OpakapakaCaca ago

Outward Bound? No shit. Had to go on a stupid school trip to one of their camps in Wiscasset, Maine as a kid. Chewonkie or something. I just remember it was freezing. Run by a bunch of hippies.

Geo_synchronous ago

Dude. You should get an award for that report.

Onetime1 ago


Thanks for posting this.

While years and years of following, posting, ineffectively trying to communicate about these abominations have left me somewhat numbed, I will leave you all with these 2 bits ...

Podesta's mother 'adopted' at least 25 kids (!!!).

If you choose to spend 1 to 3 minutes, you can - with your own eyes - see short clip of a naked boy frantically escaping from a top floor window of Buckingham palace in 2015. Video(s) online.

SearchVoatBot ago

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The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Go hear about Teneo on Webb's channel. They are the heart of it all, with the encrypted Blackberries!

MercurysBall2 ago

Outward Bound Global officers https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/00405180/officers

Dame Pamela Louise Makin, DBE (born November 1960) is a British businesswoman, the chief executive (CEO) of BTG plc, a FTSE 250 Index healthcare company.

Makin has been the chief executive officer of BTG PLC since 17 September 2004. She served as the president for biopharmaceuticals Europe at Baxter Healthcare since 2001, where she was responsible for sales in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Makin joined Baxter Healthcare in 2000 as vice president of strategy and business development Europe.

MercurysBall2 ago

Dame Pamela Louise Makin has been a non-executive director of Intertek Group plc since 1 July 2012.

Here https://www.lsxleaders.com/lifestars-awards/lifetime-achievement

Dame Louise Makin, MA, PhD (Cantab), MBA, DBE, joined BTG as Chief Executive Officer in October 2004 and led the transformation of BTG from $150m value to acquisition by Boston Scientific for $4.2 billion in August 2019 by successfully acquiring and integrating 8 companies into BTG to create a leading Interventional Medicine Business. Louise is a non-executive director of Intertek Group plc and the Woodford Patient Capital Trust, a Trustee of the Outward Bound Trust, Chair of the 1851 Trust, and an Honorary Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge.

Intertek was involved with the Monsanto controversy https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/glyphosate-monsanto-intertek-studies-1.4902229

In March 2015, agrochemical giant Monsanto had a problem. The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced that glyphosate, the principal ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup weed-killer product, was probably carcinogenic to humans.

The documents also reveal communications between Monsanto and a Canadian firm hired to recruit scientists to publish studies that ultimately defended glyphosate — some of which were secretly reviewed by Monsanto prior to publication. All those papers, as previously reported by CBC/Radio-Canada, were also used as part of Health Canada's re-approval process of glyphosate in 2017.

..Five studies, including a review article, were eventually written and published in 2016. Monsanto hired Intertek, formerly known as Cantox of Mississauga, Ont., to set and co-ordinate four "independent expert panels" to publish these papers in the journal, Critical Reviews in Toxicology. The 15 researchers concluded unanimously that glyphosate was not a carcinogen.

.Those papers got noticed by federal regulators. In defending its decision to re-approve use of glyphosate in 2017, Health Canada cited those papers in its list of references. It re-approved glyphosate until 2032, a decision based in large part on studies written by industry.

Internal Monsanto emails show that the company closely followed the evolution of some of the articles and even edited passages.

On Jan. 6, 2016, company official Heydens writes to Intertek about one of the papers (pdf link): "I think you and I should talk about how that chapter gets completed, as it is not exactly what I was expecting."

MercurysBall2 ago

The video I posted is by the abuse victim from the Outward Bound camp. He now lives in Berlin and his name is Phoenix Kaspian. Here is his steemit account https://steemit.com/@matrjoschka

It has some interesting articles, including: Epstein's Island, the Royal Family, and Outward Bound and Similarities between Epstein's Island and the camp where I was abused

Ps37-27 ago

Outward bound USA- any familiar names?

Leadership Team

Josh Brankman, Executive Director

Christy Borst, Board/Executive Relations and Special Projects Manager

Sandy Hunter, Chief Financial Officer

Penny Jeffers, Operations Director

Steve Neal, Risk Management Officer

Katie Newsom, Chief Advancement Officer

Mike Pigg, National Safety Director

Peter Steinhauser, National Brand and Marketing Director

Board of Directors

Catherine Smith, Chair

Rohan Freeman, Vice Chair

William Casazza

Richard Doren

Stephen Hassenfelt

Lisa Isaacson

Laura Kohler

Henry Morse

John Pasmore

Lee Skold

Brad Thayer

MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you. Will have a look through.

Vindicator ago

Lynn de Rothschild was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.

Hi there @MercurysBall2. Great research. Could you provide a link documenting the "indescribable abuse" at Outward Bound? While I don't doubt it occurred, as it seems to have occurred in EVERY children's organization, we need something supporting that per Rule 2. It's a significant statement. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit. Thank you.

kestrel9 ago

Witnesss account https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3692156

He tried to report the case to the UK police over the period of over a year. https://invidio.us/watch?v=j82JVnRDI4k


MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you for the input Kestrel.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome, timing worked out as I had just found that article and was already familiar with Phoenix's video regarding his attempts to report the abuse and murder of little Clare.

Vindicator ago

Flair removed. Thanks for the help K9. Thanks for editing, Mercury.

kestrel9 ago

np you're welcome :)

Cincosiber ago

Maybe there is something here too. It was a little elitist when I was a growing up in the 80s. It's international too. I imagine he had ulterior motives for it!

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (commonly abbreviated DofE),[1] is a youth awards programme founded in the United Kingdom in 1956 by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, that has since expanded to 144 nations. The awards recognise adolescents and young adults for completing a series of self-improvement exercises modelled on Kurt Hahn's solution to the "Six Declines of Modern Youth".


MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you for bringing up the DoE Award. Prince Edward has long taken over patronage of that scheme. The general public seems to have the opinion that he and his wife Sophie are the 'good' royals. But they are also involved with charities and NGOs that seem to be fronts for 'other' operations:

FBI raids home of DC Council Member Jack Evans. He represents Ward 2 - that includes Dupont Circle. Oh, here he is at the Septime Webre Farewell Party...

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

Mind-boggling, thank you.

Virginia Roberts said she was raped by another Prince too, not only Prince Andrew. That could be Albert of Monaco, bin Salaman or Prince Charles.

Hague is close to Angelina Jolie, who also pretends to fight sex trafficking, like Prince Andrew's daughter Beatrice.

justregtoasku ago

Hague covered up for pedo Leon brittan

think- ago

Yep. And so much more....

anoncastillo ago

Just that first letter is interesting - proves the Clintons had ties with Epstein at least by 1995, and the fact that "currency stabilization" was the topic of conversation says a lot

OpakapakaCaca ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

Please watch the YouTube channel Phoenix and Aria Speak Out. It is extremely well done, both are survivors of abuse in Britain. Masonic and elite school, including this one.

Otto- ago

They are very hard to watch. Drone footage of the very boathouse where he was traumatized by near-drowning still receives compliments & remarks on YouTube about how beautiful it looks.