think- ago

I watched a film about her work. She is awesome.

think- ago

Most don't know that they will have to work as a prostitute in Europe. They are expecting to work as a housekeeper or a waitress (similar to what women trafficked from Eastern Europe believe).

Before they leave Nigeria, the pimps take them to a priest who will cut off a piece of their fingernail or a some hair in a kind of Voodoo ceremony, and will tell them that he 'owns' them now.

When they'll have arrived in Europe, they are told that they and their families will get cursed by the priest if they ever should try to flee, so most don't dare to flee.

carmencita ago

Some are as young as 14 yrs old. Dear Mother of God.

Prayers tonight for Princess and all the girls 🙏 May God help her as she is in danger.

4696294512835103 ago

I can believe it. Of course Hollywood is neck deep in the brainwashing.

Laila Mickelwait, the author of the blogpost, wrote: “I have encountered young women who have told us that Pretty Women lured them into the sex industry by leading them to believe that prostitution was glamorous and romantic.” She quoted a sex worker called Stephanie who she interviewed for a documentary: “I watched the movie, Pretty Woman, and I was like, well gosh, look at her, she’s beautiful, she’s making money, she’s meeting guys ... I experienced nothing like Pretty Woman, it’s totally, totally different. I’ve been held hostage at gunpoint, raped, robbed, strangled, beaten up, everything, by customers.”

Mickelwait continued: “How many young, naive, and unsuspecting women over the last 25 years were deceived by the fairy tale of Pretty Woman and led into a life of abuse, trauma, and slavery?” She juxtaposed an image of a smiling Roberts with a bruised eastern European sex worker.

kestrel9 ago

For some perhaps, but I'm inclined to believe many more are tricked with the promise of better lives (regular jobs), or are threatened and have their families threatened.

Underage Sex trafficking crossing the US southern border, it's horrific:

4696294512835103 ago

I agree with you. Yes, some are tricked by being told they are going to be nannies or work other normal jobs that don't require much education. I was just backing up what the husband was saying about the girls who understand that they are going to be working as prostitutes.

unicornsandrainbowsx ago

Jesus Christ.