POdPatriot ago

Curious - does "censored by Lawfare" mean "lawfare" in the general sense or specific to the organization, "Lawfare?"

Thank for your amazing work on qmap - quite a job.

Vindicator ago

I think in the general sense, as in weaponizing the law.

Thanks POd, but I haven't helped with qmap. This board has been plenty of a handful all by itself. :-)

MolochHunter ago


nice find

Otto- ago

Vindicator, thank you very much. I feel like sharing this with IPOT or Praying Medic since they follow direct news regarding Q posts, just to maximise the Streisand effect as noted here,

Vindicator ago

Good thinking!

carmencita ago

The picture of two little Children is frightening. One holding a knife over another Child lying on floor with red marks on the floor possibly satanic.

Where did they see this. They learn what they see. Very scary.

3141592653 ago

And I bet an adult made that red pentagram on the floor

carmencita ago

Yep. Just what Im thinking. Little Children would not do that. It’s quite a job. Looks large. And why would they even post this? Boggles the mind. Becoming way to brazen. They feel way too safe.

siegnagel ago

Sadly to kids, this all just playing. I'd like to see what's on the altar cloth above the little girl wearing black. I can hazard a guess. The Athame she's holding isn't your standard pagan issue either.

NeverGiveUp ago

WTF, that was posted on Chandlers acc


gamepwn ago

Just put the word out. Thanks Vindicator!


Voatwontletmesignin ago

This video is no longer available

Vindicator ago

Thank YOU, gamepwn :-)

TomQRiffick ago

The picture is unsettiling. Wonder if the baby is still alive.

lopus ago

Doesn't she know about Streisand Effect?

Every Anon will now have a VERY close look at THIS picture.

Mipaan ago

Iim glad they are following their sats.

darkknight111 ago

Dig on the lawyers to teach them a lesson in not interfering with pedo hunters.

rickki6 ago
