V____Z ago

It's not uncommon for them to lock down articles, though I haven't seen them set an arbitrary date months into the future before. The reason why Epstein's article is surprisingly detailed and informative, especially compared with other article on the site which are clearly spun/whitewashed/censored in favor of the establishment, is because Jimmy Wales (co-founder) got so much grief on Wikipedia for the fact that Epstein's article was being scrubbed of any information about Bill Clinton. To this day, they still won't allow one of the 3 main details about his flights on Lolita Express to remain in the article, it gets removed every time - besides him flying at least 26 times, and besides the fact that there were at least 4 flights without Secret Service, it was reported that on almost every flight young girls were aboard.

Here is an example of Jimmy trying to defend Wikipedia that day https://twitter.com/jimmy_wales/status/1149036315180183552

Jimmy went and edited the page himself, since he had defended against accusations that they were covering for Clinton, he made sure the number of flights was included. I suppose that is a small miracle but there's so much more to say about Clinton's connections that aren't being allowed on the page.

Anyway, the only reason they are allowing the page to have a fair amount of coverage is because of Jimmy's involvement - and the fact that people made a big stink and called attention to the whitewashing.

So don't hesitate to call him out on Twitter when you see malfeasance, it just might have an effect!

allonthesameteam ago

Reason to lock it down from regular folks: We do not want you to be informed or have proven input to what could be embarrassing or detrimental to hundreds of not so good people.

From the Wiki page:

"In 2005, the Palm Beach police in Florida began investigating Epstein after a parent complained that he molested her 14-year-old daughter. Epstein eventually pleaded guilty and was convicted in a Florida state court in 2008 of soliciting a prostitute and of procuring an under 18 girl for prostitution. He served 13 months in custody with work release, as part of a plea deal, where federal officials had identified 36 girls as young as 14 years old who had been molested.[4][5]"

Paying for and having sex with an underage girl is not prostitution. It's child abuse and sex trafficking in my mind.

36 girls as young as 14!!!!! I can see this as nothing other than protecting him and those entrenched in his web and throwing these 36, and hundreds or thousands of others to the wolves. Where is the outrage?

YogSoggoth ago

If this is already covered I apologize, but I just read it, Altamira -- Connections and Coincidences are ODD Epstein, Dayton Shooting, Wexner I always thought there was more to the Wexner connection.

septimasexta ago

Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz Advise Think Tank Led By Jeffrey Epstein’s Brother:

"Mark Epstein has played a significant role in this mission. According to the organization’s website, Jeffrey Epstein’s brother serves as Humpty Dumpy’s vice chairman, and has represented the group abroad on delegations alongside members of Congress and U.N. dignitaries."


"New York, NY — The Humpty Dumpty Institute is pleased to announce that Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) has recently joined its Congressional Advisory Board. With this addition, Humpty Dumpty's Congressional Advisory Board now consists of 32 Members of Congress. The commitment of Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz to women’s issues, homeland security and education will enhance the Institute’s program planning in these important areas."


YogSoggoth ago

I have been having a hard time keeping up because of work.That could certainly explain the black guy who was working for the FBI, and ended up dead on the beach in her jurisdiction though. Just read this; https://governmentslaves.news/2019/08/07/connecting-the-dots-in-el-paso-shooters-father-has-ties-to-cia-mind-control-sexual-abuse-ring-has-a-creepy-youtube-channel-lets-get-to-the-bottom-of-this/

septimasexta ago

Great find. See my comments on WP AFB here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3370124

YogSoggoth ago

Third comment you made left out movie stares at goats, but I have never seen it, so I really would not know what I was talking about at that point except the remote viewing part.


Seymour Sy g. Epstein wasn't just a "groundskeeper". Or there just happens to be a highly trained cognitive behavioral therapist who shares the same name and lived in the same places

septimasexta ago

Why don't you post a link?


honestly? I think data surveillance is stifling dissemination, so humans need to communicate more opaquely as to not alert the droids. This has been discussed extensively on the image boards as to why memes are effective. Not only are they funny, but they don't trigger #wrongthink bots to correct the record as quickly

keywords, plus any links posted to certain boards are flagged for review.

for example: 2.6 years ago posted to pizzagate:


Articles from a girl lover magazine on archive.org that explain the life of Alice Liddell and Lewis Carrol connection.

Understanding this connections opens the eyes of Pizzagate researches as so many parts including the 5 of Spades Pedophile code, the mind of these pedophiles and how they reason and deflect guilt on to others and make these things acceptable.

Low hanging fruit maybe, but this includes the Girl lover heart within the smaller heart logo, a willingness to accept and rationalise Pedophiliac behaviour by making it seem all innocent and poetic.


then 2 years later...


The magazines below were hosted for a number of years and they were deleted by archive a month ago. I am going to be honest with this because I have nothing to hide.

The magazines contain articles, poems, opinions, etc written by minor attracted persons, members of an online community of the same name as the magazine that has been online for many years, obviously the magazine does not contain any child porn as this not only would be illegal but it also goes against the spirit of the community.

The content is legal in the USA and, in between others, it is helpful to University researchers who wish to learn and understand the opinions and thoughts of the minor attracted person´s community.

I would want to know if anybody can tell what terms and conditions have these items infringed as they are legal in the USA and there is no copyright whatsoever.






@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @heygeorge


also. now that this is all private (login only). nuking posted info is like shooting fish in a barrel.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It really has become easy to forum slide, I've noticed. Nobody seems to care. Oh well, this too shall pass.


are you saying on v/pizzagate, or are you saying I'm sliding. because that isn't my intention

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If I ever accuse you of forum sliding, you and every mod within screaming distance will know. I lost a good deal of good will going to bat for you. You cross me, I crucify you. Would you expect different?



nope :)

ScientiaPotentia ago

I have noticed that all references to religion and ethnic background (not just Jews) are being scrubbed from wikipedia and all other profiles.

septimasexta ago

Unless you are a "white supremasist" ......

maurice1 ago


A lot of people use wikipedia as a jump off point for peer articles. Tampering with wikipedia might seem fun for some bored people, but in a case like this one, I'd leave wikipedia alone. TPTB will likely look into anyone's life, if they tamper with it.

septimasexta ago

Fact based editing and tampering are two different things. Your comment seems to suggest that my post was calling for "tampering" with the article. Obviously, that was not my intent. I was pointing out an unusual step by Wikipedia to PREVENT editing the article until a certain date. I have never seen that before. To be honest, I was surprised that they allowed so much detailed info to remain in the article.

maurice1 ago

No I didn't mean you were calling for anything.

I know idiots like to tamper with wikipedia for humor.

I also understood you was pointing out this wikipedia post to show the severity of this case.