Angelis_Solaris ago

Just a reminder of how it is known that Besta has a basement:

These jokers don't believe in Pizzagate because they're too cool, but they took it upon themselves to investigate at the restaurant. They went in the back door of Besta with a camera and saw stairs leading down underground.

MongolianPaellaFish ago

Good to know that Alefantis is still walking around free with a huge grin on his face while Q does fuck all about it. Nice work, Q!

Vindicator ago

Thanks for your vigilance, Yuke. Good to see you.

think- ago

Besta Pizza is being taken over... by Alefantis.

You can't make this up....

rickman2 ago

We know Buck is a term for paedos. We know Alefantis has described himself as a Buck. His friends have also called him Pan and he has agreed with them. This new restaurant is just more taunting.

think- ago

I'ts also (imo) an allusion to Buckinghamshire, where the Rothschilds have their mansions.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. I wonder who downvoted you.

think- ago

James of course, lol. ;-)

tech-adm ago

Buckaroos, Buck's Fishing and Camping - noticing a theme here.

carmencita ago

That area has some weird stuff in the past. Remember the guy or 2 guys that disappeared and they found them buried on a farm there. We researched for short while. Some saying the boy they charged had a mental problem. Possibly someone else committed the crime like the parent. But the Furry Parties take the cake. These included Children that were a abused. They were forced to wear the costumes as well. It made me so sick. LE is so compromised there.

carmencita ago

Buckaroos. Brings to mind Brokeback Mountain.

plancktonne ago

While buckaroos originally referred to adult cowboys, in recent times it's associated with little children below tween age, For examples search on +buckaroos +kids +children +cartoon.

carmencita ago

Yes! I am so glad someone else knows this. I remember a Kiddie Show where they said C’mon all you Buckaroos or to that effect. Also there is a connotation of Buck with gay etc. Bucks County in Pa. had Furry Parties and some said other things as well involving Children. Buck is a favored name like Buck Henry.

plancktonne ago

And infamous alleged torturer and murderer of poor black men, Democratic donation bundler Ed Buck of West Hollywood (born Edward Bernard Peter Buckmelter).

carmencita ago

Those were horrible crimes. If they really dug into and then really printed the truth about his connections they would scatter like the rats they are. Yes and Buck is used by many that have a sick need for Our Children.

Heisenberg123 ago

It's been hell of a three years and he's still walking around like nothing happened.

Psalm144-1 ago

bUt Q sAiD tHerE R seAleD inDicMenTs

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm convinced he's had a huge lifestyle changed and is under 24/7 surveillance.

Yuke ago

What makes you think that?

Scoundrel ago

With you.

Blacksmith21 ago

All connected by underground tunnels/basements.

redwing14 ago

this is strange. I've heard of secret societies mostly being an elite group where people talk and that's it, but deeper levels into it do these sorts of things, and some even worse. God knows what..

steven_feelsperg ago

  • elite = jews and their shabbos goy golems
  • worse = child capture + torture + slaughter network to extract adrenochrome, the ultimate psychological drug
  • blood libel is a historical fact