Jimmyjack ago

I noticed this along time ago its pretty much the same on the Baphomet image, I think it represents the moon goddess as well. They are just showing their allegiances to the occult, because fucking kids and doing weird rituals is somehow cool to them..... I'm just glad there are people out there still fighting the good fight, so keep all eyes open.

Abi73 ago

We've got a star and crescent moon on alot here in Portsmouth UK , even our street signs- it's a massive port and I always had linked those symbols to our trading... But now thinking trading what?!?!?

Heisenberg123 ago

Look closely at stars on Comet Ping Pong, they're not just stars shape but also in shape of baphomet head.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

There was a lot of discussion on this on Voat back in the day. Where Comet's sign came from, the links to the Turkish flag and Islam in general, etc.


That's about the least satanically resonant clip from Tom Hanks' career. In his very first movie he played a kid who was going jump off the south tower of the World Trade Center. The rest of his career he is a cipher for 9/11 predictive programming and NWO hidden-in-plain-sight messaging.

qbabygirl ago

Notice, all the stars on the Comet Ping Pong sign are upside down.

Heisenberg123 ago

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Wow. All four of them. Perfectly inverted. Hadn't noticed that before.

jc99ta ago

"Represents the moon goddess Dianna and the "son of the morning", the name of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12. 

Witchcraft uses it the way shown and Satanism turns it in the opposite direction"


Who knows if this is accurate, but seems plausible.

qbabygirl ago

The Burbs also has a scene where Tom Hanks and Carrie Fisher watch a tv showing a scene of a nude, screaming woman being sacrificed by men in tribal wear. I turned it off after that so i never got so far as to see the scene you posted.

qbabygirl ago

Lucifer is the morning star.

silentwatcher ago

Jesus was the morning star, and says so himself: "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (Revelation 22:16)

Lucifer is referred to as the morning star because of one verse, which doesn't actually describe him as the morning star but as "son of the morning": "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" (Isaiah 14:12)

qbabygirl ago

Thank you.

watts2db ago

Procter and Gamble logo

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Crudomaticistrans ago

Because the moon is a light. Not a space ball. In rare occasions you can see a star shine through the dark part of the moon, proving its not a solid object. Thats why its a common symbol.

ridleychozo ago

On a side note, that Satanic scene ends with a Mr. Rogers clip. Is that a hint about America's neighbor?

volunteerwork2020 ago

He was in that movie playing as him too. Mr. Rogers was really creepy.

qbabygirl ago

Mkultra trauma-based mind control. Juxtaposing a man's worst nightmare with man's childhood innocence. Except the intended victim of this is you and me, we are who they want to program

ImReallyHighBut ago

Star and moon is Islam. Progressive pedophilia. Lol

gamepwn ago

I know it is, but I'm seeing a lot of evidence it's also being used by satanists. The Burbs scene, Comet Ping Pong, This emblem


fartyshorts ago

Check out Baphomet as well

viperx3791 ago

Yes. These are critical symbols for (((them))).

ImReallyHighBut ago

Oh right on. I just figured it as the same. Muslims are sacred cows right now. You cannot touch them. Figuratively.

The holy wars perhaps never ended. I don't draw much distinction between Muslims and pedophiles. It's right there in the holee books I'm told. Most people are stupid. Flip the image and it hides forever from 99.8 percent of the populace.

carmencita ago

The Sorcerers Apprentice Mickey in Fantasia has the moon and stars on his pointed hat. Also a large replica of the hat is on Hollywood Boulevard.

These items were not for fun. Imo they are for a reason.

Blacksmith21 ago

I happened to get behind a cat lady driving a Prius today. Her plate said M4GICK and the license plate holder had stars and moons on it. I thought about stopping short in front of her and watching her Prius wad itself up on the steel bumper of my truck.

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Vindicator ago

So tempting