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MadWorld ago

You deserve much appreciation for doing much of the archiving in the background!! was wiped; it is now owned by a new entity, nothing to do with image hosting. What is the volume of's content been removed by NCMEC?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago was wiped; it is now owned by a new entity, nothing to do with image hosting.

I know it was wiped before I learned how to archive well.

What is the volume of's content been removed by NCMEC?

I don't know how many images they have had removed. the ones that @NOMOCHOMO pointed out in this submission, were some of the first I tried to recover, with no success. - I suspect NCNEC in this too

Whenever I come across scrubbed archives, I always try to recover something, NCMEC is really thorough in their scrubbing.

redstarkachina ago

how do we know that its NCMEC removing pictures? sorry I just don't see how if a picture is removed we know who did it

MadWorld ago

Yeah it is fucking gone! I have only seen a very small number of archives taken down by NCNEC on I do not know how bad it is on or similar sites. It would be a big problem, if archives are removed/censored, or tampered with.