MercurysBall2 ago

"DJ Jimmy Savile shows the Duke of Edinburgh where he keeps his cigar before the Variety Club national sponsored sports luncheon at the Hilton Hotel, London. The Duke was guest of honour at the lunch to benefit the Outward Bound Trust - he is patron."

More about the Variety Club here: Variety UK, an international children's charity of the entertainment industry, Sunshine Coaches and Jimmy Savile.. takes us to Hackremo, Santa Fe Relocation and Prince Andrew

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

There is no reason whatsoever for this to exist on God's earth. We don't allow rabid dogs to run wild!

Emiliopoochie23 ago

God just horrible they couldnt even trust their parents.

How can these people function at all in life .The saddest possible and these animals so evil.

Death penalty to easy, lock they up in with criminally insane .

How can they be so cruel to the children?God help these victims to live strong enough to go after these evil doers.

I hope they have everything they can to prosecute these parasites.

Humanizzimo ago

These people are more than sick, They are EVIL to the core

1Paydaddy ago

Dark to Light. My prayers to the victims.

Buzzsaw ago

It sickens me to hear this. I wish I could take their pain away. Just think how many generations have experienced many. It's almost as if it just a normal way of life because so many have been tortured under these condtions. The people need to come together and rise up against the crown. Be SO vocal that they cannot be ignored. Expose the monsters through numbers.

kestrel9 ago

see also @MercurysBall2 research regarding the Royal family