them again and denied recieving any paper work. When pushed, they admitted to losing it.

John then alleges despite London being one of the largest cities in the western world, that these crimes had not been made well known due to influence and cover-up from high-ranking politicians and police.

Lenny Harper (the whistle blower mentioned prior) had forensic evidence of child murder at a children's home went missing. Lenny warned John this all went "right to the heart of the establishment."

John brought his concerns to Commisionar of the Metropolitan Police and how not one officer was investigating such a prolific network, yet minor crimes get far more attention.

John now works with victims of abuse, recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.

John claims 75% of prisoners are illterate, from abused backgrounds, and reoffend. He the claims child abuse is at the route of all this.

He then claims out of all the specialist units he worked in, the child abuse units were severaly and deliberatly underfunded (a car between 10 people while all other units had one each). 3 of his colleagues were alcoholics due to what they had witnessed and long hours "until they were dropping". Mandatory Psychiatric meetings were not intendted to see if the officer could continue, but convince them to continue. Heavily indicating the units were made to be unplesant to work in to encourage quitting or re-assignment.

Many informants- beggars and drug addicts- confessed they had been abused. One witness said at age 4 he was raped in a children's home on his first night by a catholic priest. He was then whipped and raped "daily", eventually winding up as a rent-boy in an area where it was "openly known" young boys were prostituting themselves. The witness claimed he was "safer with his pimp than in a kid's home". The pimp even warned the witness on one occasion not to go into a specific car as "the last boys were killed and we never saw them again". Despite this, the car drove around, and picked up the witness later.

The car took the witness to an affluent part of London (Hamstead), and was subjected to three days of "torture and sexual violence" by two men. They dumped him at a hospital when they thought he was dead, and the witness claimed they did this on the way to (one of) their Neice's wedding.

shadow332 ago

Summary pg. 3 (con't from main post):

In 2003 the "Bad Character Act" was introduced, allowing prior convictions to be used in a trial more easily. John said that minor crimes (shop lifting) brands the individual as a dishonest person- meaning their word in a court of law is dubious. John claimed that every drug addict/prostitute who had been a victim of child abuse had at one point commited such a crime to "stay alive" or buy drugs. As such, their testimony in courts were quickly debunked due to them being a "dishonest person".

In "the beggining of 2000", Mayor Juliano of New York to speak to them (police force?). He discussed the "broken window theory". In an area with a lot of depravity and poverty (usually looking as such due to grafitti and broken windows) that "tidying it up" would reduce crime and vice in those areas. John says this is naive at best, and the route cause needs to be solved. Heroin is a pain killer- and he states the victims of abuse may use heroin to cope with the mental or physical pain of trauma.

"These kids are set-up to fail, from cradle to grave"- stating how children who are repeatedly investigated by child services for poor behaviour or crimes never address the route cause- possible child abuse. "The people paid a good living wage to stop it are failing it, and sometimes it is deliberate" out of apathy or ignorance.

John then talks about child prostituation in Rotherham in April 2018. 2000 children were being pimped out. A social worker who had exposed this via an outreach program had been attacked by the police from high-ranking officers, her husband nearly lost her job, and nearly drove her to suicide. "It was orchastrated and manipulated at the highest eschalons […] from the very top".

John states he found a "strong link" between high ranked officers and high-ranked criminals. This was corroborated by a high-ranked officer in Manchester who had found similar- High ranked officers linked to organized criminals and child prostitution.

John had a "glimmer of hope" due to a commisionar in Wiltshire- Mike Veal. He investigated Child abuse/prostitution/trafficing linked to former Prime Minister Ted Heath. In Parlement he said "If they can attack me [from places he didn't even know existed], god knows what they'll do to John Wedger."

John states the police officer's fear of going to prison is used against them in the cover-up. And how this violates their oath, and pales in comparison to what the children go through. Maggie Oliver (detective constable in Rotherham) stated she faced prison, and claimed the CPS said "we've got enough evidence […] if you don't come to some agreement." The CPS said to John they had enough litigation to put him to prison. John said he would not be tried by them, but a crown court, by his peers, fairly. He then listed everyone involved with the child abuse- "from the bottom to the top". Who did something and who did nothing to stop it. This "went right up to Bernard Hogan-Howe" who John claims orchastrated the harassment he suffered "under his command". He is now been appointed by the House of Lords to investigate child grooming gangs.

John stated how Belgium had the same situation with Marc Dutroux, and how it was kept secret for so long (est. 25 civilian witnesses died, another woman in the video claims this was as high as 90). He then exlplained how the protests of the people resulted in real change. This is the White March- where half a million people attacked the parliamentary building, the fire brigade sprayed it with water while others hurled horse manure at it.)

think- ago

He then exlplained how the protests of the people resulted in real change. This is the White March- where half a million people attacked the parliamentary building, the fire brigade sprayed it with water while others hurled horse manure at it.)

I'm afraid he is being wrong here. There was the White March, it was very impressive, but after that - nothing changed. The situation in Belgium is still the same as it was 20 years ago.

truthdemon ago

He 'hands over' papers..without any official record of it..he makes no copies of it..since he doesnt seem to indicatr he is ready to publish any of this material. .. The tribunal for sure ..does not have any arresting powers...its just a voluntary get together...maybe to distract the public or to be used as a pressure release calm the masses down...just like marches and SNL type satire shows are set up to do...these satanists know how to manipulate the collective mind to a science..they have multiple weapon systems... Some weappon systems are a constant barrage of ignorance and fear..tempered with tittle the newspapers..daily mail is a good example..the online version is a good example ..a good case study of this tavistock mass mind control.. Another weapon is controlled opposition..99% of alternate media is set up.. The 9/11 truth movement was initially set up and pre prepped by the deep was JFK conspiracy movement with the altered and edited zappruder tapes...zaprudder was connected to the mob and conveniently placed to record it...this is an example of preprep...this is noticeed in 9/11 as well.. Theybjust scuppered it with the real time editing of planes comming out from the other side of the building..this mistake was immediately blackened out by live feed..

Ths tribunal has been around for years..are there any arrests...Kevin Arnett and his personal history has to be studied.. They are all actors..playing hoaxes.. The.only ones whoare gonna save our civilisatiin from these pedo freaks is.........(drum roll)... US....literally ..take ur currency and reduce the debt of the US and take control of the US as ur debtor corporation...they hate that u will liquidate their banks which are their debt generators.. They even coded this solution and only solution in the movie wizard of oz...dorothy liquidates the wicked witch as the witch is about tonset the strawman on fire.. Liquidate is the financial term to describe the removal of cash ..our deposits raw materials used by the banking sytem to create more debt ..

shadow332 ago

All of the above synchs up with recent events and this theory:

In the west, there has to be an appearance of democracy, while maintaining behind the scenes control and compliance of parliamentarians, so that they serve the oligarchy above party affiliation and their voter base. The most efficient method of achieving this is blackmail.

The easiest people to blackmail are pedophiles. Practically everyone hates them. If you can burn an asset by outing them as a pedophile, you will have an extremely compliant parliamentarian or government official working for you.

As a result, if you take a look at any given parliamentarian or high ranking public servant, there's a better than even chance of them being a pedophile. Such people are sought out by the relevant intelligence services and offered a deal.

Those who take up the deal are the ones who get ahead. They're pre-selected for parliamentary elections and promoted within the public service. They do what they're told and given a supply of children to abuse in an environment controlled and monitored by their blackmailers.

The supply of young victims to sexually service men in power doesn't come from nowhere. There's a lot of logistics involved in grooming and transporting these children and making sure that nobody involved talks about it.

That's where these grooming gangs come in. They are one of the chief means of supplying this system of oligarchical control through sexual trafficking of children. They're basically part of the government and must be protected as a key government asset.

The fact that they're predominantly Islamic brown people is really quite incidental and convenient/opportunistic. It means they have practically zero empathy for the mostly white children they prey upon and the race card can be played if anyone tries to expose them.

This sort of thing used to be done by native British back in the day, after all Britain was much whiter back when Jimmy Saville was doing his thing. It's just that the new Islamic migrants are much more effective at working with this system, so they're very valuable assets.

The key things to understand is that this is fundamentally about power, control and blackmail and just how high (indeed existential) the stakes are. The racial angle is mostly a convenient and distracting red herring, although far from irrelevant.

Tommy Robinson has unwittingly stumbled into something much more serious than just the courts going soft on a bunch of racial minorities. He's coming dangerously close to blowing the lid off the real power structure in the UK. So that's why they're going full SHUT IT DOWN mode.

Narcissism ago

The Psychology of the Power Structure should not be ignored either. There is a strong tendency towards Pathological Narcissism in Politics, Police, Judiciary, Entertainment, Military, Clergy and Medical professions.

These people have Common Purpose which is their addiction to the drug of Narcissistic Supply (attention, adulation, accolades, fame & celebrity).

YogSoggoth ago

The west is the USA. We carry firearms. Those guys over there are screwed, sorry to say. If I told that story to any friend in my town or others, there would be a physical backlash. Family member, quicker. Can't they get a tool and die set anymore? Funny how they can smuggle in drugs that cannot be grown there, and still be defenseless. He hit a ratline.

think- ago

Tommy Robinson has unwittingly stumbled into something much more serious than just the courts going soft on a bunch of racial minorities.

I hate saying it, but I'm afraid TR could be an alphabet agency asset.

letsdothis2 ago

I tend to agree with you.

think- ago

The fact that they're predominantly Islamic brown people is really quite incidental

I'm not so sure about this.

This might have been so in the beginning. But they are employed because due to playing the 'racism' card every time someone wants to talk about child rape gangs, they are protected from public scrutinity, more than white gangs would be.

Also, please keepin mind that they are connected to organized crime abroad, and parts of their revenue go to funding Islamists.

That's a rabbit hole that needs some further digging.

truthdemon ago

Studybthe history ..and their connectiins to royalty . Role in war laundering..opium villages in pakistan ...shipping companies..unaudited wealth Role insetting up pakistan as an mi6 mountbatten estate.... Very much plrotected in Canada ..UK..USA... Their money laundering activites have been covered up

Utube : aga khan money laundering

european ago

Sounds plausible.

jervybingly ago

"Such people [pedophiles] are sought out by the relevant intelligence services and offered a deal."

Why do intel agencies want to know who they are? Whether actually paid or through influence on promotion, once they know a person's particular kink, and have clear videos of acts in progress, they have complete control over a person's career and or his/her vote on any issue.

But the question remains: Who controls the intel agencies?

*What was the hardest part of being a member of that commission?

Looking sincere for the camera, pretending to give a shit and pretending they will ever do anything about the trafficking. *

truthdemon ago

Google : soon every american will be required...

It explains the bankers using ur application of live berth and ur consent to insure their debt game via the social security or national insurance account... U re name becomes surety or security to the national debt ..this is why they use the term protecting national security..they r not talking about safety ..its a banking term of security ...they work for the bankers ...this goes back to 1450s. With regards to the setting up of the new world be security for the first world ie payment system of european venetian merchants who had bankrupted rome by then

153sdsd ago

Thanks for the 1450s reference, the real power structure is close to being revealed, the fact that you and me are discussing it now its to me proof of it too

truthdemon ago

We fuel the war game with our labour credit ..when we realise this ..and act.upon it by using our credit to reduce debt ..we will not have to worry about these pedofreaks ..but charge them directly with charges made payable to the US treasury.. Till then ...we are just roaming around in the dark ..with rights that can be taken away or to be exact ...the guarantees to the right taken away..

The solution is as simple as placing a dollar or any currencyntonthe US treasury ..we then gain surety rights over our debtor ..the US trewsury

Google : surety rights

153sdsd ago

Thanks, I think we have always been in the tight grip of those in power, but the internet has given us some freedom to share information back, until they shut down our communications we will be making progress here, also "cryptocurrency" has the potential to release us a bit more from the grip the rich have had on the poor since the beginning of time. google "the internet of money"

truthdemon ago

Unfortunately it doesnt matter what currency one uses...the govt has a claim on ur name ...its called the birth certificate and with the social security application ..u consent to allowing the govt to use ur name as surety ..for any currency generatiin or code violation.. Its like a football game...when u volunteer to the game by placing urself in the field of play unhave to follow the rules of the collective ..this is how all govts work... When u use the roads..use the fed notes..use goods from govt chartered business...u are consenting to follow the rules of the game.. The govt has to go into debt to build these things..hence the need to tax..which is to control inflation arising from increasing debt.. They will only allow a currency to be in circulation that can be taxed ...this is the nature of UR govt predicament one is reducing the debt ..its not ur money anyway...ur name is not ur property either ..all u have is a claim..that u use as a token in this game..but u can use this token to play another game which that of funding reducing ur govt debt .. It is not the govts job to reduce debt it is the stakeholders of the games obligation to reduce debt ..

...the govt will not allow cryptocurrency to be in the hands of privatr citizens...they will just bring attach it to the banking system..

U have to be willing to understand the theory of money...u also have to understand that all countires ..corporatiins ..all registered ..houses ..etc operate and are under the control of roman pirate corporations under the papal bull of dum diversas .. ..whichbinternationalnexperts agree is the basis of international law..and thusntrade law...when u use ur name u r trading...the word citizen means city denizen ..which were licenced merchants under licence from the roman ports...during the time of war.. The papal bull is a decleration of war..u r under war code ..being a belligerent in this war all ine has to donis to increase the debt understand why debt is a decleration of war against the statr..u have to understand the christian code of baptism...which in the secular word is known as the birth certificate.. There is a lot to understsnd but simple logic will sufficr.. Increase debt of ur govt ...decleration of war Decrease debt ....decleration of peace In the game of peace..u r more powerful than ur govt it becomes ur debtor U have to understwnd surety undrretand ur surety rights over the govt .. Google: surety rights Have u ever used a cheque ..or a credit u know how it works? Ur actually as surety creating the credit for that transwction..u r the source of credit ..but are using it to fund the war game..even if u use crypto.currency ..and step outside and use ur registered in ur registered house ..the war code of the collective can and will exercise rights over the crypto currency..they have every right to because u are increasing thr debt of the govt

153sdsd ago

Thanks I'm actually familiar with all of that you mentioned, I was obsessed with documentaries online after zeitgeist in 2008, thanks for the effort , keep up the good fight!

truthdemon ago

I'll sen u this doesnt give the solution and gets the accounting slightly wrong ..but it summarises the system well..

They r just book keepers under our instructions

truthdemon ago

😉😉😉 The research on the law of merchants ..has come close to claim back our property claim over our birth trust.

The solution is either reducing debt at the US treasury or at the Crown London...OR both unto ceaser what is ceasers ..and to God what is pay a tithe to the bankers of God..

Then we both liquidate the banks as well as reduce debt ..and become sureties over the Crown .and its war inc..the US ..

I already have confirmation by email.from the US treasury that they will accept any currency from anyone on this planet to reduce their debt...

This declares peace with Rome ..and we automatically become the beneficiaries instead of trustees working and placing money into the war game..

Its our for the taking

HennyPenny ago

Recent report of publicity on this subject:

Brian Gerrish ‏@briangukc Jun 12 Needed a break in tweets. Back on line. Very pleased lady handing out 2,000 leaflets at TommyRobinson London protest to warn about reality of high level political establishment cover-up on child abuse and encouraging people to research Ex Met Det whistleblower John Wedger

european ago

Brian gerrish is someone who has connected a lot of dots relating to child protective services and secret family court system , the orwellian "common purpose" and more.