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21851216? ago

Star and Crescent Moon Symbol of Satan

The symbol of the Crescent Moon and Star of Venus does not represent Islam.

It is occult imagery and it is ubiquitous: we see it on just about every flag of every nation-state in the world.

Hidden in plain sight, it conspicuously appears on the flags of Communist dictatorships, it is woven into public and private logos, and is evidently used in secret societies, such as Freemasonry.

The crescent moon symbolizes the Architect deity, "Sin" (Akkadian: Su'en, Sîn) a.k.a. Nanna (Sumerian: DŠEŠ.KI, DNANNA) the god of the moon in Mesopotamian mythology. Nanna is a Sumerian deity, the son of Enlil and Ninlil, and became identified with Semitic Sin.

Enlil is Ashur/Assur/Asher; Yaldaboath; the god of Abraham and Moses. Ninlil, is Lilith, the "First Eve" (hence the celebration of, "New Year's Eve"). Enlil, alias: Shaitan, Satan, the Devil, Lucifer is the god of the Fall.

The star is Venus, a.k.a. Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, or Semiramis. She is the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Semitic Astarte.

The "secular" nations of the world (i.e. those that have obliterated Christianity from their power structures) ALL WORSHIP THESE DEITIES. One quick glance at the flags of the world is evidence enough.

Far from being merely innocuous, symbolic representations, these gods are indeed very real and they are empowered through human servitude and blood sacrifice.

The powers that be convince us that we, humans, are each other's own worst enemies and that it is religions such as Islam, Judaism and even Christianity which should become the scapegoats, or sacrificial lambs.

Etymology of word, "scapegoat":

1530, "goat sent into the wilderness on the Day of Atonement, symbolic bearer of the sins of the people," coined by Tyndale from scape (n.) + goat to translate L. caper emissarius, itself a translation in Vulgate of Heb. 'azazel (Lev. xvi:8,10,26), which was read as 'ez ozel "goat that departs," but which others hold to be the proper name of a devil or demon in Jewish mythology (sometimes identified with Canaanite deity Aziz). Jerome's reading also was followed by Martin Luther (der ledige Bock), Symmachus (tragos aperkhomenos), and others (cf. Fr. bouc émissaire), but the question of who, or what (or even where) is meant by 'azazel is a vexed one.

Azazel: the name of Satan, Lucifer, The god of the Talmud

The Brown–Driver–Briggs Hebrew Lexicon[1] gives Azazel as a reduplicative intensive of the stem azel "remove", hence azazel, "entire removal". This is supported by the Septuagint (Jewish Greek Bible translation) as the sender away. Gesenius in his Hebrew lexicon concurs with this.[2]

According to Rabbinic interpretation, Azazel is a theophoric name, combined of the words "Azaz" (rugged) and "El" (powerful/strong/of God) in reference to the rugged and strong rocks of the deserts in Judea. The Talmud, explaining the laws of Yom Kippur, states that the term "Azazel" designated a rugged mountain or precipice in the wilderness from which the goat was thrown down, using for it as an alternative the word "Ẓoḳ" (Yoma vi. 4). Wikipedia

It is my hope that we can work together, Christians, Jews, Moslems, and those good people of other creeds, to create a thread that exonerates the scapegoating of mankind for the Sins of the gods; a thread that exposes the tyranny of those war-mongering, devil-worshipping governments and secret societies which threaten our freedoms and families.

Note: Freemasons are NOT welcome in this thread. This Luciferian organisation will be brought into the True Light and shown for what it really is: literally the worship of Sin (re: name of deity). Freemasons and those serving evil can be easily identified by their choice of occult avatar/icon imagery; hermetic choice of name; rampant flagging and starring of each other; word-play (eg. use of the word, "point'); use profanity; and outright deception. When they do dishonor the OP's request to avoid participation in this thread, it is best to simply ignore them. The devil has no power over us.

I would like to start by cataloguing images of the flags of global nations, democracies, communist dictatorships, fascist governments, socialist countries, "Islamic" lands, ALL FLAGS OF THE WORLD DISPLAYING THE STAR AND CRESCENT MOON EMBLEM. This will be an eye-opener for many since its proves beyond a reasonable doubt the actual interconnectedness of governments which, deceptively on the surface, have been alleged to be enemy states.

Next, we shall uncover this same Ishtar/Sin symbolism hidden in domestic/corporate imagery.

Working together, we shall expose the governments and courts of man for what they actually are: bodies existing for the sole purpose of serving Azazel/Lucifer/Satan.

The moon symbolizes woman. not by any age old religion. but by your affections for her.

She becomes a reflection of you and the of the finer qualities of you instilled in her.

She can raise the seas to win your life if you truly show and prove you love her.

Believe me when I tell you that is a mighty woman.

The star represents the coming son. who is yet to come. Your son! man + woman + sex = Children!

The night sky is you in which this glory exists. emcompassing. Try the imagery once in awhile.

But do not think to teach men and defile yourself with the uttering of strange deities.

Knight + Moon + Star = Heaven!

Canadian Government Winnipeg Legislature

Pool of the Black Star (Star of Inanna/Ishtar)

Flag of New Zealand: Crescent Moon (3 stars at top) and Venus (below)

The bible is clear what Satan will control in these end times the four horns of power he controls are Education , Politics .banking and religion . The NWO is preparing the way for the return of Satan and since they control all the governments , the major religions finances and the armies there is no way to make war against him .

The truth is we are so far into this that the end is right around the corner . The locust army of revelation released at the fifth trump has already been running amok in Egypt , Libya, Yemen and the other Arab countries that have recently had uprisings . This was all predicted in the bible and soon very soon Satan will be walking the earth again along with his false prophet , but not long after them will come Jesus to bring eternal peace and not the fake Jesus of islam.

Flag of the Commonwealth (Venus inside Crescent Moon)

Notice gold wreath of the Caesars (Roman empire: murderers of Christians and Jews; servants of Satan)

Same Kaiser/Caesar/Czar emblem on Soviet Flag together with crescent moon and star

Communist fighting the Nazis in WWII? Rubbish. A sacrifice of human flesh to the pagan gods.

Symbol of the Eagle and Crescent Moon in Roman Empire:

Nazi Coat of Arms: Eagle

United States Great Seal: Eagle; Crescent Moon (wings); Star of Inanna (above)

Our children are being indoctrinated into Babylonian deity worship:

The majority of the world does not understand the nature of this reality nor the power of imagery.

Wikipedia: Sailor Moon (Ishtar) The series frequently refers to Usagi's Senshi identity, "Sailor Moon", as the "Soldier of Love and Justice," and once as the "Soldier of Mystery".[15] Mystery Babylon.

Her uniform, originally colored blue and red/dark pink (depending on episode), with a crescent moon motif.

notice the left hand as it forms the sign of the beast:

Power Rangers:

Lady Gaga: Crescent Moon/Star of Venus:

21851342? ago

Very interesting comment! I mentioned it in the pizzagate version of this thread.

21851389? ago

Just upvoted it. <
