MilitaryTribunals ago

I could never figure out if this was an indictment or not, but here is a link to a court document:

MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you. I'll go through that document now. I notice that his NY flagship store is close to Pier 90 too.

MilitaryTribunals ago

What a coincidence being so close to pier 90.

J99 ago

LOL oh how quickly it can all change for them!

Vindicator ago

How about a Share! flair for this one MB2? This is excellent news!

Madwack ago

shared .....thanks

flyingcuttlefish ago

carmencita ago

I see that Nygard contact with Robt. DeNiro. He needs to go down too. Bad bad guy. What does Jodi have to say about him.

To hang around with this slimeball Well. You are the company that you keep. And let’s not leave out R Burkle. Wow.

plancktonne ago

Ron Burkle was once besties with both Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein. When Clinton flew on Burkle's private plane, a 757, it was jokingly known as "Air Fuck One."

Burkle tagged along on one of the four Clinton / Epstein around-the-world-tours on Epstein's plane the "Lolita Express." Burkle left the expedition along the way and flew home commercial, because he found Epstein "too weird." Burkle and Clinton later had a "falling out" over "something."

Ronald Burkle's producer son, 27, is found dead in his Beverly Hills home: 7 Jan 2020 UK Daily Mail

Cause of death not given. Hope no red ties, scarfs, doorknobs with antlers or Arkancides were involved.

millennial_vulcan ago

I too was fascinated by this! (Carm and I have been taking about R Burk!e for years) Totally no cause of death given for the son, you’re correct...hmmm.

Same with the 13 year old daughter of Ben Goldsmith and his ROTHSchi!d wife. Ok, in that instance there was some lame ‘she fell off a truck’ blah whatever, but the whole thing STANK.

Suicide? Sacrifice? Warning/Blackmail/Threat?

@carmencita @think-

plancktonne ago

The DM article was the first I'd heard of Burkle's son's death. Considering Bill Clinton and Burkle who were once very close allegedly had a "falling out" the nature of which is a mystery (AFAIK) it brings to mind Arkancide as a possibility. Following the "death" of Epstein it may well have been a warning for Burkle to keep his mouth shut. Though at his age the son may have joined the famed 27 club of rock stars and others who suffered unfortunate accidents, ODs and suicides.

millennial_vulcan ago

You are right on the money. I am sure the kid was Arkancideddd as a warning to Burk!e. There was so much stuff about Burk!e and Air Fk One on the excellent GAWKER, back in the day as @carmencita knows. Look at the shady ass trail of creeps on Burk!e’s radar...

From 2008:

Kim Karda$$, P Hi!ton, Kim K’s best friend Brittny Gastineau were all ‘high class’ (LOL) hookers who would fly around on Burkle’s jet back in the day...P Hi!ton’s current globetrotting “DJ” career (LMAO) is just cover for human and drug trafficking. Her family more than likely involved. Share, share.

@vindicator @darkknight111 @MercurysBall2 @gamepwn

plancktonne ago

Thx for the Gawker links. Off on a tangent from Kim Karda$$, I've long thought that OJ's ex wife, the one he allegedly murdered, and her friends were operating as hi-class yacht girls and OJ's strange stalking behavior was not simply jealousy but partly out of concern that his kids might get pimped out. There was talk at the time that his defense team wanted to bring this out, but OJ forbid it, not wanting the kids to learn of their mother's behavior.

There was some ordinary restaurant in Marina del Rey where there was a weekly meet-up for participants involved in S&M. If you told the hostess you were there for the Munchkins or the Munchers you would be escorted to a private room. Just for meeting people, not for sex on the premises. OJ himself was involved in the drugs and sex milieu, reportedly partying with Dodi Al Fayed (Princess Diana's boyfriend) who was blowing $1,000 per week on coke for himself and friends, back when $1,000 was big money.

@vindicator @darkknight111 @carmencita @MercurysBall2 @gamepwn

millennial_vulcan ago

Right on the money, Plancktonne. Much like Par!s Hi!ton now, OJ + Nicole ran a Hwood A List coke ring and stepped on a few toes. Yes, Juice loved his kids. Nicole would threaten Juice with a domestic violence charge if he didn’t increase alimony consequently all those 911 calls. Nicole, Faye R, Kris J just typical coked up LA rich party trash, nothing new. Totally believe the Dodi Al F connection; I heard it elsewhere too. Makes me wonder if he was supplying Princess D, hmmm. I’m sure Party Prince Randy Andy was jealous LOL. On a side note, does anyone British know if Markle + Ginger Sparkle are doing a boatload of coke? Their online ramblings are clearly written while high and they both always look sweaty and crazy eyed.

Every server (ie coke dealer) connected to Mezzaluna restaurant was whacked. Ron Gold was the 4th. Here’s what Sh@ron Osbourne said:

"Sharon Osbourne has been telling people a great story about the OJ Simpson case. She claims that she and Ozzy stopped doing drugs after Nicole Simpson was murdered - because OJ and Nicole were their dealers. The couple had carved out a niche for themselves as suppliers of gak to the Hollywood A-list. But OJ and Nicole's dealing led to unwelcome attention from local organised crime, who eventually put out a hit on Nicole to stop their enterprise. So... OJ is innocent, and the reason he jumped in his Bronco and fled was because he was out of his head on crack when the hitman took out Nicole. And in that paranoid state he quite reasonably thought they would be after him too."

Connected to Pizzagate because Epstein buddy Dershowitz was OJ’s lawyer. Juice probably paid him by the baggie LOL

@carmencita @vindicator @think- @darkknight111 X

Vindicator ago

Interesting. I wonder if any of this stuff is going to come out, now that the shit is hitting the weed whacker.

millennial_vulcan ago

Folks are bored at home and poking around online. LOL, lets hope there isn’t a blackout next... @carmencita

carmencita ago

Jaw dropping.

millennial_vulcan ago

Isn’t it Carm? Let’s hope some other jaw dropping revelations about things that we already know to be true hit the sheeple very soon...x

carmencita ago

Who would believe this stuff unless you like us you have researched and seen so much of it you finally have to admit these people are really rotten and can be capable of these atrocities.

I’ve been praying for over 3 years for them to wake up.

millennial_vulcan ago

@MercurysBall2 @gamepwn Spread share let the awakening continue

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wooooooow. Ok that’s a new one but quite possible indeed. Why was Robert Kardashian (Kris Jenners former husband) so adamant on being part of defence counsel for the case? This caused a major rift in his marriage dividing family and friends. Kris Jenner thought OJ did it and so did their entire circle of floozy friends. Is Kris Jenners daughter Khloe fathered by OJ as rumours have it? And why did Fay Resnick play such a big part and why the hell is she so relevant in the Kardashian and Hilton circles today but not in the public eye. Must be their behind closed doors Kabbalah coven meetups. No one ever really crosses the Hilton mother Kathy either. The sex S&M meetup is called a Munch your right it’s like a brunch meetup for people off the website Fetlife to meet other potential partners and sick fucks with the same perversions and fetishes. Being in that area though would likely attract high incomers for sure. Never heard anything tying OJ to Dodi Fayed ever before so not sure about that one, not saying it’s not possible though as anything is.

millennial_vulcan ago

I wonder why they keep Resnick around too. I would have thought everyone would distance themselves, but they are all active on Instagram, and their mutual friends always post and comment on old pictures of Nicole. Things that make you go hmm. They all parade around on the Real Housewives show like they earned their money legitimately LOL.

plancktonne ago

Ha ha, that's the first I heard that the Munch meetups were a regular known thing. When I first heard of it, it was in reference to Nicole's co-victim Ron Goldman and that was where he was headed when he stopped by Bundy to drop off her glasses.

carmencita ago

Wow. That’s a new take. I heard he took the rap for his son. There are a million stories in Pedo City but millions of answers. So they made him guilty to shut him up. Who knows what elites were involved with his wife. Who knows why Diana’s accident happened. Could be they wanted to bump him off.

plancktonne ago

I agree with the theory that he took the rap for his son, His son (Jason?) was a chef. Chefs are notoriously volatile. His son allegedly had a crush on Nicole and had a bag of chefs' knives in his car. The police said they checked him out and he had an alibi for the time of the murder, but in fact they only verified he was home and watching TV some hours earlier. I think someone called OJ and said Nicole and her friend had been murdered or there was "trouble" at Bundy, and OJ rushed over there which accounts for his DNA being there.

millennial_vulcan ago

Plancktonne apologies forgot to copy you on this link I sent to Truthseeker, below. Links Dodi to OJ.

millennial_vulcan ago

Plancktonne and @carmencita and @Truthseeker3000

OJ soap opera: have always thought Occams Razor was true in this case ie simple explanation - the two dummies were getting high on their own supply case in point while squatting on someone else’s coke turf. Apparently the houseguest dude Cato was the one procuring the drugs as Juice couldn’t be seen to handle anything himself. Also, not the first time Juice had been busted.

I think Jason showed up because cracked out Juice called him to the scene while he was freaking out. The killing method was way too sophisticated for it to be an amateur and had all the hallmarks of a classic hit. This has been well documented. OJ was protecting his kids by keeping his mouth shut. There are too many coincidences with related mob killings within months of Nicole/Ron murders for it all not to be connected. Other Simpson/Brown friends + associates kept their mouths shut because everyone was involved in their own shady shit. Karda$$ian Snr was part of that whole LA Armenian mafia and allegedly (LOL) involved in illegal sports betting, point shaving, porn, you name it. Its why Juice didn’t testify. He knew too much. Kris J would go down with Rob Snr so pointed finger at OJ. The current Karda$$s have so many skeletons and paid $$ for cover ups. Threatened to kill Robert Snrs last wife Ellen.

This all is what I’ve heard from a few very reliable sources over the years. Couldn’t work it into PGate relevancy before now, but well, here we are :)

Re Dodi A Fyd, I heard many years ago that the crash was in fact targeted at him. He was a well known drugs distribution guy and every knew how shady the dad (Mohammed A F) was with arms connections and Harrods laundering etc, cash for politicians and so on. Can’t have Royals and Kings associating with that particular brand of trash, LOL. :) (but somehow pedo princes in the family is ok, SMDH)

plancktonne ago

Thx. Did not know of Kardashian Snr's involvement with Armenia mafia or theory that Dodi was intended victim in the pont de l'Alma tunnel crash. Perhaps that was what my Parisian acquaintance had tracked down, resulting in the warning.

Dodi's uncle was billionaire arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi, whose 2nd wife, Lamia, was a big-time Scientologist out of their Flagship Operation in Clearwater, FL.

A long time ago, I read somewhere that one of the first phone calls Ted Kennedy made after he pulled himself out of Chappaquiddick and dried off was to Paula Wagner, Scientologist Tom Cruise's co-producer (Cruise / Wagner Productions).

millennial_vulcan ago

Maybe your friend knew of this story?

The connections are jaw dropping. Please post whatever you know. Would be great to get more direct links between the 90’s OJ players and anyone current. I wonder what Dershowitz told Epstein and pals (Prince Andy) about the case. I’m sure Andy was lapping up Dodi stories. Wonder if Andy and Dodi knew each other back then.

I know very little of $cientology world but no doubt they’re involved somehow.

plancktonne ago

I am certain Andy knew all about Dodi and his billionaire pops, as Andy is a world class grifter. Search on any combo of the following: Prince Andrew; Nursultan Nazarbayev, president of Kazakhstan; Frank Giustra, owner of Lionsgate films and the Vancouver Island estate currently occupied by Prince Harry and icy Principessa Markle; Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Uranium One. They are all in it together, whatever it is.

Prince Andrew lives a billionaire’s lifestyle on £270,000 a year: UK Sun

Truthseeker3000 ago

Frank Guistra actually came out saying the Vancouver island mansion the royals were staying at wasn’t his!! But then again, Frank Guistra is a complete and utter liar so it likely belongs to Lionsgate Films, makes sense.

plancktonne ago

Exactly. He speaks in Clinton-speak. One famous line a few years back was Hillary's, "I'm not gay." Which is accurate, because gay and lesbian are two separate categories as evidenced by LGBT, and she did not say, "I'm not a lesbian."

Guistra was another of Bill Clinton's pals on their travels to Kazakhstan, and also headed up the Canadian branch of the Clinton's many foundations, The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), because Canada has different reporting requirements and at one point Bill & Hill claimed they were forbidden by Canadian law from revealing details of that scam. Don't know if Guistra ever flew along with Epstein or Burkle.

millennial_vulcan ago

Guistra must know Br0nfm@n?

plancktonne ago

The Radar piece on Nicole & Dodi's argument is certainly news to me. Nicole is lucky that Dodi wasn't Saudi and traveled with his personal executioner with a golden scimitar or she might have... oh that's what did happen.

It shows that the whole OJ affair has fallen far out of the public's interest. At the time of the murders and the two trials I was involved in a Usenet group (Ask grandpa what those were. It took two weeks for messages to "bicycle" around the world from one university to another and it was censored by self-important SysOps who would declare messages they didn't like as Spam and put the messager on a Spam List.)

The group was largely anti-OJ but we had people posting from the library of Congress, where we found the LA Times had removed an article from their on-line edition, but it existed in a print edition. Also a team at the court house in the San Fernando valley investigating claims by a Mafia moll from Chicago that she was the intended victim. (She had some dispute with her mob hubby and her house had burned down, so it was a credible lead). As I recall, one person had a legit travel agency placing public ads for underaged sex tours to Southeast Asia, which they shut down after someone pointed out the illegality. I think it was the first time citizens could participate in a murder trial with full TV coverage and actual court transcripts available that evening.

The only unusual things I recall, other than the biz about the munch bunch:

The coroner accidentally losing the contents of Nicole's stomach, but not Ron's. Presumably because there were unsavory left-overs from sex in the mix. (In those days everyone assumed semen, but with we know these days it might have been a John Deere tractor.)

The coroner mentioning he was not able to take clippings from Ron's fingernails, because they were filed down, which is something a waiter might do, but which is also associated with a sex act.

Marcia Clark was, if I recall, at one time married to a Scientologist, who was a gambler and had played backgammon with OJ. Also, her neighbors hated her, because she'd throw loud parties with cars blocking their driveways. When they complained to her, SHE would call the police and have all of THEIR cars towed. It was widely reported she'd interview witnesses (especially Kato) in her office and toss them a pretzel whenever they gave her a "right" answer.

On the royal front, at one point during the trial, a British princess (I think it was Margaret) was in town, and LA society, such as it is, threw a big dinner in her honor, with everybody expecting to provide her with the latest salacious details. They were horribly disappointed to find she had no interest whatsoever.

Author Dominick Dunne who covered the OJ affair, had a daughter murdered by stabbing by a boyfriend chef. The chef was convicted and got off with a slap-on-the-wrist, but it probably colored Dunne's reporting.

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL, asked Grandpa Google about UseNet :) Sounds slow!

WOW. This is bomb. I spent years researching Michael Nigg, Brett Cantor, mob connections, turfs wars etc. Even went down some obscure hole involving Ron Goldman’s stepfather back in Chicago and his own falling out with gangsters. So many threads. Folks can draw their own conclusions. Not that anyone’s still interested. “Who?” - Millennials.

LOL if someone wants to start a “Shady Princess Margaret” thread I’d sure enjoy it! D Dunne and his daughter are the reason a lot of us are here ( #RIPHeather @carmencita )...Makes you wonder what Dominick really knew. “Chef Killer”, sure...

Truthseeker3000 ago

Nice dish plancktonne!! Your first paragraph reminded me of the stories when the Hollywood Hills had parties where many models would go and Saudis would be there picking out which ones they wanted. The girls drinks were drugged and when unconscious they were thrown in a helicopter together and taken to where their private jet was located, never to be seen again. Someone posted about this in detail on here. Flying private gets a pass no checks, personnel paid off. The rest of your post was fascinating and I have never heard of the coroner losing stomach contents and Ron’s fingernails. Wasn’t Ron’s occupation a “model”? In LA model is basically code for escort as LA is no fashion capital lol. Kato Kalin seemed to be scripted. What’s with the KK initials or number 77? Marcia Clark did a recent come back shes got some crime show on tv came back out of nowhere. I’m surprised to hear what u mentioned about her personally though but then again I never followed the OJ case too hard.

plancktonne ago

There was another group where we had a pilot flying private planes out of Dubai. He told tales of loading large duffel bags or hold-alls that may have contained cash, drugs or bodies (dead or alive and drugged). It was not advisable to ask questions if you wanted repeat business, and as the folks in the US Virgin Islands said about Epstein, "He tipped well."

Ron was supposedly an underwear model, a fact which was barely mentioned anywhere. These days once someone becomes a victim their past becomes almost saintly. I can understand why, in the case of rape, where defense attorneys once mercilessly bludgeoned the victim with her past behavior, but it now applies to everyone. What is your reference to KK or 77? The Marcia Clark story is from one of the neighbors, not the OJ trial.

Another side tale that we came across started as a paragraph in one of the many OJ trial books — don't remember title or author — where the writer asserted that policeman Mark Fuhrman and fellow cops met at night at the site of an actual Nazi town in Los Angeles, supposedly located in a canyon (Runyon?) off of Will Rogers State Park and right below Pacific Palisades where many anti-Nazi German expats, some famous, had settled. There was an obscure article in the LA TImes under places to hike that claimed it was well-developed at the time and even had its own hydroelectric plant. Went exploring for it, but the park rangers knew nothing of it and thought we were nuts. Started too late in the day and gave up before dark. Who knows if anything remains of it. The FBI reputedly had the place under surveillance and the morning after the US declared war on Germany arrested all the residents.

I searched on Runyon Canyon and Nazis and since the OJ Trial there's a ton of stuff, including pics. Parts of buildings do still exist. It's now become famous as a hiking destination. Also listed under "Murphy's Ranch" for anyone interested.

@vindicator @darkknight111 @MercurysBall2 @gamepwn @carmencita @think-

millennial_vulcan ago

Wow. Bombshell. Thanks!

Nazis seem to be getting a lot of traction at the moment “Plot Against America” “The Hunters” Are they in vogue? Or subliminal hooks for the sheeple because everyone’s getting wise to Operation Paperclip?

Oh Ron G was a gigolo for sure. Exhibit A:

Looks like he was pretty high on his own supply:)


Vindicator ago

Interesting and creepy.

plancktonne ago

For those interested in OJ, a 30 year old friend was watching O.J.: Made in America, and recommended it highly. So OJ is not entirely forgotten by the younger generations. I've not yet watched it. It's available on ESPN on Demand.

"It is a 2016 American documentary, produced and directed by Ezra Edelman for ESPN Films and their 30 for 30 series. It was released as a five-part miniseries and in theatrical format."

"It is the defining cultural tale of modern America - a saga of race, celebrity, media, violence, and the criminal justice system. And two decades after its unforgettable climax, it continues to fascinate, polarize, and even, yes, develop new chapters."

@vindicator @darkknight111 @MercurysBall2 @gamepwn @carmencita @think- @Truthseeker3000

carmencita ago

That’s what I’ve felt but am willing to consider some of the comment from @millennial_vulcan What do you think. Again so many answers

Vindicator ago

Good to see you around, MV :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

Here for you great people x

carmencita ago

Wow. Well imo when you are in that crowd your death is hardly ever due to natural causes. They do not regard life as precious as we do. People are a commodity or to be used to please Moloch/Satan 👿

millennial_vulcan ago

Yes of course. Both deaths had complete radio silence after the initial reporting. Nothing to see or question here. Sheeple have no clue. But I’m fascinated. Too coincidental. I think both were warnings for Burks and Roths to keep mouths shut.

carmencita ago

They have too much money to get scared. Someone on here said they were worth over 50T. But then again you may be right.

millennial_vulcan ago

Mind blowing. I know those deaths weren’t accidents. I dont know if others have discussed this topic in the past? A friend I talked about it with suggested the families themselves might have ‘silenced’ the kids if they were spilling too many family secrets? I can believe it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Millennial Vulcan - great to see you mention the Iris de Rothschild death aka sacrifice. Official cause of death was a rollover on a side by side motor vehicle behind her property going to her friends house. The area is flat, like a field and apparently it rolled over and she was trapped below. Fire and ambulance were supposedly on the scene. However, absolutely no mention of a lawsuit of the vehicle or blame of the company or even a mention of it from family and friends afterwards as they planted that story to the media. They have a large tree on their property on a pathway that friends and family leave tributes to her at, like a memorial tree. Her mother is Kate de Rothschild and her father is Ben Goldsmith who have two other children together, younger than Iris and both boys. They divorced after Kate had a psychological breakdown of some kind and left the family entirely and began dating a black rapper and the family cut her off completely financially. She was seen in pawn shops at the time selling stuff for cash. There were claims of drug abuse too. After a while she was lured back to the family but her marriage ended but she was always in touch with her kids. Ben remarried and Kate has been single for the most part. She had been on a rampage about refugees the last few years visiting Palestine and actually living and talking with refugees there making videos about how racist we are not to embrace them and Muslim culture. People fired back on her social media about how her family was the cause of the crisis to begin with!! Her best friend and “handler” is Jemima Goldsmith, her former sister in law, who was also married to a Muslim political figure Imran Khan (?) and they had 3 kids before they divorced. Jemima constantly preaches about Muslim issues and anti semantism. She is always around Kate, both have the same type of programming. Kate has been extremely effected by Iris’ death.

The reason why Iris’ death is a sacrifice: Kate’s father Amschel (?) de Rothschild was also suicided, that was the cause of death but he was murdered by his own family. He did not kill himself. He was the family outcast because he didn’t share their beliefs and want to go along with the plan. Imagine that, a Rothschild with a heart. Now, the thing is THE DATES. Look at the dates. The time between his date of death and Iris’ death and the fact that Iris was sacrificed the SAME DATE, her age, the times. The family claim to be J but they are truly Kabbalah and the numbers are HUGE. No one ever talks about the rollover accident either, it’s always the fact that it’s a tragic death for someone so young and had so much going for her. Apparently she wanted to become a lawyer and was caring and quite intelligent.


carmencita ago

That was her downfall being caring

We can’t have any of that. Evidently that is an I admired train since Amschel has similar qualities. Brrr. Chilling.


millennial_vulcan ago

Thank you to you Truthseeker for taking the time to type this. Grateful for your insight. Well, I agree! I know a little of the story because of my knowledge of abuse in the rap world and am familiar with Jay Electronica, her fling. Jay’s real Muslim last name is ‘Allah’, lol.

Kate’s sister Alice had an affair with/married Ben’s brother Zack who I believe after Jemima is the most famous member of that family as he is a popular member of parliament based in London. But, so bizarre. Both Goldsmith brothers married Rothschild sisters...and noone is talking more about this? Things that make you go hmm.

The whole Iris tragedy was swept away like you say. Deafening silence from two powerful families who could destroy in a second whoever was responsible. I too read she was a sweet and normal child. How are these things carried out? The parents are forced to stage the accident? Hand the body over to a sacrificial altar?

Perhaps better not to mention the K word as Ben is probably reading this ;-)


carmencita ago

Sweet and normal is a liability among the elite. Ver sad loss to us but not too them. Plus they get brownie points from Moloch.

After giving birth and raising them (well maybe by the nanny) they just off their Children 👶 Just like that. So really do they ever allow themselves to get really attached. I doubt it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

It is because the child is the first born. Iris was first born. The first born child in their culture whether they are satanic, luciferian, J or K (thanks millennial v, will I actually get in shit for using the real words?!?!) A lot of child stars are also first born, the first born is a sacrifice of some sort, the bread winner, abused, murdered. It’s sick but true. These people are pure evil. Thing I don’t get is why Kate Roths seems totally oblivious that it’s her own family. The article above about Ben Goldsmith sums him up pretty well, going after the truth of what happened.


carmencita ago

So evil and sick. First born? Unlucky one. No amount of money would make me be a part of their world.

millennial_vulcan ago

Great explanation, Carm. Its just when you get an insight, on twitter, instagram or whatever, of the normal home and school lives of these kids and families, its hard to comprehend an evil undercurrent. But you’re correct :(

carmencita ago

I agree. A :( is perfect.

plancktonne ago

I happened to watch, on and off, director Darren Aronofsky's film mother! and thought it bore some parallels to Rosemary's Baby, though Aronofsky says it's a Biblical allegory of God and mother earth. If anyone is inclined to view it, it contains scenes of a person getting beaten to death by a doorknob — and much worse.

I was surprised to find a site which also picked up on the mother! and Rosemary's Baby connection:

The Weaponized Suicide of Anthony Bourdain

Full title: Russian Active Measures and the Weaponized Suicide of Anthony Bourdain? - | Dark Arts Criticism

This subverse PizzaGate is mentioned as is Weinstein, Bourdain's girlfriend Asia Argento and her father, the occult horror-film director Dario Argento, and Jennifer Lawrence.

"Then, following Bourdain’s death, two news sites (which are not patently Russian) but which were associated with spreading the Pizzagate and QAnon (see Roseanne Barr) conspiracies in the 2016 election cycle created new conspiracies which continued to target ‘pedophile elites’ and the Clintons in 2018. (This seems a clever recycling of old material as we often see with Russia.) In addition, other known churners of Russian disinformation like Alex Jones’ Infowars contributed to the conspiracy theorizing. These sites seemed to have played off of the adversarial political narrative which Bourdain embodied in life, relative to his public disrespect for Hillary Clinton specifically."

All the above theory of Bourdain's suicide is in conflict with the theory that the deed was done by the Deep State to protect Congressman Adam Schiff from being disgraced by revealing the death of an eleven year old black boy at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood where Bourdain occupied the adjoining bungalow and had seen the clean up operation, Allegedly the black victim had a "handler" who may well have been Ed Buck.

@vindicator @darkknight111 @MercurysBall2 @gamepwn @carmencita @think- @Truthseeker3000

carmencita ago

And if I remember correctly BC flew with him to bring back Lisa Lings sister and Niece from North Korea

Lisa and Sis & Girl were pictured at Comet PP. The Clintons have bragged about never paying for air fare. I believe it.

millennial_vulcan ago

Were folks ever aware that Skippy was also on that flight....? does this need to be shared? @MercurysBall2

carmencita ago

Holy Cow. Did not know that. What a revelation. WTH was he going for. A free ride for what.

MercurysBall2 ago

I didn't know Skippy was there. Yes, probably needs to be shared.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Why was Princess Marie Chantal and Pavlos of Greece there along with Eugenie and Beatrice? They like to portray themselves with such a wholesome image and so family oriented.

millennial_vulcan ago

Many (totally accurate) blind items about Eug and Bea passed around Prince Andrews buddies when the girls were teenagers. Sarah Fergie handled the $$ part of it. I don’t know much about Princes MC and thingy of Greece but wouldn’t surprise me if their antics were the same @carmencita @think-

carmencita ago

Seems like these royals have offspring but don’t really care about them. Running Wild. Also Incest. Yuck. Relatives are allowed to have their way. Sick.

millennial_vulcan ago

Same ole story Carm.

carmencita ago

It’s like humming that song over and over you can’t get out of your mind until you want to scream. Hope someone turns off the radio. Soon people will wake. I think they were starting to and then the virus. To put us back in our corner.