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MercurysBall2 ago

After the roulette project Farmer switched his dissertation topic to chaotic dynamics and joined together with James P. Crutchfield, Norman Packard, and Robert Shaw to found the Dynamical Systems Collective (subsequently known by others as the Chaos Cabal)

Edge article: Collective Awareness - A Dialogue Between J. Doyne Farmer, Don Ross


..When I was a graduate student, Norman Packard and I decided to take on the problem of beating roulette. We ended up building what turned out to be the first wearable digital computer.

Adaptive Dynamic Networks as Models for the Immune System and Autocatalytic Sets by


In THE THIRD CULTURE - An introduction by John Brockman : *A Possible Solution For The Problem Of Time In Quantum Cosmology -

By Stuart Kauffman and Lee Smolin*

The synthetic path to investigating the world is the logical space occupied by Gell-Mann, the biologist Stuart Kauffman, the computer scientist Christopher G. Langton, and the physicist J. Doyne Farmer, and their colleagues in and around Los Alamos and the Santa Fe Institute.

The Santa Fe Institute was founded in 1984 by a group that included Gell-Mann, then at the California Institute of Technology, and the Los Alamos chemist George Cowan. Some say it came into being as a haven for bored physicists. Indeed, the end of the reductionist program in physics may well be an epistemological demise, in which the ultimate question is neither asked nor answered but instead the terms of the inquiry are transformed. This is what is happening in Santa Fe.

The link between John Brockman's 'Third Culture' and Tony Blair's 'Third Way' :

There are two of them. Tony Blair and Anthony Giddens.

If you google “The Third Way” you will come across two names already mentioned in this blog. One of them should be well known to doctors since he is currently the Chief Executive and Registrar of the General Medical Council.

..Tony Blair’s “Third Way” may well not have materialised without the other Tony. You see, Anthony Giddens has been hailed as “Tony Blair’s favourite intellectual” or “Tony Blair’s guru.”

My Black Cat immediately spotted an intertwinglement in the preface of this book which we have both read. It appears that during the gestation of this publication, Anthony Giddens had several informal meetings with Goeff Mulgan and Ian Hargreaves. Intitally they were going to be co-authors but this didn’t materialise however Gibbens acknowledges that he has drawn much information from them.

Goeff Mulgan was of course a co-founder of Demos along with Julia Middleton, founder of Common Purpose, and Martin Jacques, editor of “Marxism Today” from 1977 to 1991. These, of course, were the Strong Intertwinglements that excited my Black Cat so much that she tangled herself into knots.

..So, Anthony Giddons, the other Tony, intertwingles not only with two of “The Triplets” i.e Demos and Common Purpose, and in addition seems to have had considerable influence on the policies of Tony Blair. He is also strongly intertwingled with the London School of Economics. From 1997 to 2003 he was Director of the LSE.

..There is now The Third Sector, and The Third Way. My Black Cat is sure they are both closely intertwingled into The Big Society. There is also The Third Culture. You can read about what Anthony Giddens is saying on The Third Culture website. You can listen too him too.

MercurysBall2 ago

Voat post re Demos The Aspen Security Forum overlaps with Gamergate

There is a lot of overlap between the Aspen Security Forum and the Islamist stuff that Gamergate dug up...

Peter Bergen and Karen Greenberg presented alongside Bruce Schneier at a New America Foundation panel moderated by Steve Coll for the National Security and Human Rights Campaign, a joint project of George Soros's Open Society Institute and Muslim Advocates, which is also mentioned in the Concordia thread.

..Ryan Crocker is a Trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund which has significant mentions in the Concordia thread and the Literally Who thread. They are directly connected to Demos, the Association for Progressive Communications, the Geena Davis Institute, Common Purpose, Helena Kennedy, and the Scardinos. They are also big supporters of the Palestinian BDS movement.

Related YT video : Homo Sorosensus .. about George Soros ties to the European Court of Human Rights and his quest to create humans in his image