EricKaliberhall ago

The progressive-left liberals in Europe (Brussels) are both deaf and blind to what's really going on. Or, that's what they want Europeans to think, maybe they know exactly what they are doing.

The subject of pedophilia is so taboo, that when the subject is raised in parliament, they simply shut it down and walk away.

kestrel9 ago

Wow..thanks for the video. Progressives need to be defeated at all costs.

kestrel9 ago

'Voodoo' caretaker who trafficked young girls and made them eat hearts is jailed for 20 years


A council caretaker who smuggled two teenage girls into Britain and forced them to work as prostitutes after they were put under a voodoo curse was jailed for 20 years.

Failed Nigerian asylum seeker Anthony Harrison, 32, also became the first person to be convicted of trafficking the victims out of the UK in a groundbreaking case. A jury at Woolwich Crown Court unanimously convicted Harrison of a string of trafficking charges but cleared him of two charges of rape. ( Can't charge asylum seekers with rape right? )

Harrison led a double life as a 'key player' in a people trafficking gang which used bizarre rituals to trap the children into sex slavery. He arrived in the UK in April 2003, claiming to be Liberian, but evidence suggested he was actually from Nigeria.

Although his asylum application and subsequent appeals were refused, he was granted indefinite leave to remain under the Home Office 'Legacy' programme.

In 2009, Harrison oversaw the smuggling of the girls  while he worked for Newham council. Harrison then shipped them on to Spain and Greece to work in the sex industry.

From August 2004 until his arrest at the end of last year, he worked as a caretaker at Newham Council. " was impossible to be sure of his real age or name because he had used at least seven different aliases at various times."

The girls involved, aged 14 and 16, from Edo in Nigeria, are believed to be the first 'Juju' voodoo rites victims to give evidence in a European court. The two teenagers - who cannot be identified for legal reasons - underwent a series of perverse ceremonies which saw one of them stripped naked, cut all over her body with razors and locked in a coffin for hours. Another ceremony saw her forced to drink blood while yet another involved eating a chicken's heart.

Jurors heard how the two girls were sold by their families in Nigeria to people traffickers.

After being subjected to Juju rituals in Africa, they were given 'scripts' to tell UK immigration staff that they were claiming asylum, having been forced to flee their country because they were accused of being lesbians.

kestrel9 ago

The Plight Of Nigerian Girls Trafficked Into Prostitution In Italy

...thousands of Nigerian girls and women have been trafficked to Europe to toil as sex workers. Lured by false promises of high-paying jobs in such glamorous European capitals as Rome, Paris and Brussels, the girls soon find themselves trapped in a web of organized crime, violence and prostitution. These women are exploited and abused by criminal gangs in both their native Nigeria and in Europe.

According to Nigeria’s National Agency for Prohibition of Traffic in Persons (NAPTIP), 60 percent of prostitutes in Italy and Belgium -- particularly in the cities of Turin and Antwerp -- are of Nigerian descent.

Moreover, according to the United Nations Inter-regional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), there are now at least 10,000 Nigerian prostitutes – perhaps as many as 20,000 – in Italy alone. Many of them owe so much money to smugglers and others who enabled them to cross into Europe that they have little hope of ever clearing their debt; rendering them virtually as 21st century “slaves.”

In many cases, the women are forced to submit to oath-swearing rituals that compel them to believe that they or their families with suffer “insanity” or even death if they fail to pay their debt in full.

Even worse, these women often have to pay a “rent” for the spots on highways and roads where they ply their sordid trade.

"Nigerian criminals are able to find agreements with all the mafias, from Colombians to Chinese. But it's an easy game for them in Italy also for another reason: the high number of Italian clients who look for prostitutes night and day," Giovanni Conzo, an anti-mafia prosecutor in Naples, told al Jazeera. "This [Nigerian criminal] organization is stronger than ever. We should stop them before they take full control of our region.”