YogSoggoth ago

Between Zorro Ranch and the islamocamp is Young Place. Coincidence?

maurice1 ago

Pizzagate is a social stress test.

not_saying_a_thing ago

I'm not usually one for spurious connections, but this seems like a bit more than just coincidence.

weaselmonkey ago

If Larry Celona is a real person, he has probably tapped phones or paid off or inserted people at 911, nypd &/or medical examiner offices.

think- ago

Bill Richardson says that noone is investigating him, and I believe him. Even if they have tapes, they will probably never charge him.

The Genie Energy Group really seems to be an important rabbit hole.

Fetalpig ago

Well this is where we step in,and mock,ridicule and ruin a person who truly is a piece of crap. He knew Artist Gorman was a kid fucker,was cool with it because Gorman brought money to NM.

Blacksmith21 ago

And part of a then known-to-FBI pedo ring in Albuquerque.

think- ago

Yes. He was not only a friend of Gorman, he participated in raping boys at Gorman's parties.

Btw, I read that RBG has been staying on a property close to the Zorro ranch, do you maybe know where exactly?

Blacksmith21 ago

I haven't seen anything about RBG recuperating in NM.

think- ago

Ok, thanks.

letsdothis3 ago

Isn't it time that we admitted to ourselves that we're all being played? The investigation seems to begin and end with Epstein's 'suicide'.

YogSoggoth ago

I am not getting played. Speak for the weak.

BrokenWolf ago

Only insofar as involvement with our corrupt judicial system and the media are concerned.

Epstein was never going to see the outcome of a trial anyway. The arrest was for one thing only. To contain him and use the exposure to wake people up. Eventually, he'd be charged with crimes against humanity and go before Tribunals.

Until then, he's perfect bait to get the DS to expend more ammo. Alive or dead is irrelevant. We have everything already. Any investigation allows us to introduce whatever is needed.

think- ago

Absolutely. That the federal prosecutors refused to reopen the Florida case told us everything we need to know.

Unfortunately, Trump supporters and Q followers are still buying the 'Trump will bring the Deep State down, and put all pedophiles in prison' propaganda.

And Dem supporters on Twitter are still refusing to talk about Clinton's connection to Epstein, and his involvement in Epstein's crimes. Tiresome.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Many are saying the federal reserve may fall.......cannot continue ..seems to be collapsing under it's own weight.......since law was changed to allow them to invest in wall street.....or rather prop it up....Huff Po / CIA posted this today..Other countries get a good democracy bombing when they try to get away from the federal reserve.......why not US? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pentagon-darpa-underground-tunnels-research_n_5d69564fe4b02bc6bb390c52?fbclid=IwAR0wEoXFByDaGxGqrnYg-8FKw8r52wb0f25wMXzpyYQ34BEKxTzBVF3ZtrU

anton_anon ago

Yeah my hope has turned back to my constant pessimism.

letsdothis3 ago

The population effectively neutralized due to the illusory right/left paradigm.

think- ago

Someone said that Larry Celona is a screenname used by several authors.

YogSoggoth ago

Prince Andrew is the head of 9th/12th Royal Lancers - Wikipedia, but who is this? Rick Rescorla, Chief of Security for Morgan Stanley's World Trade Center office, sang a Cornish adaptation of "Men of Harlech" with a bullhorn, along with other anthems, to keep employee spirits high while they evacuated during the September 11 attacks. After helping save more than 2,700 employees he returned to the towers to evacuate others until the towers collapsed on him.

YogSoggoth ago

Men of Molech is my answer.

codyave ago

Larry appears to be a real person: https://streamable.com/h91tv

CaJuN-M8 ago

It could be both.

letsdothis3 ago

Well, the name could be another rabbit hole. But I'm going to wait a bit to see if he shows up.. He's certainly found in the records at familytreenow.com

YogSoggoth ago

Let me tell you something about familytreenow.com, that is the same as My ancestry. com and all the others that top the search engine. They might actually know what your Family history is, but they have been caught fabricating in my own Families history. My Aunt did it the old fashioned way with grave rubbings, and lots of time and gas. When compared to theirs it was very different in key places with lots of omissions. Other relatives read the fake report and believe it true. They are using this as a tool to separate families further, and mess up relevant History.