OpakapakaCaca ago

"Eggs" don't freeze well I'm told....

JohnGaltApproves ago

When he dies, perhaps.

septimasexta ago

I wonder how many offspring he has? Or clones.....

septimasexta ago

Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex trafficking victim named Bill Richardson, George Mitchell in newly released documents

"A woman who has long claimed disgraced money man Jeffrey Epstein forced her to have sex with powerful men named two prominent Democratic politicians - former Sen. George Mitchell and ex-New Mexico governor and Clinton cabinet official Bill Richardson - in documents unsealed Friday by federal prosecutors in New York."


septimasexta ago

"Giuffre claims that Maxwell was one of those associates. Giuffre has accused Maxwell as being Epstein’s madam who allegedly approached her in 1999 when she was just 15."

Interesting timing. 1999-2000

"In December 1999, the FBI was investigating how China obtained plans for a specific nuclear device. Wen Ho Lee was accused of stealing nuclear secrets from Los Alamos National Laboratory for the People's Republic of China. Federal officials, including then-Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, publicly named Lee as a suspect before he was charged with a crime."

"All but one of the 59 charges against Lee were eventually dropped because the investigation finally proved that the plans the Chinese obtained could not have come from Lee."


septimasexta ago

"PROMIS Software Linked To Several Murders

One of the Federal government's most secret computer programs is now connected to several local murders. The Riverside County Sheriff's Cold Case Squad is on the case -- and so is KESQ." Published on Aug 1, 2008


septimasexta ago


According to this book, Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine's father) sold PROMIS to Los Alamos Laboratories::

"According to Thomas's well-placed sources in Israel, Washington, and London, Maxwell first came into Mossad's orbit in the 1970s, when the crack Israeli spy organization stole from the United States its most sophisticated piece of intelligence-gathering software, Enhanced Promis. Of it Mossad made an electronic Trojan horse, secretly amassing strictly classified information from inside the very organizations worldwide to which they were selling it. Mossad's representative for these extremely sensitive transactions costing tens of millions of dollars in China, Russia, India, and twenty other countries was Robert Maxwell."


"With the help of former Texas Senator John Tower, Maxwell managed to sell the software to the Los Alamos Laboratories, thus making Israel's Mossad privy to the innermost secrets of American atomic energy programs. When Promis was sold to Credit Suisse, Israel was able to follow the money flows from any government or business agency that used the bank."


Is Ghislaine the real target of the Epstein Affair? She supposedly was her father's favorite.....

plancktonne ago

Without further ado or any ado at all or even an autopsy report, the assembled Big Organs of Propaganda, left and right, declare that Epstein suicided. Not a chance of an Arkancide or a semi-clever escape or a murder. And all who declare otherwise are loony conspiracy theorists intent on embarrassing the Clintons and Democrats. Would a man so enamored of himself that he wanted his head and geometrically peculiar penis removed after his death and frozen really end himself? He'd already escaped a similar situation before and even if he was imprisoned others point out that the rich, such as the mobster Gottis, live very well in prison.

septimasexta ago

If Epstein died a natural death in prison, would the government allow him to fulfill his dream? Could they legally prevent it?

QuietButNotBlind ago

To answer the question in your post title: not likely, based on the method and timing of his death. They have to act quickly to preserve the body. In most cases, a medical team with the cryogenics company (such as Alcor) are alerted that a client is near death. The client is either taken to the lab/facility, or a mobile team is sent to the client. As soon as a doctor declares the client dead, they go to work lowering the body temp to freezing and prep for storage. IF Epstein is dead, and IF his death went unnoticed for hours (as stated in news reports), there’s no way the cryogenics process would have worked. At least not based on the research I’ve done.

septimasexta ago

Good comments!

QuietButNotBlind ago

Whether or not he’s arranged to clone himself is another matter altogether.

septimasexta ago

Richardson’s Purge June 25, 1999

"Yesterday, the House Government Reform Committee held a critically

important hearing featuring testimony from Energy and Defense Department employees who

have been punished for warning about Clinton Administration policies that threaten U.S.

security.1 No sooner had Republican and Democratic

Representatives received this evidence of

efforts by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson and other senior Clinton Administration officials to

punish people for the incompetent or malfeasant behavior they opposed than rumors began

circulating in Washington about Mr. Richardson’s next victim: Vic Reis, the

Assistant Secretary

of Energy for Defense Programs."

"In fact, for at least

the past two

years, responsibility for “counterintelligence and security at the labs” — and elsewhere in

the nuclear weapons complex — has actually been vested in somebody else, Rose

Gottemoeller. Ms. Gottemoeller is a proponent of radical anti-nuclear proposals who, thanks to Secretary Richardson’s machinations, was stealthily elevated earlier this year to the status of Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nonproliferation and National Security.

It has been Ms. Gottemoeller, not Vic Reis, who has had responsibility for such

scandals as:


the declassification of Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data in violation of

the Atomic Energy Act and job action against a senior DoE bureaucrat who had the

temerity to alert Congress to this breach of security and the law.


the demotion of Notra Trulock — the former Director of DoE’s

Intelligence Office, who was

a prime-mover behind the effort to uncover and comprehend the magnitude of Chinese

penetration of U.S. nuclear weapons secrets.


the effective firing of Lieutenant Colonel Ed McCallum, one of those

who testified yesterday before Rep. Dan Burton’s Government Reform Committee, in transparent

retaliation for his years of warnings about DoE’s appalling security situation — warnings that

had been ignored until very recently by Secretaries Richardson and Gottemoeller and

their predecessors."


new4now ago

Richardson was also an Ambassador to the UN

He took 8 trips to North Korea

The last trip was with Eric Schimdt of Google and his daughter

Schmidt is part of a "private humanitarian mission" led by former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, which is ostensibly focused on the case of a detained US citizen awaiting trial for alleged crimes against the state.

But state media have made North Korea's spin on the visit very clear. "Delegation of Google Corp of US Arrives" was the headline used by the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in announcing the Americans' arrival on Monday.


Vindicator ago


septimasexta ago

"Weapon plans stolen[edit]

Main article: Wen Ho Lee

In December 1999, the FBI was investigating how China obtained plans for a specific nuclear device. Wen Ho Lee was accused of stealing nuclear secrets from Los Alamos National Laboratory for the People's Republic of China. Federal officials, including then-Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, publicly named Lee as a suspect before he was charged with a crime. The U.S. Congress held hearings to investigate the Department of Energy's mishandling of his case. Republican senators thought that an independent agency should be in charge of nuclear weapons and security issues, not the Department of Energy.[15] All but one of the 59 charges against Lee were eventually dropped because the investigation finally proved that the plans the Chinese obtained could not have come from Lee. Lee filed suit and won a $1.6 million settlement against the federal government and news agencies."
