kestrel9 ago

This link seemed to fit here (sorry if it's already here and I missed it)

WHAMMO63 ago

The chair has already been debunked as having been for deep cleanse facials.

letsdothis3 ago


flyingcuttlefish ago

On the dental chair - I heard on YouTube with someone an idea I think is true (George Webb maybe) ... they planted audio recorder in the teeth of some girls to help with blackmail operation. Evidently CIA does that trick sometimes.

letsdothis3 ago

Yeah, I was thinking that might be a possibility.

plancktonne ago

Ohio College Normalizes Pedophilia as a “Sexual Orientation”

Comment A; Well, the bright side is we can't sink any lower than this.

Comment B: Cannibalism.

Comment C: Once cannibalism is legal, paedophiles can serve as lunches for the homeless.

plancktonne ago

Don't forget about the hidden, lead-lined [sound-proofed] bathroom in Wexner's — later Epstein's — New York mansion. One bathroom, either in the New York or Palm Beach mansion, was equipped with a cart of dental tools though no dentist's chair. Are remakes of Little Shop of Horrors or Sweeny Todd on the horizon?

Vascodegecko ago

Lot of discussion a way back that they remove teeth prior to the nasty stuff on Pedo Isle. They do not want their pray to have weapons and biting genitals can be a problem. Sick bastards. They all need to be hanged publicly.

CornyGoatWeed ago

Was the chair in some kind of weird dungeon or something? I would want one in my house if I was rich- teeth like inevitably age and need work all the fucking time and who wants to leave their paradise fortress for that shit? Fly some guy in.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

There were lots of convos a year or more back here on Voat (I think on PG) about DNA or stem cells in teeth, and then a bunch of other convos about children dentists that turn you in to CPS if you don't do their treatment plan, cancel, etc. I realized at that time I had taken my kids to a place like that, really weird and cultish! No more!

letsdothis3 ago

I see your point. I've had those thoughts too in the past. But what got me really interested is the history of the Harvard ethics research center and the connections with scientists like Minsky who are connected with Epstein. The whole start of the internet thing too has many possible connections with the Maxwell sisters. This all needs to be looked into.


the lessig/boychoir/castrato thread has led me to the history of castration/orchidectomy

this was/is an early form of transhumanism. Surgeons as early as the 1400s had actually refined the science of hormonal disruption to augment human abilities

Also michael jackson was definitely chemically castrated by Joe Jackson. HORMONE BLOCKERS.

letsdothis3 ago

the lessig/boychoir/castrato thread has led me to the history of castration/orchidectomy

this was/is an early form of transhumanism. Surgeons as early as the 1400s had actually refined the science of hormonal disruption to augment human abilities

What? Links or post please. That's very interesting.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I saw a video interview 4 parts each an hour long of Anneke Lucas, a child satanic ritual abuse survivor from Belgium, now in her early 50s. She stated at a chateau in Belgium there was a dentist chair in a room where a girl was tied to and tortured with electroshock by tasers and other instruments. She also stated that there was a way in which the torturers would get some kind of a sexual shock back from it if it was done right from when they shock a victim. I believe the dentists chairs are for that purpose only, for electroshock torture and programming.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Agree........this aspect of Jeffrey Epstein's past have been kept very quiet....even the women accusing him of rape have not mentioned it , as far as we know. There had to be experiments and MKUltra involved. Esp. at the New Mexico "ranch" ....................Think the govt. is covering for him??

fogdryer ago

I agree---not much talk

think- ago

Thank you for your comment. I watched some of Anneke Lucas' videos too, but I didn't remember this detail.

Would you maybe have a link to the video - thanks!

On a side note, I am really glad that she got vindicated by the Epstein scandal - some people didn't believe her when she talked about getting raped by 'heads of states' and 'a member of royalty'.

Well, now they believe it, I guess.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago - -

images - and and and and and and and and

bostonglobe -

wiki - and and and and

technologyreview - - -

dailymail -

samvac -

medium -

theguardian -

ewetoob - and

mikemcclaughry.wordpress - and and -

tandfonline -

ncbi -

think- ago

Hopefully, the discussion about the pedos and pedo enablers at MIT will lead to a general discussion about science, and the selection of scientists.

It's depressing to see how Margaret Mead, one the heroines of anthropological research, not only wrote a study that was misleading and worthless, but also downplayed child rape.

Somehow this reminds of Kinsey - the general public, and probably many scholars as well, still thinks he was an important and excellent researcher.

Although he let pedos rape children to get his data, and his studies were rubbish.

Meanwhile, it turned out that the MIT put millions into the development of a 'food computer', but it didn't work.

So when donors came visiting, the MIT staff went to Home Depot to buy plants, and pretended they had grown these plants in their 'food computer'. LOL

It would actually be funny if it wasn't a typical example of what goes on behind the scenes at many universities, even 'elite' universities.

letsdothis3 ago

As I'm always explaining to some family members, just because a person is a scientist it does not mean that they have wisdom, ethics and integrity. Academics are just as flawed as the general population. Sometimes even more so because of their cocooned ivory towered environments coupled with, often, an underdeveloped personality due to a lifetime focusing on an increasingly specialised subject area.

weaselmonkey ago

Any connection between Wallace J Gardner and Bill Gates's stepmother?

Mary (Mimi) Gardner Gates, former Director of Seattle Art Museum

letsdothis3 ago

Need to look into that. I did note the Gardner surname.

weaselmonkey ago

Great OP, its crazy that there is no end to their deprivation.

think- ago

its crazy that there is no end to their deprivation.

I think we've barely scratched the surface so far. :-/

think- ago

Do you think they put the girls in the dental chairs, and studied their reaction to pain, depending on which sounds they heard via headphones?

The NXIVM study of women's reaction to torture and rape videos comes to mind.


"pedo cush pedo cuddle" dental chair restraint from 1997

idk if this is related, but it wouldn't surprise me.

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks. Haven't heard of that before.

letsdothis3 ago

For all we know, Epstein may have had some kind of fetish to do with his teeth.. the guy was weird.

letsdothis3 ago

I don't think they studied their reactions because they've had decades of experimentation already. From what I'm reading around the subject it can be used in hypnosis and as a form of control. So, perhaps a girl is being 'difficult'.. who knows.. this is only the start of this dig. But yes, the NXIVM case does come to mind.

letsdothis3 ago

“audio-analgesia" and MK-Ultra projects:

This article covers the different MKULTRA subprojects I discovered relating to Social Science “fronts” (that are really Eugenics) research into behavior modification, mass conversion and Pentecostal religions aka Holy Rollers.

Audio-analgesia and MKULTRA Sub-project 84 pg 44 :

The MKULTRA Briefing Book List of Subprojects and Brief Descriptions with documents PDF I made a while back describes on p. 239 that the “researcher” for subproject 84 was paid at least 55k for this subproject through the CIA front group Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.

That same page specifically lists the “researcher” as WITTING which means Orne knew who was funding him. Page 391 mentions the location of this subproject initially as Harvard University.

The “researcher” for this subproject was none other than Martin Theodore Orne – one of our ‘communist brainwashing’ researchers right from the beginning with Robert Lifton etc. – and this particular projects funding apparently had actually begun in 1955. This project was going all the way through at least 1966, by the way.

He was also funded an additional 30k through his own personal “institute”.

*The above is from Buying a piece of anthropology Part 1: Human Ecology and unwitting anthropological research for the CIA by David Price, pages 398-40 – Note: 1962 was its continuation under the new ORD (Office of Research and Development) of the CIA.

Martin Orne was still in school at Harvard as a young doctoral student when he founded this Institute for Experimental Psychiatry in 1954. As early as 1951, while at Harvard Dr. Orne conducted a study concluding that people under hypnosis cannot completely re-experience or relive moments from very early in their development. [note the lockstep there with L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics research]

This is, of course, exactly when the Psychological Strategy Board had been put into place. (April 1951). You can read much more about Orne and his other activities, including “cult research” in the Psychological Strategy Board article.

p. 42 of the documents has an interesting statement.

A major investigation was undertaken on the suppression of pain by hypnosis. …This study strongly suggests that hypnotic analgesia reduces the over-reaction to pain under conditions of apprehension and stress but has no effect on the physiological response to painful stimulus under conditions of minimal anxiety.


For the past one and one-half years a study has been conducted of the trance phenomena occurring in the Pentacostal churches with the view toward understanding their relationship to other states of consciousness….This study has been facilitated by the availability of Mr. [big long blacked out area covering almost TWO lines].

This is exactly the same thing British intelligence psychiatrist William Sargant was researching.

He had literally just published his book in 1957, Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-washing. He and Dr. Ewen Cameron were also experimenting with LSD and other mind-altering drugs well prior to when Sargant even started writing his book in 1954. Sargant was using what he was doing to helpless mental patients as part of developing his theories on political or religious conversion.

In William Sargant’s blusteringly self-congratulatory book, you can see all the qualifiers being put on what he called “the processes” by which religious conversion may occur:

By increasing or prolonging stresses in various ways, or inducing physical debilitation, a more thorough alteration of the person’s thinking processes may be achieved….If the stress or the physical debilitation, or both, are carried one stage further, it may happen that patterns of thought and behavior, especially those of recent acquisition, become disrupted. New patterns can then be substituted, or suppressed patterns allowed to reassert themselves; or the subject may begin to think or act in ways that precisely contradict his former ones.

More specifically with respect to brainwashing (and still with qualifiers every which way) Sargant wrote –

If a complete sudden collapse can be produced by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of its more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily.

Eerily similar to what Martin Orne was attempting to document and or “prove”, literally simply the American version, . The docs here even say that – Also, we are studying the occurrence of trance-like behavior in the normal experience of subjects.

P. 44 talks about evaluating the newly reported “audio-analgesia” and the relationship to hypnotic pain suppression, which sounds a lot like Ewen Cameron’s side-work he and his fellow ghouls were doing at the McGill lab around this time. Cameron was very tight with William Sargant.

think- ago

If a complete sudden collapse can be produced by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of its more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily.

Sounds like the summary of why they wanted to create MK Ultra Manchurian candidates.

letsdothis3 ago


letsdothis3 ago

letsdothis3 ago

Also, a number of experiments on guinea pigs have been carried out with the sound of high speed dental drills. Like this one

letsdothis3 ago

..Weisbrod finished his evisceration by referencing a magazine article titled “Going Deaf from Rock ’n’ Roll.” Why, he asked, do young people immerse themselves in noise that is so uncomfortable to older generations? He quoted a Florida teenager from the story: “The sounds embalm you,” the boy said. “They numb you . . .”

I know that places like MIT Media Lab (which has a specialist section on music) is looking at encoding data in sound and music videos and immersive technologies. Wish I could find the article where I saw some of this explained. Anyway, that is why I include the following:

Bjorn Tagemose is the creator of Gutterdamerung

Having his roots in Scandinavia, he combines the strong image language of the North and his fashion experiences with the popular Antwerp-designer scene. ..

..More recently Tagemose directed big multimedia rock and fashion shows and music videos for artists like Grace Jones, Editors, David Guetta, Juanes, Juan Luis Guerra, Miguel Bosé, The Hives, Axelle Red, Tiësto, dEUS, Macy Gray, Ozark Henry, Simple Minds, Kane and Juliette Lewis and the Licks. He has been creative director on fashion events such as Bread & Butter, 080 Barcelona Fashion and Elite Model Look.

From the Gutter to the stars | Bjorn Tagemose | TEDxLiège ("He got his hands on some Swedish rock and roll gun powder to start the NEW ORDER")


What is the point of technology? Mind control? Lay it out for me in one sentence. And please tell me exactly how it's being achieved and the purpose of the dentist chair.

letsdothis3 ago

What is the point of technology?

There are many points. (If you want to get some background info, visit my subverse here:

Mind control?

That's one.

Lay it out for me in one sentence. And please tell me exactly how it's being achieved and the purpose of the dentist chair.

Lol. Go do some reading.

YogSoggoth ago

That's 4 words. Can you break it down to 1? (sarc)


All I fucking do is read. Don't be an asshole. You're not getting to the point with this post. I know the many uses of technology. I was trying to force you to make a point. A wall of text does not a good post make. Anyway, don't you think it's strange that Epstein never smiles in any of his photos? The few that I have seen it looked as if his teeth and gums were fucked up. With all that money why didn't he fix his smile?

plancktonne ago

Some people just don't smile naturally. Smiling in photos is a fairly recent phenomenon, started after WWII when people began taking candid pics. Prior to that photos were a serious business — funerals and weddings mostly for average people — and everybody looks grim. It also may have been a holdover from the early days of photos, when everyone was admonished to hold still for long exposures.


I know the history of photography. Now it's customary to smile in photos. I think it's because he has a gummy smile.

letsdothis3 ago

A wall of text does not a good post make

Just wanted to reply to this. I understand that's been made before. Let me explain, I am a raw researcher, because I have many leads I'm looking into, long ago I made the decision just to dig up the data... and the links. By posting the raw format it allows me to do quick searches and make quick connections.

My post is full of links and it is not for everyone. Some people want the context. That takes time to write a more journalistic piece. I don't have that time. I leave it for others to take the infomation in blogs and videos. And believe me, it happens.

I stated at the start of the post that this is the start of a dig. That means I don't have all the answers yet. Or maybe even , ever. But in this subverse, we also use posts to crowdsource investigations. It's not a newspaper, though we also have posts that simply reprint journalistic pieces and people who take the time to put everything into context. In the OP I ask for help from other researchers.

Since I haven't seen you here before I assume you're not familiar with the pizzagate subverse. If you don't want to read my 'wall of text', then don't.

Have a nice day.


Like I said before, I appreciate the info. It would help if you weren't a smart ass when someone asks your opinion.

letsdothis3 ago

I thought you were trying to be one. Sorry. A misunderstanding.



letsdothis3 ago

Seems we're getting closer to an answer to your question:


I appreciate all the information and work you put into this post. But if that's a dentist chair, then for what nefarious purpose is it being used?

letsdothis3 ago

I'm in the process of trying to work that out. I have my suspicions but looking for solid data to back it up. Hoping other researchers will help.

Fyi, we have a long history with the subject of dentistry on pizzagate and many past posts. Examples here:;;

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Sorry letsdothis, I posted a response a minute ago that was similar to your info here, not trying to plagiarize! TY for your links.

letsdothis3 ago

Another excerpt from SOUND THAT KILLS PAIN - (archived:

Marshall McLuhan, maybe predictably, was obsessed with the Audiac and its implications. “The interplay among our senses is perpetual save in conditions of anesthesia,” he wrote in 1962’s The Gutenberg Galaxy. “But any sense when stepped up to high intensity can act as an anesthetic for other senses. The dentist can now use [the] ‘Audiac’—induced noise—to remove tactility.” He added, “The result is a break in the ratio among the senses, a kind of loss of identity.” He returned to the idea two years later, in Understanding Media: “The patient puts on headphones and turns a dial raising the noise level to the point that he feels no pain from the drill. The selection of a single sense for intense stimulus, or of a single extended, isolated, or ‘amputated’ sense in technology, is in part the reason for the numbing effect that technology as such has on its makers and users.”

The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man is a 1962 book by Marshall McLuhan, in which the author analyzes the effects of mass media, especially the printing press, on European culture and human consciousness. It popularized the term global village,[1] which refers to the idea that mass communication allows a village-like mindset to apply to the entire world; and Gutenberg Galaxy,[2] which we may regard today to refer to the accumulated body of recorded works of human art and knowledge, especially books.

McLuhan studies the emergence of what he calls Gutenberg Man, the subject produced by the change of consciousness wrought by the advent of the printed book. Apropos of his axiom, "The medium is the message," McLuhan argues that technologies are not simply inventions which people employ but are the means by which people are re-invented. The invention of movable type was the decisive moment in the change from a culture in which all the senses partook of a common interplay to a tyranny of the visual. He also argued that the development of the printing press led to the creation of nationalism, dualism, domination of rationalism, automatisation of scientific research, uniformation and standardisation of culture and alienation of individuals.

..The book is unusual in its design. McLuhan described it as one which "develops a mosaic or field approach to its problems".[4] The mosaic image to be constructed from data and quotations would then reveal "causal operations in history"

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, to "encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks".[2] It was founded in 1971 by American writer Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library.

related post: The Project Gutenberg eBook of Ely Cathedral, Fermilab and Freemasonry

Project Gutenberg began in 1971 when Michael Hart was given an operator's account with $100,000,000 of computer time in it by the operators of the Xerox Sigma V mainframe at the Materials Research Lab at the University of Illinois.

..Michael S. Hart is a Professor of Electronic Text at Benedictine University (Illinois, U.S.A.) and a former Visiting Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University was a Fellow of the Internet Archive for the year 2000. He founded Project Gutenberg in 1971 and is currently its Executive Coordinator.

Interestingly, Michael Hart was interviewed by Sam Vaknin, the internet's most famous narcissist (psychopath) no less:

Here's an article by Vaknin on Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice

Read it to get an insight into the minds of the psycopath.

From a Guardian article on Hart:

"What allowed me to think of this particular use for computers so long before anyone else did is the same thing that allows every other inventor to create their inventions: being at the right place, at the right time, with the right background. As Lermontov said in The Red Shoes: 'Not even the greatest magician in the world can pull a rabbit out of a hat if there isn't already a rabbit in it'," said Hart in 2002.

..Benedictine University where Michael Hart worked:

The university resides within the Chicago metropolitan area, and is located nearby two national research facilities—Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

YogSoggoth ago

This may sound far fetched (crazy?), but I think the Red Shoes thing does go back to Hans Christian Anderson. Alefantis had an image of a statue of some obscure raised deity(Antinous) because he was raised with the classics, and much more than the common man. These types dangle and obscure this in modern media on purpose as an inside joke for those more learned. Understanding the way the Gutenburg press changed the World is also above the common man. Wiener saw this coming. Licklider and others were only there to steal. Lermantov said as much in the quote. Kneehigh Theatre does a version of Red Shoes, as well as The Bacchae. Hardly a good ending in both tales, new or original. It always ends up with dead in the woods. As far as the Licklider name, I am looking at the timeline of the carpetbaggers, and after. Honolulu? NYC mostly. Ohio like the Wexlers. Philadelphia. Canada of course. Then there is the obvious connection between the arts and the donors, money laundering, ect.

YogSoggoth ago

Sam Vaknin, and Richard Routley-Silvan are definitely thinking thoughts that would get one biblically stoned in most places.

plagueship ago

It's not a dentists chair, it's a beautician's chair. Think about it, you have a lot of teenage girls coming over, what do you do most, check their teeth or make them up?

plancktonne ago

One of the bathrooms in either the New York or Palm Beach residence had a cart of dental tools, drills etc., but no dentist's or beautician's chair.

AngryMimi ago

I would almost agree with you except for who owns the house and the chair. There has been nothing "published" (that I have seen) indicating that the girls received beauty treatments and am not aware of anyone coming forward about what actually happened in said chair. But given all the players I would seriously doubt the chairs purpose as one of aesthetics. AND WTF do they need an ambulance for? I will tell you why they have that chair and that ambulance - it was a FANTASY island.

plagueship ago

Well the girls were being dolled up for the clients, makes more sense than giving them fillings.

Anyway look at this example and tell me it isn't the same thing: # beauty chair # epsteins chair.

letsdothis3 ago

That's fine too. We have a lot of posts in this pizzagate subverse that point to some sort of association with dentistry. I'll add the controversy over the chair at the top of the post for the political aetheists such as yourself who would ignore a post like this about the connections and history of the military, the internet and the obvious Epstein/Maxwell associations.

letsdothis3 ago

Margaret Mead posts:

R.D. Laing was appointed senior registrar at the Tavistock Clinic in 1956, three years after he left the

British Army Psychiatric Unit. He began experimenting with LSD in 1960, and then in 1962

when he became a family therapist at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, he also

met Gregory Bateson while visiting the U.S. Bateson had been with the Office of Strategic

Services (forerunner of the CIA), and then led the MK-Ultra hallucinogen (LSD) project.

Bateson's and Margaret Mead's daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson, along with New Ager Jean

Houston, would later help Hilary Clinton write IT TAKES A VILLAGE. The

'Core Group'

Original Members

From the 1942 Meeting: Lawrence K. Frank; Warren McCulloch; Margaret Mead / Gregory Bateson; Arturo Rosenblueth

LSD, Mind Control, and the Internet: A Chronology "1942: The Cerebral Inhibition Meeting, sponsored by the Josiah Macy Foundation, organized by Frank Fremont-Smith. Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead, and five others members of the (later) Cybernetics Group attended. Meeting focused on "physiological mechanisms underlying the phenomena of conditioned reflexes and hypnosis as related to the problem of cerebral inhibition."

Long Island Biological Laboratories research project, headed by Harold Abramson, established in part with Macy funds, and with support from the War Department. Abramson was then a Major in the Technical Division, Chemical Warfare service."

...After reading that short history of the war-gamers and computer history and mind control fanatics in top science positions I wonder if the child trafficking pedofiles we scrutiny as #pizzagate researchers get their immunity from prosecution and media blackout on their crimes because they are part of this mass social "experiment".

is the reason the D.C. pedo ring, the Franklin cover-up was smothered because they were a product of of this "hypnotism and conditioned reflex" experiment?

Did control masters who attended the 1942 conference lay the groundwork for today's pizzagate (specifically the D.C. pedo ring associated with the Podesta e-mails and Comet Ping Pong)? And did they lay the groundwork for Epstein's freedom of movement to commit so many crimes and Saville's obscenities and the Hempstead group and other covens?

flyingcuttlefish ago

I just posted a new one to get this viewed in a more modern light ...

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the link.

flyingcuttlefish ago

thanks, I forgot this one. I will link it to my 971 blog in a newer post about these pervert scientists ....

letsdothis3 ago

Margaret Mead and the Origins of Multiculturalism - (archived:


A moetotolo, or “sleep crawler,” is a digital rapist. He enters the home of a young woman in the early morning hours and attempts to insert one or two fingers into her vagina before she’s fully awake and able to resist. This was once a venerable tradition in Samoa; it was based on the ceremonial deflowering of a taupou, a high-caste virgin.

Margaret Mead was nonplussed when she was told about the practice soon after she began her research on Manu’a in 1925. She had to mention it; the custom had been reported by Western travelers since the early 19th century. Mead decided that the sexual assault added “zest to the surreptitious [consensual] love-making which is conducted at home.” (Mead 1928, 95) The girl, after all, was probably expecting a lover and may “indiscriminately accept any comer.” (No pun, presumably.) Mead also attempted to blame the victim. “The Samoan girl who plays the coquette does so at her peril.” (Mead 1928, 94) The moetotolo was often acting out of revenge for having been stood up...

..If Coming of Age helped launch the sexual revolution, it was also the Magna Carta of multiculturalism. Its unsubtle subtitle was “A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilization” and the book hammered home its message in the last two chapters, “Our Educational Problems in the Light of Samoan Contrasts” and “Education for Choice.”

...But Mead presented herself as scientist, or at least an anthropologist. She also redefined what was noble about the savage. He had never been admired for his promiscuity. Quite the opposite: the mythical savage was purer, more faithful, more monogamous than the European. Mead turned this formula on its head, making his chief virtue the absence of what had come to be considered, and despised, as middle-class morality. Happiness had begun to replace nobility of character as a desideratum, and the Samoans were happy because they were laid back. Americans were unhappy because they were repressed.

In contrast to Westerners, a Samoan child learns that “sex is a natural, pleasurable thing; the freedom with which it may be indulged in is limited by just one consideration, social status. Chief’s daughters and chiefs’ wives should indulge in no extra-marital experiments.” (Mead 1928, 201)

Lovemaking, as Mead wrote in a follow-up study, is “the pastime par excellence.” “Sex is play, permissible in all hetero-and homosexual expression, with any sort of variation as an artistic addition . . . Love between the sexes is a light and pleasant dance.” (Freeman 1983, 91-2) “Romantic love,” she assured readers of Coming of Age, “as it occurs in our civilization, inextricably bound up with ideas of monogamy, exclusiveness, jealousy and undeviating fidelity[,] does not occur in Samoa.” Samoans “laugh at stories of romantic love, scoff at fidelity to a long absent wife or mistress, believe explicitly that one love will quickly cure another . . . Adultery does not necessarily mean a broken marriage.” However, when partners do agree to separate, “divorce is a simple and informal matter.” (Mead 1928, 104-5, 106, 108)

...Unfortunately, as Freeman detailed in two books, Mead had written a work of fiction disguised as an anthropological monograph. His most sensational finding was that she relied heavily not on testimony of adolescent girls, but on a sixty-sixty-year old half-Samoan widow, Phoebe Parkinson, “with singular gifts as a raconteur,” Mead admitted, and, especially, two Samoan friends her own age, Fa’apua’a Fa’amu and Fofoa. The two young women deliberately mislead her. “We were just joking,” said Fa’apua’a, in sworn testimony. “She must have taken it seriously, but we were only joking.” (Freeman 1983, 252; Freeman 1999, 3)

Mead's field notes are the smoking gun. They reveal, writes Freeman, that "the sexual behavior of the adolescent girls she had selected for study was never systematically investigated." (italics Freeman's)(Freeman 1999, 158) The American anthropologist Martin Orans, who also examined the notes, concludes that Mead's research was "seriously flawed . . . filled with internal contradictions and grandiose claims to knowledge that she could not possibly have had." He is incredulous that her book "could have formed the basis for an illustrious career," and disturbed that "virtually none of the numerous reviews of the Mead-Freeman controversy point to the profoundly unscientific nature of her work." (Orans 1996, 132)

...But for the few skeptical readers of Coming of Age, the elephant in the room was the moetotolo. Though she admits digital rape is “curious” and “abnormal,” readers learn that it is one of three forms of relationship between the unmarried that receive “formal recognition from the community," the two other being "the clandestine encounter" and "the published elopement, Avaga." (Mead 1928, 89)

Larry Nassar had a more effective modus operandi than the young Samoan men. As Mead delivered her revolutionary message in the guise of an anthropologist, so Nassar engaged in moetotolo (the verb and noun are the same) while playing the role of physician. He didn’t slip into his victims’ bedrooms at night; they were ushered into his examining room for physical therapy.

...Dr. Nassar, accused of abusing over 250 young women, would have won Olympic gold.

...The sexual revolution has been won. Multiculturalists no longer extoll the supposed enlightened attitudes toward sex of non-Westerners. They are admired merely because they have been victimized by Europeans, replacing the workers exploited by the bourgeoisie. But whereas not so long ago multiculturalists simply ignored the rebarbative patriarchal practices of their heartthrobs, like the segregation of and denial of rights to women, the burqa and hijab, cousin marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation, etc., they have now begun to defend some of these.

FGM, referred to as “circumcision” or, better, “surgery,” is now regarded as a harmless cultural inheritance under assault by insensitive Islamophobes. The bioethicists at the Hastings Institute have given the practice their seal of approval. Mead was sympathetic to the moetotolo, and, so long as he isn’t a white male, he, too, may eventually find even more outspoken supporters.

think- ago

They are admired merely because they have been victimized by Europeans, replacing the workers exploited by the bourgeoisie. But whereas not so long ago multiculturalists simply ignored the rebarbative patriarchal practices of their heartthrobs, like the segregation of and denial of rights to women, the burqa and hijab, cousin marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation, etc., they have now begun to defend some of these.

FGM, referred to as “circumcision” or, better, “surgery,” is now regarded as a harmless cultural inheritance under assault by insensitive Islamophobes. The bioethicists at the Hastings Institute have given the practice their seal of approval. Mead was sympathetic to the moetotolo, and, so long as he isn’t a white male, he, too, may eventually find even more outspoken supporters.


Iirc, the NYT decided that it will refer to genital mutilation as 'cuttings' rather than as 'mutilation' in the future, because, you know, the term 'mutilation' might be off-putting for the perps. The perps!

Trigger warning -

And some 'feminists' have argued that genital mutilation shouldn't be referred to as 'mutilation' because even if you cut off the clitoris of a girl with a rusty knife, she might still be able to experience a vaginal orgasm!! /s

Remember the good ol' days when feminsts were advocating for the well-being of women, and not siding with perps who kill and mutilate them... /s

CornyGoatWeed ago

cointelproject and you are now their dupe mockingbird stooge dumbass. Obviously any woman walking around town who calls herself feminist would curl her lips in revulsion and hostility at the mention of it.

Try it some time, ask a woman irl

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, I remember.

letsdothis3 ago

Of mice, men, and computers -

How three giants of early computing—Claude Shannon, SM ’40, PhD ’40, Marvin Minsky, and JCR Licklider—got their ideas and got them across.

...Shannon went on to join the MIT faculty and its Research Laboratory of Electronics, staying at the Institute until his retirement in 1978. Although he kept dreaming up gadgets—including a juggling robot, Styrofoam shoes that let him walk on water, and a Roman numeral calculator, which he called “Throback I”—he never returned to rodents in mazes. But just a year after Theseus first grabbed the brass cheese, another computer science pioneer picked up the torch: Marvin Minsky.

As a child in New York City, Minsky had borrowed his father’s copies of the works of Sigmund Freud, and he developed a keen interest in the human mind. He brought this curiosity with him to Harvard, where he studied physics, and to Princeton, where he earned a PhD in mathematics.

..Along with Shannon, John McCarthy (then a professor at Dartmouth), and computer scientist Nathaniel Rochester, he helped organize the “Dartmouth workshop” of 1956, now considered the founding event of artificial intelligence. Minsky joined the MIT faculty in 1958, wrote a number of influential books, and helped to found both the Artificial Intelligence Lab—which later merged with the Lab for Computer Science to become CSAIL—and the Media Lab.

..Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, known to most as “Lick,” first came to MIT in 1950, as an associate professor. More of a tinkerer than a coding whiz, he had a background in psychology and audiology. But over the next three and a half decades, both in and out of the Institute, Lick dedicated his imagination, empathy, and polymathic skill set to making machines accessible and relevant to everyday life, eventually becoming known as the “Johnny Appleseed of Computing.”

A psychologist among physicists and engineers, Lick quickly realized he could offer a unique perspective. In 1951, he began working on Project Charles, a study program that helped the US Air Force develop a computer network—known as the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, or SAGE—that would help detect and respond to enemy threats. His job, he later recalled, was to work on “display and control”: to make sure that the computer programs the engineers developed were intuitive for the people using them...

letsdothis3 ago

Norbet Wiener

Norbert Wiener (November 26, 1894 – March 18, 1964) was an American mathematician and philosopher. He was a professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A child prodigy, Wiener later became an early researcher in stochastic and mathematical noise processes, contributing work relevant to electronic engineering, electronic communication, and control systems.

Wiener is considered the originator of cybernetics, a formalization of the notion of feedback, with implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the organization of society.

Norbert Wiener is credited as being one of the first to theorize that all intelligent behavior was the result of feedback mechanisms, that could possibly be simulated by machines and was an important early step towards the development of modern AI.

..Wiener later helped develop the theories of cybernetics, robotics, computer control, and automation. He discussed the modeling of neurons with John von Neumann, and in a letter from November 1946 von Neumann presented his thoughts in advance of a meeting with Wiener.

...After the war, Wiener became increasingly concerned with what he believed was political interference with scientific research, and the militarization of science. His article "A Scientist Rebels" from the January 1947 issue of The Atlantic Monthly[19] urged scientists to consider the ethical implications of their work. After the war, he refused to accept any government funding or to work on military projects. The way Wiener's beliefs concerning nuclear weapons and the Cold War contrasted with those of von Neumann is the major theme of the book John Von Neumann and Norbert Wiener..

Wiener's work with cybernetics influenced Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead, and through them, anthropology, sociology, and education.