QBoomBoom ago

...project-based learning designed to teach computer graphics, robotics and Mandarin Chinese

*emphasis mine


It's like they are 20 years ahead and all reading from the same playbook...

RakerKey ago

The Will.i.aM logo looks as if made as a representation of the Baphomet " As Above, So Below " pose

with the curved 'arms' of the W and the M pointing up and down


I agree @RakerKey there seems to be the Baphomet Above Below, the pyramid, what looks like a power button (but what could represent penetration (-o) ), and if you flip it we have the classic OVO owl face. Check out his other logo below.

Mentioned W M Logo : http://will.i.am/img/app/facebook-default.jpg

Other Moloch / Owl in logo : http://www.anythingsound.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/logo_will.jpg

redstarkachina ago

the link yall are talking about is to a musicians website, is this musician related to the post?

RakerKey ago


I was referencing the Script logo design - the actual Will . i .aM


The symbolism is imbedded in all of it, but I see now what you mean. The W being the above pointing hand, and the M representing the downward pointed hand.

I AM WILL : http://membrainllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/will-i-am-Portfolio-Logo-2-020515-260x185.jpg

I AM BAPHOMET : https://mythology.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Baphomet-380x240.jpg

carmencita ago

Kamen has a co. ARMI Advanced Regenerative Manufacuring Institute in Manchester NH. In plain English he is going to literally manufacture human organs. Yep you read that right.

DOD gave him 80M to get started if he raised the same amt. He raised 214M from Rockwell Automation and others.

It’s called Biofabrication and it scares me to death.

Blake Morett of Rockwell Automation. is on ARMI BoD.

1westwardheart ago

And we are naive enough to give them DNA so they can clone it. 23 and me sells it to anyone who will pay for it or information relating to it.

QBoomBoom ago

Our medical records have been uploaded for a decade to the EHR Medicare system. Look it up. DNA? They have it all. It's the RH negatives who are at risk, not the RH positives.

carmencita ago

Just started getting the touch fingerprint to get into my phone. Never.


EXACTLY it all ties together... The agenda is in full force with this Front. Thank you for weighing in @1westwardheart .


@carmencita you are BLOWING my mind. Your findings are worthy of their own post. This ties in organ harvesting... Thank you thank you thank you

carmencita ago

He’s going to 3D print human organs


QBoomBoom ago

I would rather have this done than taking organs from people. The entire transplant industry is a scam. They make millions off donated organs mostly from kids. They take the organs while the donor is alive, did you know that? They have to give donors pain relief meds to keep them still.

carmencita ago

It goes beyond that. Many times they just rip them out while they are alive. I don’t know what Kamen’s real plans are. He’s not to be trusted. They all lie a lot. Whenever they promise to hep it’s somehow ends up hurting us while they pocket millions. We will see how this turns out.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I hope it helps. This guy just has too many irons in the fire.Hard to catch a guy when he’s running all over the place. Much to look into since he’s Jack of ALL trades.


Very much so! Thanks!

86753090100 ago

I worked on a project that had WIA attached to it for a major tech company.

He is the literal definition of a NWO stooge. He will shill for anyone who pays him, and make the pyramid/one eye symbols in any photo you ask - for the right price.

I have never disliked a celebrity more than this talentless hack.


Was it IamSTEAM and IamFIRST?

@carmencita pointed out that Dean Kamen WIA partner / handler has a private island. Anything else incriminating?

IamSTEAM and IamFIRST Partners with Dean Kamen of FIRST Robotics to instill engineering into the Kids of Boylen Heights.

Kamen happens to own an Island called Dumpling Island. He is turning it into an environmental wonder. Huge red brick spread out building. He also has a secret passageway in his primary residence plus he collects wheelchairs. He is also pictured with Will I am.

For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology FIRST

Why does somebody always have an island?



Marchinko is a uniquiely Ukranian name, in origin.


I believe Epstein called her his Slovak / Ukranian sex slave...

In 2005, an unidentified girl recruited to have sex with Epstein told Palm Beach County Detective Joseph Recarey the multimillionaire bragged about buying Marcinkova as a teen from her family in Eastern Europe. He went on to call her his sex slave.


carmencita ago

Dean’s sister Terri is in Palm Beach County as an owner of an insurance agency. Of all places to live.

Terri-Bull1 ago


I go to start some digging and first site, home page take a look- the fricken 3-sided symbol that will be their downfall. Also at the bottom of the page I think will is with prince snooty

redstarkachina ago

its a musicians website not sure how this is related to the post

Scrolleater ago

In the article I found yesterday **De-occulting the Donald Trump Impeachment Enchantment Ritual ** in https://thephoenixenigma.com/de-occulting-the-donald-trump-impeachment-enchantment-ritual/

the author Cory Daniel shows Nancy Pelosi wearing a’Power Symbol’. It can be found near the end of the article.

will.i.am’s symbol looks nearly the same. Symbolism will be their downfall.


Thanks @Scrooleater Could the power button also represent penetration? It seems to contain the oldest symbols ; the circle or yoni, being pierced by the line or phallus.

Mentioned W M Logo : http://will.i.am/img/app/facebook-default.jpg

Other Moloch / Owl in logo : http://www.anythingsound.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/logo_will.jpg


Good eye @Terri-Bull1

carmencita ago

Dumpling Island happens to have a replica of Stonehenge. The original Stonehenge in London owned by the Crown includes a burial ground.

Why of all things would he want a replica of a burial ground? Gulp.

carmencita ago

Those pillars. Are those benches or altars in front of them. Only two of them.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=lPeRlyyQD7k&pbjreload=10 :

I.am Angel's TRANS4RM Boyle Heights Benefit Concert - YouTube

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