Hemamancer88 ago

The clause should also consider 'deception' as a method that human traffickers use to lure in and deceive their victims. Since only fraud is considered that may imply that a trafficker posed as a person of trust rather than lied and deceived the intended victim.

carmencita ago

Kentucky is part of the human trafficking corridor that starts in Fla. and moves throughout the USA.

Atlanta Tennessee Illinois Denver are all part of it.

We’ve just got to start making inroads on stopping the Child end of it for they become the trafficked adults that get arrested later on through no fault unless they get lucky and receive intervention. So morally wrong and sad.

drakesdoom2 ago

Putting slavery, prostitutes, and child fuckers in the same box isn't going to help.

darkknight111 ago

Human trafficking is essentially akin to the slave trade (often sex slavery).

When human trafficking is involved, prostitution is NOT voluntary. Coercion removes the voluntary aspect.

Many victims of human trafficking are children.

Using proper logic combined with knowledge of the facts behind human trafficking, putting slavery, prostitutes and child fuckers in the same box will certainly help in this case.

Otto- ago

I think all states have trafficking charges with "soliciting minors" as offenses too.

I would have thought this was actually a good thing, since Kentucky has a major problem with trafficking and disappearing hotspots that I don't see talked about; I don't have the stats either but Mammoth Cave System is a big factor. If this bill aligns them with the national standard, all the better for future prosecutions, so I'd hope.

I've heard from a woman's descriptions, imprisoned there, about outposts & bases in the forests and restricted reserves that have occultists, full on robe-wearing torturers that she overheard in the woods, which traumatized & sent her to lockup after going digging last year. Apparent open secret, involving a lot of local families. History & museum guides who don't talk about the town rumours on camera out of fear. Others whos anecdotes on camera describe friends & doctors who've been invited to orgies that have included children. This on top of so much paranormal, occult & conspiracy aspects not covered by this sub, that it's worth its own post if only it weren't so massively broad.

A lot of freelance reporting focused there lately, I hope we see more soon. There's a few places in the continental US that have far more significance to child targetting than others, for largely geographic & historically liminal reasons, that drive technological focus there for the same. Far beyond our current scope right now, simply not the point of this sub. Sorry for the tirade.

think- ago

Others whos anecdotes on camera describe friends & doctors who've been invited to orgies that have included children.

Would you maybe have a link - thanks!

Otto- ago

Sort of, but not from the original doctor or wife: https://youtu.be/hikfHZDmPEA?t=2528

That part I believe revolves around Somerset, Kentucky. You'll see in the news the last 24 hours about an FBI and constable involved in a shootout there. Also mentions the Bluegrass conspiracy and plenty other local stuff. Quartz in particular being of interest to me.

This guy's Nathan Isaac, apparently has a podcast & does interviews with a lot of people, part researcher & filmmaker, talking to other researchers who follow paranormal stories.

EricKaliberhall ago

This is a fucked up one => https://voat.co/v/pedogate/3302056

think- ago

Yes, I read about the case. Thank you.