lamplight ago

An interesting item on their website states: is an American musician, rapper, record producer, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is best known as a founding member of the band The Black Eyed Peas, with whom he has won seven Grammy Awards and sold 33 million albums worldwide. Lots of big name musicians mentored by was even the first recording artist to send a song via NASA to Mars. Well connected indeed.

carmencita ago

A must read is Dean Kamen’s dad’s Wiki. Mostly Personal and career. He has 4 kids and they are in Broward County as insurance agent and another is a graduate of Kamens programs.

The father Jack Kamen was an comic book illustrator and worked for Eisner & Igen. whoa. His forte was horror. This family gets creepier all the time. One son was in pediatrics and died of cancer. Just strange.

carmencita ago

So this Dean Kamen has an island. On Dumpling Island if you visit you have to provide identifying marks of our face and your BUTTOCKS?!!! A pervert imo. He has ties to GHWB Clinton & Obama. I’m sure they all enjoyed providing ids. More perverts.

carmencita ago

Lauren Powell Jobs launches college support program in Watts.

carmencita ago

Trans4m Center next event in Plano Tx.

Feb 13.

The Adolescent Symposium of Texas 2020

CBSG Program Facilitator Training

March 3 2020 Plano Tex.

This co. is connected to Rainbow Days Inc

in Dallas Tex.

Reminds me of Rainbow Cultural Garden which has connections to NXIVM

Hope this is the same Trans4m

Proudarmygal1 ago

So many

SearchVoatBot ago

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Joe10jo ago

Good find!


Thanks @Joe10jo . Thanks for taking a look- doesnt look good.

MercurysBall2 ago

Sigh.. so difficult to walk away...anyhoo.. @think- , please go check out the pinned tweet on the foundation account (twitter .com/iamangelfdn/status/1095875202779697152).. i can't post links.. Quincy Jones. Remember my comment on your post Epstein Plaza Hotel Trump Ford Models ?


Just searched the hashtag #iamangel on twitter and found the foundation's account @iamangelfdn, so I did a compound search of the account handle and one of the favourite words of child/organ traffickers which is "partners"

Take a look at these search results:

The first tweet is from Raytheon which raised military-industrial complex red flags. Two down from that is an account called "@Makerversity". I recall Hillary Clinton vainly appealing to the "makers" before she got trounced in the election. The I Am Angel Foundation also tweets the hashtag #makers - it's likely a euphemism for masons.

I have already suspected Will of being a front for corporate power and transhumanism - which itself is a euphemism for organ trafficking/replacement and creating a population of prosthetic and wheelchair-bound state-dependent cripples.


Well said and searched @IIJOSEPHXII

Thank you for weighing in...

carmencita ago

IamSTEAM and IamFIRST Partners with Dean Kamen of FIRST Robotics to instill engineering into the Kids of Boylen Heights.

Kamen happens to own an Island called Dumpling Island. He is turning it into an environmental wonder. Huge red brick spread out building. He also had a secret passageway plus he collects wheelchairs. He is so is pictured with Will I am.

For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology FIRST

SearchVoatBot ago

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carmencita ago

At the FIRST World Championship in Atlanta

GHW Bush spoke in 2008 and also Sec of Ed Arne Duncan in 2010. In 2010 Dir. of Patents and Trademark Off John adidas was made President of FIRST.

At the Championship in St Louis Pres. of US Barack Obama spoke via re recorded message from 2011-2014.

In 1990 Woodie Flowers partnered up with dean Kamen at FIRST and eventiually was inducted into STEM Hall of Game. Flowers came from MIT where he eventually was a teaching professor from 1974 until 1987 after developing the class into one of the most popular. Woodie died at 75 in Oct 1919.

Didn’t JP spend time at MIT?

carmencita ago

FIRST also operates FIRST Place a research facility at FIRST Headquarters in Manchester NH where it holds educational programs for students and teachers.

carmencita ago

Last year Will I am introduced College Track program at Boyle Heights Theodore Roosevelt High School. The 6th site of a national educational non-profit co-founded by Laurene Powell Jobs widow of Apple’s Steve Jobs.


This is BIG

carmencita ago

Yeah. I thought so but wanted to hear it from you. I haven’t heard much about her. I always thought his death was a little fishy.


WELL DONE and thank you @carmencita !

Dumpling Island ...shudders... Let me know about anything else on Dean Kamen- I just see he's the inventor of Segway.

Tunnels and a Compound? All the makings of our regular horror show.

As long as we are digging up suspicious locations, willeyeam has a music studio that is straight out of an Illuminati wet dream, and hosts a lot of the children's events there...

carmencita ago

Shudders and Shivers. Idk why but the wheelchairs scare me. Tying Children to them comes to mind. One must always go into devious mode when researching pedos.

Will do more if I can.

flyingcuttlefish ago

one version of the Epstein-killed-in-jail story says he was pummeled to death handcuffed into a wheelchair.

carmencita ago

What a way to go. If it’s true. But when thinking about using it for Children it makes me cringe. I know you would too. It reminds me of his dental chair. Ugh 😩


or drugged

carmencita ago

Yes. Of course. The thought is horrid.


There's a lot of "dumpling" islands on the east coast.

EricKaliberhall ago

HELP flair is activated.

think- ago



Thank you Eric!

think- ago

Hi @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall, can we get a 'Help' flair for this post - thank you!


Thanks @think- ! I'm glad your eyes are on this...

think- ago

TRANS4M....JA's Transformer Gallery comes to mind.....would be interesting to find out whether there's some overlapping....


How about "Trance Formation" /MKU


think- ago

Yes. And then there is also the transgender agenda...

brandnewset ago

A way to id future victims. Can you foia them?


Yes could be a way to access vulnerable children, and also have some future minions in the influential industries... What would you Freedom of Information Act specifically?

think- ago

Thank you. Please note that you can only ping five users per comment, the others won't get your ping unless you put their name in a separate comment. ;-) Cheers.


Thx @think- ... See parent @V____Z @Babylon5

Babylon5 ago

I don't know how I helped, but thank you for this thread my friend. A very interesting lead we should be researching!


Your awareness and previous work re: Epstein ... I agree there is so much here! And it seems to be a common thread we don't often get tieing Them all neatly together.

Thank you friend @Babylon5 !

derram ago : Angel's TRANS4RM Boyle Heights Benefit Concert - YouTube

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