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86753090100 ago

I worked on a project that had WIA attached to it for a major tech company.

He is the literal definition of a NWO stooge. He will shill for anyone who pays him, and make the pyramid/one eye symbols in any photo you ask - for the right price.

I have never disliked a celebrity more than this talentless hack.


Was it IamSTEAM and IamFIRST?

@carmencita pointed out that Dean Kamen WIA partner / handler has a private island. Anything else incriminating?

IamSTEAM and IamFIRST Partners with Dean Kamen of FIRST Robotics to instill engineering into the Kids of Boylen Heights.

Kamen happens to own an Island called Dumpling Island. He is turning it into an environmental wonder. Huge red brick spread out building. He also has a secret passageway in his primary residence plus he collects wheelchairs. He is also pictured with Will I am.

For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology FIRST

Why does somebody always have an island?