carmencita ago

The email titled Honduras Maybe Maybe between Hillary and Cheryl Mills. What an ending. Gays consider an underage boy a “chicken” the gay homosexual is theme called a “chicken hawk”. I read that they wear a hanky in their back pocket to spread the word. To let them know. What a way to live. Disgusting seeking out young boys. Our 👦 Boys.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Friend of Tommy Podesta in one of his emails asked did he want the hanky he left in the kitchen? To be mailed to him .

carmencita ago

Left in a rental house I believe. Sick.

We should be on the lookout for those back pocket kewpie hankies.

Daisies_and_Roses ago

In Isaac Kappy's livestreams before his murder he said that Seth Green announced to him at a party that he was a pedo by saying "we need to talk about chickens"

carmencita ago

Funny he would bring that up. I don’t know Set Green but if he made a statement like that he should be researched. Highly suspect statement imo. The hanky they wear in their pockets is called a Kewpie Doll. I’ve never seen one but know they use hankies in different ways to send messages to their “prey”. It’s all sick.

Benkitchen105 ago

the hankies are used as sexual trophies from their victims. they lay it underneath them during the rape and keep the hanky afterwards. sick cunts need death

carmencita ago

I know. I remember the handkerchief in the emails found by a realtor. She asked Podesta if it belonged to him. I believe it was in Martha’s Vinyard. All this stuff seems too long ago. Yes they need to be gone. I don’t care how they do it. Just do it.

Benkitchen105 ago

if you look at the "art" murals that were taken down in comet, it depicts this as the case. Many of these sick fucks will not face any justice within the legal system as their all involved. But God will punish evil and the works of the devil will never prevail.

Azamuku ago

Not to mention "Get ready to fuck" Tagged on the wall of the hidden men's bathroom.

I member......

carmencita ago

I believe they will get theirs. What they have done and still do is a crime against the whole world. It’s so evil that it reverberates and hurts us all. Each evil act leaves its mark. The devil is smirking for many believe he doesn’t exist.

Kewpees ago

There is a Kewpees Sandwich Shop in Racine, Wisconsin dedicated to and filled with Kewpie dolls.

Seth Green is directly connected to the I-94 Project along with his friends Tom DeLonge and Ashton Kutcher.

Why did Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis break up, and what happened to Ashton’s ex girlfriends?

Why did Ashton protect Danny, and why was That 70’s Show set in Racine, Wisconsin?

Seth Green also knows Janine Lindemulder, like George Webb Sweigert.

They all know what happened at Penn State. They all know what happens in Hollywood. They share a world of secrets.

Some know more than others, but they all know about Racine.

Shillaxe ago

To stay on the Great Path , do not ask questions & don't be attached.

Call_Of_Goat ago

Hilary Clinton: I like to eat children

CNN- Hilary Clinton is being bullied after her emails was leaked

Our sources say she suffered emotional damages and is struggling to kill children with the same smile

ShaneE11183386 ago

Nwo= NIMROD world order

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TheBigBadTruth ago

Why Hillary Clinton’s global model for Community Policing in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why did the Podestas claim to get their big break into art and politics after meeting certain people in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why are Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich members of the Knights of Pythias, and why is that important?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name and what roles does Kristin Bauer van Straten almost exclusively play?

What is “In the land of Canaan” and why would the baby sacrificed?

What is Teen Mania, and how it is connected to George Bush and 1000 points of light?

What is Carthage College and what happened at Carthage?

What religion did Frank Lloyd Wright practice, and where did Donald Trump sign The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World?

What is Living Light Community Church and how is it connected to Scientology, Kabbalah, Mormons, Jesuits, Unitarianism and OTO?

Where did the Mormons settle by Racine, what are the Voree plates, and what NFL quarterback was Mitt Romney named after?

What is One World Religion, and what False Flag hate speech event recently occurred in Racine?

Why was the World Core Curriculum established in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why would Donald Trump sign The Deal with a family directly involved in the real definition of Pizzagate including raping their own children?

What is the Path of Souls?

What is Sustainability (Satan’s Ability)?

What are Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?

What is The Parousia?

Joe10jo ago

Please explain about Carthage College. I live close by and know a kid who went there.

MaxBlock50 ago

Perhaps the same religion as the cult that rules the world.

allonthesameteam ago

"Why are Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich members of the Knights of Pythias, and why is that important?"

This is new to me. Sources or any digs for wisdom?

ababcb ago

what roles does Kristin Bauer van Straten almost exclusively play?

She plays a vampire and a sorceress?

What religion did Frank Lloyd Wright practice

A google search indicates he was a Unitarian and a Transcendentalist

where did Donald Trump sign The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World?

You said this happened in Racine, I think.

Where did the Mormons settle by Racine, what are the Voree plates

The Voree plates, also called The Record of Rajah Manchou of Vorito, or the Voree Record, were a set of three tiny metal plates allegedly discovered by Latter Day Saint leader James J. Strang in 1845 in Voree, near Burlington, Wisconsin. Purportedly the final testament of an ancient American ruler named "Rajah Manchou of Vorito", Strang asserted that this discovery vindicated his claims to be the true successor of Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement—as opposed to Brigham Young, whom most Latter Day Saints accepted as Smith's successor in 1844. The plates also lent credence to his claim that Voree, not the Salt Lake Valley, was to be the new "gathering place" of the Latter Day Saints. Strang's purported translation of this text is accepted as scripture by his church and some other bodies descending from it, but not by any other Latter Day Saint organization.

So there is a split in the Mormon church similar to the split in Islam between Sunni and Shi'ite? Is this why there were so many comparisons between Mormons and Muslims during this time period?

what NFL quarterback was Mitt Romney named after?

he was named after his father's cousin Milton "Mitt" Romney, who was a quarterback for the Chicago Bears in the 1920s

What is The Parousia?

The rapture.

I don't think I can answer the rest of these but I hope somebody else will chime in.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Thanks for answering about the Voree Plates, I'd never heard of them. Here's some information about mainstream Mormonisms' self-contradictory doctrines:

Evidence suggests Brigham Young taught Blood Atonement, where some sins (example, breaking covenants with the mormon church) required the sinner's blood to be spilt, in other words, to kill the victim without due process or a fair trial for their salvation's sake, according to the Congressional Series of United States Public Documents, Volume 1434:

Here's more on Blood Atonement from the book "Mormonism, Mama & Me":

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

The Donald Trump thing was in Milwaukee and it was the Foxconn concrete/steel plant. He called it the 8th wonder of the world because he has a tendency to exaggerate. 😌

Gladys_Kravitz ago

Close to Milwaukee, but actually in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, a bit to the south of Milwaukee.

BigBadTruth ago

You are closer to finding The Truth than most.

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine, Wisconsin, why are most cast members Scientologists, and what is a Red Fez?

Mayer Amchel Rothschild’s real name was Bauer. That is why Kristin changed her name. She is an elite Scientologist with close connections to Ari Emanuel and other power players. What role do her brother and his ‘spouse’ play? What is Common Core and where did it begin? What is programming? What is Eugenics? Who is Jack Parsons and what is CERN?

What if the architecture was more than architecture? What happened at Taliesen? Who were the ancient civilizations in Wisconsin? What are the ancient formations? What is the Path of Souls?

The Rothschilds are in Racine, Wisconsin where The Deal was signed along with a billionaire family of Satanic pedophiles.

Before the NFL team changed to Chicago, Mitt Romney was the Quarterback for Racine’s NFL team.

Why did Romney choose Ryan as his running mate, and why are there so many Mormons in the CIA and FBI? What is the Mormon Mafia and who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

The rapture may not be what some believe it is. The Parousia is no different.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Why is Racine, Wisconsin the ROOT of All Evil and The Model for the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Dave McGowan in his book about Laurel Canyon said that in all the untimely deaths that went on there, Jack Parsons was present. You can read the book on the laurel canyon discussion group for free.

Azamuku ago

Jack Parsons was close with LR Hubbard and Alister Crowley. Invented solid rocket fuel.

Joe10jo ago

Or Highland Park, IL?

Joe10jo ago

Got any info on Lake Forest, by chance?

TheBigBadLion ago

Who is Peter Smith and what happened to him?

What role do the Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution and Aspen Institute play?

Also, the sudden rash of suicides in the Lake Forest area was no coincidence.

Who are Michael Aquino and the Snake Lady?

Why are new hospitals equipped for organ transplants being built in the area?

The Podestas are connected to Lake Forest. Why is Tony Podesta on the American Australian Council?

Why did Tony admit to getting his big break into art and politics from meetings in Racine, Wisconsin and what role did families from Racine have in the creation of the Art in Embassies program?

The mafia never went away. They went into healthcare.

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society) and who were the first Corporate Nations?

ababcb ago

Who is Peter Smith and what happened to him?

This rabbit hole doesn't end. I wasn't looking for this information either, I was just looking into Tony Podestas connections to Forest Lake when I found this article:

Peter W. Smith was a longtime Lake Forest businessman who earlier this year told of his 2016 quest to obtain from Russian hackers more than 30,000 of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Smith took his life about 10 days after calling a Wall Street Journal reporter about Smith’s efforts. Now, his estate is cooperating with the Senate Intelligence Committee by turning over unspecified documents it requested, Lake Forest attorney William Ensing told the Tribune last week.

ababcb ago

Who are Michael Aquino and the Snake Lady?

Is it the lady talked about in this youtube video? Helen Miller, aka The Witch, aka The Snake Lady.

I wasn't even looking for information about Lake Forest, but this video claims she "Operated in Round Lake & Antioch - Lake County, IL & elsewhere circa late 1970s to 1990s. "

He also has multiple videos about teen suicides in this area.

MKULTRA Victims Antioch IL - Teen Suicides, The Witch & Liechtenstein Missing Crown location

The Witch Antioch Teen Suicides: How I Know She Sold & Who Brought Them To Her

And also a video titled "I Lived 1.66 Miles From "The Witch" In Wisconsin & What That Means To The Coverup"

ababcb ago

What role do the Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution and Aspen Institute play?

The Aspen Institute has been mentioned multiple times on voat.

The secretary of the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Mihaela Geoană, is also the President of the Aspen Institute of Romania and a member on the board of trustees of Aspen Institute, inc.

Another thread contains the following post:

>William Yandell Elliott was the third by that name in a line of “Tennessee Templars,” closely associated with the Masonic founders of the post-Civil War Ku Klux Klan.

Elliott’s entire career was dedicated to establishing a new “dark age” of globally extended medieval feudalism

Elliott’s four-decade campaign to scrap the U.S. Constitution, based on invidious comparisons to Great Britain and its Canadian colony, is pure Round Table, as is the Royal Institute of International Affairs, headquartered at Chatham House, with which Elliott and his “kindergarten” have coordianated their efforts. Elliott’s Round Table contemporaries included a fellow Lindsay prote´ge´, top British historian and intelligence director of Chatham House, Arnold Toynbee; Lord Lothian of the notoriously pro-Nazi “Cliveden Set”; Lord Leconsfield, later director of Britain’s Tavistock Institute psychological warfare center; and media magnate William Waldorf Astor. The whole intertwined complex of elite “British-American-Canadian” foreign policy think-tanks, councils, and conferences, including the New York Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Conferences, the Ditchley Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and dozens of other think-tanks, were founded and operate under the influence of the Round Tables.

There's also a post one of your posts in this thread:


Where was Chuck Schumer "MADE"?

Where was Robert Byrd "MADE"?

Where was Tony Podesta "MADE"?

What is Hillary's model of Community Policing?

Who are the Real Pilgrims (Society)?

What is the common connection between the Committee of 300, Council of 13, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Knights of Malta, Global Interfaith Coalition, Red Cross, United Way, and the many other groups involved?

Why does Q exist?

What is "The Truth" that Q is Here to Hide?

What is The Biggest Deal that Trump has "MADE" as President?

What is their Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030?

What report just came out about The World "ending" in 2030?

What was the Earth Summit and what was decided there?


Why did Tony admit to getting his big break into art and politics from meetings in Racine, Wisconsin and what role did families from Racine have in the creation of the Art in Embassies program?

I found an interview with Tony Podesta from 2002.

And so I

went off to Kenosha and Racine, the first

congressional district where Les Aspen, who was the

sort of, about to be running for, I think it

was, I don't know if he was running the first time

or running for, or was a freshman congressman

running for reelection. It was right around the ti

me he ran the first time; we worked a lot with


Is there a connection between Les Aspen and the Aspen Institute?

ababcb ago

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine, Wisconsin

It's a metaphor for a slaughterhouse because the economy of the town in the show was based on slaughtering animals.

why are most cast members Scientologists

I wish I knew why anyone was a scientologist. The first thing I discover when trying to search this issue on the internet is that are being accused of killing multiple peoples' dogs. This article from one week ago is titled "Danny Masterson Rape Accuser Blames Church of Scientology and 'That 70s Show' Star for Death of Her Two Pet Dogs"

And this article from the exact same day is titled Mars Volta Singer Says His Dog Was Killed By Scientologists Protecting That ’70s Show Actor

What the fuck? All of a sudden I remember Ashton Kutcher putting on a circus in front of Congress, claiming to be an "advocate" for human trafficking victims shortly after pizzagate broke.

what is a Red Fez?

I have heard many things about the Red Fez so it's hard to separate truth from lies. I recall the Illuminati card game saying something like, "if you knew what the Red Fez meant, you would never laugh again".

One of the things I have heard regarding the symbolism of the red fez is that when the muslim armies conquered north africa, they cut off the heads of any Christians who refused to convert to Islam and then stained their hats with the blood of the beheaded Christians.

Doing a little research, I discovered there was a massacre of "6,000" jews in the year 1033 in Fez, Morocco. Both the numbers 6,000 and 33 are highly suspicious in this context. Does this have something to do with the Red Fez of the Shriners?

That is why Kristin changed her name. She is an elite Scientologist with close connections to Ari Emanuel and other power players.

Ari Emanuel is Rahm Emanuels brother. He appears to run a "talent agency", so it's probably safe to say he's an elite human trafficker.

What if the architecture was more than architecture?

What architecture? The architecture in That 70's show? Or in Racine? or the architecture for CERN?

What happened at Taliesen

One day in 1914, with no warning and for no discernible reason, seven people were murdered at Frank Lloyd Wrights Wisconsin home and studio, and the house was burned to the ground.

"Born in 1867 into the prominent Welsh Lloyd Jones family in Wisconsin through his mother’s side, Wright grew up in Madison before moving to Chicago"

More shady connections between Wisconsin and Chicago... Didn't you just say the Chicago Bears used to be the football team for Racine?

"There he landed jobs first with Joseph Lyman Silsbee"

Any connection to Laura Silsby?

"Construction on the estate commenced in 1911"

Interesting date for a house that involved a mass murder.

"All sources agree that the massacre happened at lunch. Borthwick and her children were seated on a screened terrace, and the rest of the workers were dining separately in a sitting room. According to Drennan, Julian Carlton served Borthwick her lunch, then stood behind her and cleaved open her skull with an ax. He then turned his blade on her son. It was likely that these two died immediately. Little Martha Cheney was not so lucky. Carlton bludgeoned her as she ran, but the blows were not fatal. They were, however, incapacitating. In the subsequent fire that consumed the house, she was burned alive. "

Any connection to Dick Cheney, who "quickly rose to power by first becoming an aide to the Wisconsin governor" after dropping out of a PHD program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison?

"seven people would die at Carlton’s hand, with only Fritz and the senior Weston living to tell the tale. Carlton himself was discovered in the furnace—he failed to perish after swallowing hydrochloric acid in a suicide attempt once he realized escape was impossible. As he was led away by police, he mysteriously uttered, “They’d better let me live if they expect to find out something.” "

Is he referencing the "Truth they cannot allow The World to know" that you keep talking about?

"Wright vowed to rebuild Taliesin in her memory—and he did, using some of the charred rubble from the original home, tweaking his design to make improvements, as he was wont to do. Interestingly, that version of Taliesin, deemed Taliesin II, also burned, though in a decidedly less criminal manner. In 1925, a lightning strike ignited faulty wiring, or so the story goes. Again, Wright’s studio was miraculously spared."

That is suspicious.

Interestingly, Taliesen appears to be the name of a 6th century poet and musician who the D&D Bard class is modeled after.

Who were the ancient civilizations in Wisconsin? What are the ancient formations?

"The Wisconsin landscape we know today emerged about 13,000 years ago when the last glacier of the last ice age retreated."

This seems to correspond with the younger dryas period I've seen people talk about in regards to myths like Atlantis. An internet search brought me to a link that said "Atlantis in Wisconsin" where I found an article titled Kenosha - Earliest Evidence of Man.

Is that why Racine is the "root"? Because the earliest evidence of man is found there? Racine is a 19 minute drive from Kenosha. At risk of going off topic, was the "Garden of Eden" in Wisconsin? I have never believed in such a place before, so it feels strange to ask, but it feels like you might be trying to lead me to something along these lines.

What are the ancient formations?

They appear to have been a mound building culture that built burial mounds in the shape of birds and people that are so large they are best viewed from the air.

What is the Path of Souls?

The path of souls appears to be the Native American Death Journey into the Milky Way. I am struggling to grasp your point but when you say "What if the architecture was more than architecture", are you saying that Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesen house was designed to send the murder victims through the path of souls?

Here's an article I just discovered about mound builders in Indiana (another place associated with Shriners - I believe the Royal Order of Jesters is headquartered in Indiana, correct?) that show "stellar alignment to the path of souls"

Was Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesen building aligned to specific stellar constellations or something?

"The necessary stellar alignments in the Path of Souls journey appear to be: 1) The place on the horizon where the sun sets on the Winter Solstice; 2) The horizon location where the Cygnus Constellation sets after sunset; 3) The place on the horizon where the Orion Constellation is first seen rising at sunset; and, 4) The location on the horizon where Orion sets just before dawn. One additional stellar element is needed. That is that the Scorpius Constellation (the ruler of the underworld) needed to be below the horizon and not visible when the ceremony took place."

Why did Romney choose Ryan as his running mate, and why are there so many Mormons in the CIA and FBI? What is the Mormon Mafia and who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

The rapture may not be what some believe it is. The Parousia is no different.

So the Parousia is different than the rapture? The Parousia is the second coming? Are saying that in Racine they are planning to fake the second coming of Christ and possibly also the rapture? Or, in other words, the so-called Project Blue Beam is being run out of Racine?

"The word is used 24 times in the New Testament.[13] Of these, six uses refer to the coming of individuals: Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus (1Co.16:17), Titus (2Co.7:6 & 7) the physical "presence" of Paul himself (2Co.10:10, Php.1:26, 2:12), and a 7th use to the "coming of the lawless one" (2Thess.2:9). The other seventeen uses refer to the Second Coming of Christ, except the one case in which it refers to the coming of the "Day of God" (2Pe.3:12, see also The Day of the Lord). "

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

In the past I have seen "The Day of the Lord" used to refer to a cataclysmic event not unlike what was said to have occurred at the end of the Younger Dryas Period 12,000 years ago. Could this be the truth that they cannot allow the world to know?

Is the Parousia not what some believe it is because the Day of the Lord is a coming cataclysm? And is the rapture not what some believe it is because people will be taken to safety from this cataclysm, rather than be taken to heaven?

I feel like I'm going in the wrong direction with this last point. Am I getting warmer or colder?

Shillaxe ago

@Thebigbadlion aka wisconsiniscorrupt ..... Is that you , either way tthans for answering.

Azamuku ago

Didn't that Goat disappear? Hope he is still putting up the good fight.

Shillaxe ago

Same questions as 2 yrs ago , who else would ask the same questions for years , at least now we see answers.

SpreeFeech ago

Pharisees are jews. You can just say jews are satanists.

Daisies_and_Roses ago

Sorry, not used to being so free to say such things

Rawrination ago

Also kike is acceptable. Welcome nigger faggot. Keep not being a kike and spreading the truth.

KLDB ago

The people worshipping Moloch Baal want you to believe that earth is a ball. They want you to believe you are living on baal earth.

GreatestOfAllTime ago

Sometimes I lose hope in voat but then I see comments like this and am reminded there are still people around who are awake

BushChuck ago

Where's the fucking curve?

Daisies_and_Roses ago
