HenryCabotLodge ago

Arrests Arrests. When are we going to have some Fucking Arrests!

maurice1 ago

This is a really old game and people can take decades to compile enough legal evidence to bring them down. The stuff of epic books as well.

moirai11 ago

Fucking boomer. You don't get it do you.

letsdothis3 ago

Wow.. RCS Media Group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RCS_MediaGroup

Founded in 1927 by entrepreneur Angelo Rizzoli as A. Rizzoli & C., it started in the press industry by buying out four national magazines, and later entering the publishing industry. Restructured and taken over a number of times, particularly in the 1980s when two of its executives became involved in the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano and the illegal Masonic Lodge Propaganda Due – or P2. Following the 1982 death of Roberto Calvi, the group applied for bankruptcy protection and greatly downsized

n 2016, Cairo Communication acquired the controlling stake of RCS MediaGroup. In the same year, Italian Competition Authority approved the sales of RCS Libri (a.k.a. Rizzoli Libri) from RCS MediaGroup to Arnoldo Mondadori Editore.

I just wrote about P2.. here: CIA FOIA Document re Project Paperclip - "Special: Nazis, the Vatican and the CIA" (1/2)

https://imgur.com/a/8DSaHiW Vatican, Knights of Malta and P-2 Italian Masonic Lodge https://youtu.be/YfOasAYNdU8

new4now ago

Great, will have to get to your posts, too busy trying to put this together, not to mention 2D goat problems lol, hope I didn't repeat too much of your posts, I'll get to them soon

NoBS ago

By all means "please" repeat, use and abuse previous info for a fresh take on your educated guess and personal opinions.

Yet re-posting facts not only helps us old farts remember but is a gauge on what is important to the community.

It's like voting the Democrat way. Often and loud is why they are kicking our ass because it works. Use the enemies tactics to red-pill our loved ones.

Hat tip.

new4now ago

I knew @letsdothis3 was doing posts on Nicole or connections, just buried on my own work to know what they were about

Every chance I get, I go back to my own posts and bring either the post or the article back

So much has happened since we first came here

Nicole has done a good job hiding, and I dont know what happened to the people with Panama Papers, there were a lot bigger names then hers spotted out

Have to wonder also if cancer has been weaponized

Too many people in certain positions, have died kinda quick with some form

And if there's a cure, these people have the money

maurice1 ago

Try as we might.......all of this is public relations. We're good to take down Epstein, but I honestly think there will always be a two tiered legal system on earth. The kings, queens, etc.............the mass majority of those knowingly involved will die of old age, living lives we only see in magazines and movies. ALL of the Panama Papers and Pizzagate is social stress testing. TPTB are allowing so much to go on, just to learn a new control method in the age of information.

I do not want ANYONE to give up trying. I would so love to see these psycho, sickos go down for the crimes they commit. The hard work and valuable personal time each one of you and I put into learning what we have is keeping these people on their toes. Many such as Hillary look like walking zombies now, due to the stress they are living under because of the fire we have lit under their asses.

Change did happen and will continue to happen. At the end of the day, TPTB operate generationally and know most of us "laymen" do not.

Us laymen have to keep the fire lit and stoked, so TPTB know we will no longer be hypnotized by mass media, into ignoring reality.

The "just us" system will slowly find a new balance, but it will take decades, upon decades of all of us not giving in, not giving up, trying to keep our lives together, while at the same time keeping hellfire on these peoples heels, so that the LEO that do try and are trying do not become burned out and complacent.

The people that act out in society, such as the comet pingpong idiot shooter hurt our case, but Epstein has awoken many many more to the reality all of us "conspiracy nuts" have been right about.

We must act within the legal systems. So much as I hate the two tiered, "just us" masonic design.............acting within the legal system and playing by their own rules is the only way to do this and show the future generations, we tried. We refused to give up. We didn't buy into the self absorbed social media generation. We paid attention and did all we could.

Many of you, thorough, great investigators here, I hope write books and make yourselves decent livings from the time you've invested into this. Take what you make and build a better world within their rules.

This is a pivotal moment in humanity's evolution. I'm honestly glad to have helped in any small way, I might have. Even just to encourage people to self educate into all of this. I'm glad to have met all of you and proud of what Voat has done and become.

I'd rather die a goat, than be subjugated into a sheep. None of TPTB are worthy to be my shepherd.

new4now ago

Took a long time to wake up

When I did, I took it very personal, a friend mentioned Voat, I came, joined and lurked lol

On so many things I was fooled, Big Time

How can I not be apart of this ?

I voted for Bush's 3 times, Father and Son

I was duped and I'm mad lol

Right now Timing is everything

She was suppose to win

So much so, that they got sloppy and made mistakes big mistakes

They wont go down for everything, they probaly wont go down for what they did to children, but they will go down, at least on this side of the pond

They used the web against us

Spying and doing their business, while upfront or in hiding

Makes me smile, because we are now using it to join up and use it against them

When Trump ran, I knew he had to win, it was our last chance

We have been on one hell of a rollercoaster

Just looking the stuff up, gives me bad dreams and nightmares

It was much worse then I thought

Like I said, they will never pay for what they did to children in life

But I ok with that as long as they die in prison or hang by the traitors rope

It has to stop

We must teach future generations what and how they did it

This is a battle that has always been and will always be

Dark to Light

I will not go gently into the night

(My rendition)

At this time I will use my words as weapons

Push comes to shove, I have other weapons

This is about ALL children, their future must be secured

I will fight to my death, to see the evil exposed, to see it prosecuted, to see everything decision our Goverment makes, is best for our Children

Burn it down, rebuild

The rats will go in hiding

May our Children and their Children always be on guard, To protect those who have no one, to work Together always, to fight this evil

We have to stop the division for the sake of the Children

I'm preaching to the choir lol

Keep up the fight, and know when you die, you did what you could to open eyes of the masses

Our work here is used everywhere, even if some plagerize, it's getting out there

I have a few places I hit, to share our words

It too is a rollercoaster, two steps forward, one step back

By my count, I still moving forward, it's just taking longer, but eyes, ears are opening, mouths are going

The Great Awakening is aptly named

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I think 9/11 will be their downfall. There are legal actions in motion now in the US to sort out the facts, which = demolition. Once that blows up, the rest will follow.

maurice1 ago

I'm 40 years old now. I "woke up" when I was about 12-14. I fully woke up in my mid 20s and blindly watched and waited. When Hillary ran for president, I did everything I could to mock her. I was making memes about her eating babies at Bohemian Grove, weeks before Wikileaks released those emails.

I'm just saying............I've spent most of my life on the outside and got use to being called nuts, conspiracy freak, etc...........long, long ago.

I can die happy, now knowing this ripple will only grow and grow. I likely didn't cause the ripple, but I knew the moment I seen that release, to stoke the fires any and everywhere I could find relevant articles at online. I've been doing so whenever I got free time, until I joined Voat about three years ago. I was a lurker, "blindlywatching". I got logged out of Voat in 2017 during the Comet Pingpong crap and DDOS attacks here. So I made maurice. Same crap happened this time with Junkermann..........so I made this account.

Anyway, I calmed down on other sites, due to time issues and try to lend whatever I can here now.

I've no children for many reasons. The future is in the hands of the mothers and fathers. Be sheep or become wolves.

new4now ago

I opened an eye when Clinton's were in the White House

I just didn't have time to look into anything

Too busy helping friends and family

As I watched from the sidelines, a huge warning was going up

So Glad I was told of this place

maurice1 ago

I'm glad I found Voat as well. Either through medically kidnapped om Facebook or one of the anonymous groups, lead me here.

new4now ago

I used to Love people watching as a young one

I'm so glad we are all different

If everyone looked like me, thought like me, did the same stuff as me,

Well I would do a huge Mass suicide

People miss the beauty of being one of a kind

So sad for me

Now, I cant stand being around a lot of people

Being woke will do that to you

maurice1 ago

I can count my friends on one hand.

I've about always had social anxiety, though it wasn't diagnosed until my late 20's.

I grew use to my own company long ago and enjoy silence.

I just figured out the matrix long ago and built my own cell. To protect myself and others. Sometimes, "Neo" is really just the Joker with a mind that makes the Riddler confused.

new4now ago

I relate with anxiety

I should probaly be on meds but I refuse

Sometimes this place makes it worse

Sometimes it helps me deal with it

We're not alone here, but yet we can keep our distance

maurice1 ago

The only meds I take are being left alone. I don't need or want to be a guinea pig.

I just learned to deal with crowds and cope or remove myself and ground myself with music.

new4now ago

Some people call me the space cowboy yeah

Some call me the gangster of love

Some people call me Maurice

'Cause I speak of the pompitous of love

maurice1 ago

Yup. The over importance of love.

new4now ago

Used to listen to all his music back in the days

Didn't have a care in the world

Then Bammmm, time to grow up asap

maurice1 ago

I listen to stuff from the 30s to modern music. Can't dig pop country or mumble rap though. Stopped liking most RnB when Aaliyah died.

I love damn near any style though. Country, to classical, to rock, rap, blues, jazz, whatever. Dubstep, house. Name a style. I love music. No real favorites though.

I like using music to help seed minds.

Like Tom Petty. Won't back down. Stuff with soul, you know?

new4now ago

The music I wont listen to is Heavy Metal and Gangster Rap

Much too angry for me

Sets me on edge bad

Love blues

new4now ago

That kind of blues is my chill pill

When I in the zone I like something with a fast beat


maurice1 ago

If you like blues and enjoy country, look into dark country on youtube. Great sounds.


new4now ago

Will do :)

maurice1 ago

I found this genre like 3 years ago and fell in love. I hope you enjoy,

maurice1 ago

Last one. Hope you enjoy. There's tons of great stuff out there.


new4now ago

Music, where would we be without music

To each their own, but there is some music I wont listen to, as there are foodstuff I refuse to eat lol

new4now ago

Had a friend on FB, we were always sharing and discussing what was happening with children

Past, present, future

He, died, so I fighting for him too

maurice1 ago

Yup. Many of us bump into one another on the GEOsphere.

new4now ago

Being here, nobody cares what we look like

It has nothing to do with why we are here

We are judged by our words, and I suck at words, I have a Math brain lol

But I keep trying, I keep correcting

I keep adjusting the dial a little bit everyday with what I learn

Course there are adjustments I will not make, it goes against my code of honor, my morals 😁

maurice1 ago

Exactly. I'm mostly self taught. I dropped out at 17 to earn money to help my family.

My love of learning was never nurtured in schools anyhow.

I walked many miles, like many others and took a hard look in the mirror when I was 20. Decided to become more than a Joker, a smoker, a midnight toker..........you know. Seen how to become a little monster, so to speak. decided to seed minds, live right, my code of honor will not bend for much of this NWO crap. I may not have my own kids, but it really does take a village to raise a child. I got sick and damn tired of hearing Hillary chanting that, knowing the ideologies and philosophies these fucks adhere to. Fuck the village they want to build.

I couldn't resist going full force, trolling any relevant articles about her and encouraging others to self educate about the medically kidnapped issue. I'm not a Trump guy either, idc much for politics at all, but I've been paying attention most my life. Just blending in as best I could and waiting.

new4now ago

I'm glad we on the same side

Keep up the great work 👍

letsdothis3 ago

You are not repeating at all. Your information complements mine. It's like a giant jigsaw puzzle and we each have different pieces to add to the (rapidly) growing picture.

new4now ago

I try to pop the post in Pol case V goes down

Your comment adds are great

are you signed up over there?

Would love to see your comments added

letsdothis3 ago

Pol? No. This place keeps me busy enough. Feel free to put any of my stuff up there if you want.

new4now ago

Ok, I like it here too, but went over there when we got shut down

Just might do that, will give a shut out you wont see, but that's how I roll

kestrel9 ago

Just slipping this 2015 article in here regarding FIFA:

Corrupt FIFA Has Clinton Foundation Ties; World Cup Host Qatar Gave Millions

Several top FIFA executives were arrested Wednesday in Zurich and face corruption charges stretching back two decades...

Fmr. President Bill Clinton was an honorary chairman of the bid committee put together to promote the United States as a possible host nation for the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.

When the U.S. lost the 2022 bid to Qatar, Clinton was rumored to be so upset he shattered a mirror.

newspaper investigations into the vote and other murky FIFA dealings have implicated former FIFA vice president and Qatar's most senior football official at the time, Mohamed Bin Hammam, in allegedly handing out bribes to African officials in an attempt to influence votes. He was banned by FIFA in 2011 after being caught bribing Caribbean officials in his bid to become FIFA president.

The Guardian reported in 2013 about “appalling labor abuses,” including possible forced labor and worker death on Qatar’s World Cup infrastructure projects. It is also considered to be too hot to play soccer in Qatar in the summer.

No Qatari officials have been arrested, but Swiss authorities announced Wednesday that they had opened criminal proceedings into the allocation of the Qatari and Russian World Cups. They have also seized documents from FIFA’s headquarters and gained access to the Swiss bank accounts of executives they suspect of “unjust enrichment” and money laundering.

new4now ago

Nice add

I love posts where people add info and links

It's really great when it's my post lol

letsdothis3 ago

Riccardo Silva, Chad Oppenheim and Prince Charles



I’m involved with a number of charities and projects in Europe, Africa and the U.S., particularly in South Florida. I strongly believe in giving back to the community and doing our part help. Some of the organizations I’m involved with include Play for Change, amfAR, Mount Sinai Medical Center and the New World Symphony, to name a few.

new4now ago

Charities, I havent even gotten to Nicole's yet

I didn't go to much on him in post, was already afraid It would be too long

Where on earth did she have the connections to do all this?

The money offshore had to be huge