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letsdothis3 ago

“audio-analgesia" and MK-Ultra projects:

This article covers the different MKULTRA subprojects I discovered relating to Social Science “fronts” (that are really Eugenics) research into behavior modification, mass conversion and Pentecostal religions aka Holy Rollers.

Audio-analgesia and MKULTRA Sub-project 84 pg 44 :

The MKULTRA Briefing Book List of Subprojects and Brief Descriptions with documents PDF I made a while back describes on p. 239 that the “researcher” for subproject 84 was paid at least 55k for this subproject through the CIA front group Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.

That same page specifically lists the “researcher” as WITTING which means Orne knew who was funding him. Page 391 mentions the location of this subproject initially as Harvard University.

The “researcher” for this subproject was none other than Martin Theodore Orne – one of our ‘communist brainwashing’ researchers right from the beginning with Robert Lifton etc. – and this particular projects funding apparently had actually begun in 1955. This project was going all the way through at least 1966, by the way.

He was also funded an additional 30k through his own personal “institute”.

*The above is from Buying a piece of anthropology Part 1: Human Ecology and unwitting anthropological research for the CIA by David Price, pages 398-40 – Note: 1962 was its continuation under the new ORD (Office of Research and Development) of the CIA.

Martin Orne was still in school at Harvard as a young doctoral student when he founded this Institute for Experimental Psychiatry in 1954. As early as 1951, while at Harvard Dr. Orne conducted a study concluding that people under hypnosis cannot completely re-experience or relive moments from very early in their development. [note the lockstep there with L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics research]

This is, of course, exactly when the Psychological Strategy Board had been put into place. (April 1951). You can read much more about Orne and his other activities, including “cult research” in the Psychological Strategy Board article.

p. 42 of the documents has an interesting statement.

A major investigation was undertaken on the suppression of pain by hypnosis. …This study strongly suggests that hypnotic analgesia reduces the over-reaction to pain under conditions of apprehension and stress but has no effect on the physiological response to painful stimulus under conditions of minimal anxiety.


For the past one and one-half years a study has been conducted of the trance phenomena occurring in the Pentacostal churches with the view toward understanding their relationship to other states of consciousness….This study has been facilitated by the availability of Mr. [big long blacked out area covering almost TWO lines].

This is exactly the same thing British intelligence psychiatrist William Sargant was researching.

He had literally just published his book in 1957, Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-washing. He and Dr. Ewen Cameron were also experimenting with LSD and other mind-altering drugs well prior to when Sargant even started writing his book in 1954. Sargant was using what he was doing to helpless mental patients as part of developing his theories on political or religious conversion.

In William Sargant’s blusteringly self-congratulatory book, you can see all the qualifiers being put on what he called “the processes” by which religious conversion may occur:

By increasing or prolonging stresses in various ways, or inducing physical debilitation, a more thorough alteration of the person’s thinking processes may be achieved….If the stress or the physical debilitation, or both, are carried one stage further, it may happen that patterns of thought and behavior, especially those of recent acquisition, become disrupted. New patterns can then be substituted, or suppressed patterns allowed to reassert themselves; or the subject may begin to think or act in ways that precisely contradict his former ones.

More specifically with respect to brainwashing (and still with qualifiers every which way) Sargant wrote –

If a complete sudden collapse can be produced by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of its more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily.

Eerily similar to what Martin Orne was attempting to document and or “prove”, literally simply the American version, . The docs here even say that – Also, we are studying the occurrence of trance-like behavior in the normal experience of subjects.

P. 44 talks about evaluating the newly reported “audio-analgesia” and the relationship to hypnotic pain suppression, which sounds a lot like Ewen Cameron’s side-work he and his fellow ghouls were doing at the McGill lab around this time. Cameron was very tight with William Sargant.

think- ago

If a complete sudden collapse can be produced by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of its more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily.

Sounds like the summary of why they wanted to create MK Ultra Manchurian candidates.

letsdothis3 ago


letsdothis3 ago

letsdothis3 ago

Also, a number of experiments on guinea pigs have been carried out with the sound of high speed dental drills. Like this one