OpakapakaCaca ago

Rick Hilton too....Naomi's birthday party in France.

Verite1 ago

Bill Richardson is super tied to Doug Band of the Clinton foundation. It has to do with the nuclear energy deal in a run and uranium one and ask for trading energy and technology secrets to sanctioned countries. He obviously was blackmailed and that’s why he went along with it

think- ago

Thanks. Will look into it. Doug Band socialized with Epstein, of course.

new4now ago

Richardson also joined Kissinger McLarty Associates, a "strategic advisory firm" headed by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Clinton White House chief of staff Mack McLarty, as Senior Managing Director.

He got busted for pay for play, but no charges

He has been going back and forth to North Korea

Remember his trip with Eric Schimdt and his daughter

Think it was a Google trip

He's definitely a member of the "Club"

Vindicator ago

Great timing on this, think- ;-)

Excellent research, too.

think- ago

;-) Thank you.

Imagine my surprise - or non-surprise - when I read the first article about the unsealed documents yesterday, and saw Bill Richardson's name!

Lansing-Michigan ago

Bill Richardson is keeping some bad company .......bet all of them have been to bohemian grove as well.

think- ago

You bet.

Synacked ago

Why New Mexico? Why do they need to control the border state pols?

OpakapakaCaca ago

You just answered your own question.

3141592653 ago

Great work

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

Lansing-Michigan ago

I live in ME. There is a notice by thewebofslime in red for me to see........very odd.(Owner collects IPS of visitors from Voat) Would guess ME has it's share of sex trafficking , right next to Canada..........forests so you can just cross over to Canada without being seen.........david rockefella loved ME so much, he spent money on developing Acadia national park and roads here. Son or grandson lived here and died in a plane crash....he was piloting.Very beautiful as well as proximity to Canada for trafficking.

think- ago

It is already on my laundry list for a new post. There is a lady who wrote a book about child trafficking in the US that has researched it.

plancktonne ago

"Prince Andrew has denied any wrongdoing and in a 2015 court application, a judge struck Robert’s allegations for being 'immaterial and impertinent.'" Impertinent indeed. How dare the wench impugn the integrity of Andrew Albert Christian Edward, his Royal Highness the Duke of York, the Earl of Inverness and Baron Killyleagh. The commoner hussy is lucky the Florida judge, who knows his or her place, didn't summon the royal executioner over from England or feed Roberts to an alligator or crocodile, whichever one it is that they have in Florida.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Both actually....

think- ago

Who is Bill Richardson?

William Blaine Richardson III (born November 15, 1947) is an American politician, author, and diplomat who served as the 30th governor of New Mexico from 2003 to 2011.

He was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Energy Secretary in the Clinton administration and has also served as a U.S. Congressman, chairman of the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

In December 2008, he was nominated for the cabinet-level position of Secretary of Commerce in the first Obama administration, but withdrew a month later as he was investigated for possible improper business dealings in New Mexico.

Although the investigation was later dropped, it was seen to have damaged Richardson's career, as his second and final term as New Mexico governor concluded.

After college, Richardson worked for Republican Congressman F. Bradford Morse from Massachusetts. He was later a staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Richardson worked on congressional relations for the Henry Kissinger State Department during the Nixon administration.

In 1978, Richardson moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and ran for the House of Representatives in 1980 as a Democrat, losing narrowly to longtime 1st District representative and future United States Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan (R).

Two years later, Richardson was elected to New Mexico's newly created third district, taking in most of the northern part of the state. Richardson spent 14 years in Congress.

He became a member of the Democratic leadership as a deputy majority whip, where he became friends with Bill Clinton.

Clinton sent Richardson on various foreign policy missions.

In 1997 and 1998, Richardson was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. The Senate confirmed Richardson to be Clinton's Secretary of Energy on July 31, 1998.

With the end of the Clinton administration in January 2001, Richardson took on a number of different positions. He was an adjunct professor at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and a lecturer at the Armand Hammer United World College of the American West.

He spent the next year researching and writing on the negotiations with North Korea and the energy dimensions of U.S. relations.

Richardson also joined Kissinger McLarty Associates, a "strategic advisory firm" headed by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Clinton White House chief of staff Mack McLarty, as Senior Managing Director.

Richardson was elected Governor of New Mexico in 2002.

In December 2005, Richardson announced the intention of New Mexico to collaborate with billionaire Richard Branson to bring space tourism to the proposed Spaceport America located near Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Richardson won his second term as Governor of New Mexico on November 7, 2006.

During 2008 and 2009, Richardson faced "possible legal issues" while a federal grand jury investigated pay-to-play allegations in the awarding of a lucrative state contract to a company that gave campaign contributions to Richardson's political action committee, Moving America Forward.

The company in question, CDR, was alleged to have funneled more than $100,000 in donations to Richardson's PAC in exchange for state construction projects. Richardson said when he withdrew his Commerce Secretary nomination that he was innocent; his popularity then slipped below 50% in his home state. In August 2009, federal prosecutors dropped the pending investigation against the governor.

In its April 2010 report, ethics watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Richardson one of the 11 worst governors in the United States because of various ethics issues throughout Richardson's term as governor.

The group accused Richardson of allowing political allies to benefit from firms connected to state investments, rewarding close associates with state positions or benefits (including providing a longtime friend and political supporter with a costly state contract), and allowing pay-to-play activity in his administration. They also opined that he fell short on efforts to make state government more transparent.

fuckingmockies ago

Why do you Boomers still bother differentiating between Democrats and Republicans?

Lansing-Michigan ago


Strelnieki ago

Wait a tic.,.. Isn't he the one who sold Zorro Ranch to Epstein? Or was that a different former Gov?

think- ago

No, that was a different former Governor, Bruce King.

tech-adm ago

I'm happy Epstein is behind bars but why the hell is Maxwell still walking around free? She comes up everywhere and is directly implicated.

think- ago

Yep. The answer is probably: Because she is Mossad, and has some powerful connections.

Crackrocknigga ago

Bill Richardson is a well known piece of shit. He has also been to the bohemian grove and gave millions to the ((movie industry)). During his tenure. The man is basically an honorary shoah survivor at this point.

Xax ago

That’s some disgusting shit.

think- ago


Blacksmith21 ago

My in-laws collect Gorman. Guess what's getting torched when we inherit that shit?

think- ago

It's mostly kitsch art, and allegedly, some of his victims did the paintings when he was older and became lazy.

Blacksmith21 ago

It woldn't surprise me. Picasso, Erte, Dali, other artists, had their "students"/"victims" mimic their style in their later years when they became most popular and could command the highest dollar.

I don't think I would call Gorman's art "kitsch". Gorman incorporated traditional elements of Navaho, Arapaho, and a little Zuni to more of a "pure" form of Native American art.

think- ago

Bill Richardson has been accused of raping boys at the parties pedo artist RC Gorman threw in his home in Taos, New Mexico.

Gorman has been accused of having trafficked and raped several boys, the Albuquerque PD also investigated him when a 11-year-old boy was found hanging from a tree. He was never charged though.

He settled with several of his victims out of court.

Gorman was gay, and his partner, who was director of Gorman's Navajo Art Gallery in Taos, was a convicted pedophile.

The FBI investigated Gorman, and found evidence that he raped boys, but didn't charge him in the end, due to the statute of limitations.

Currently sifting through my notes, and going to update the post with more info and sources.

OpakapakaCaca ago

He related to "Uncle Terry"?

septimasexta ago



Richardson was also former Energy Secretary under Clinton. Many scandals related to theft of nuclear secrets from Los Alamos during this time (1999). (Wen Ho Lee) Coincides with time Roberts-Giuffre was trafficked by Maxwell.


o shit...

"Governor Richardson has never been to Mr. Epstein’s residence in the Virgin Islands."

that's a very tactical statement. Let's find the times he visited epstein's NM ranch

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

"Residence". That sounds like lawyer-speak.

There are other structures on the island.


massage huts are definitely not residences. nor temples.

tokui ago

Can't blame them.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/klasfeldreports/status/1159820230262235138 :

Adam Klasfeld on Twitter: "BREAKING: The Second Circuit issues its mandate to unseal a large tranche of Jeffrey Epstein-related docs, as an old docket becomes public for the first time.

Developing, and will provide details and documents as they emerge.

Background @CourthouseNews t.co/ViJREWRMcf… t.co/Gu09sXcxPK"

This has been an automated message.

think- ago

I just added the this link to my OP - if you have the time, would you please do an archive of it as well, and add it to your list - that would be terrific! Thank you! :-)


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

got it.

think- ago


think- ago

Thank you! :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome. Can you see all the archives?

think- ago

Yep, works for me! ;-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago
