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YogSoggoth ago

You guys do great work. The only reason I took French was to communicate with the totally American Cajuns,(coon asses), so it helps now to not really need search engine to translate much. Who helped out the drowning idiots in New Orleans? The Cajun Navy and the Amish. Them's the facts.Lots of stuff making fun of the Amish, but no one wants to do that with the Cajun Navy. Reason why, is they are too closely knit as a community.Been there for 400 years or so.

think- ago

Re Carbyne - just read somewhere that they cooperate with Google in Mexico to collect data.


letsdothis3 ago

This is excellent. Will have to follow up later. I was following some leads re Comet Trust on Twitter which took me to a number of tech companies. Remember Google went into the Christ Church School in Hampstead to do a project? That was never fully explained just what they were doing there. That's one massive rabbit hole in itself. Right, I have to stop posting and go start that diagram.

think- ago

I think someone mentioned it on this thread -

new4now ago

That will probaly be in 3

Just a little fried, will work on it tomorrow/today after I get some sleep

think- ago

Excellent research, @new4now.

new4now ago

Thanks, it took awhile just to pull it up

Just hope it's not repeating, I dont even know what's been put up yet lol

think- ago

Just hope it's not repeating

No, not at all, @new4now.

new4now ago

Now Standard Hotel post up asking help, and I have quite a few o that

They are just all over the place in saves

Too pooped to join that party tonight lol

new4now ago

I've been buried in lol

thewebofslime ago

Who we are ?

The Prime is an art agency based in Paris. Dancers and stage artists, we found ourselves around a common desire to make you discover our passion for dance and night artists.

Our wish is to help you find talented artists, but also to introduce you to the origins and history of the various styles of dance.

So we came together to create a vast network of over 2000 artists and professionals. To allow you to stand out and surprise your guests, we are always looking for new trends and ensure the originality of the show.

Importants events

Thanks to the talents of our artists and the work of our team, our agency has had a tremendous start, which allowed us to meet and work with many companies, TV channels, houses of prod or renowned schools. (Vivendi Universal, Winamax, M6, NRJ 12, TPMP D8, Be aware, HEC, Polytechnic, Supélec, ESG, ESCE, the Pigalion, the Duplex, the Moulin Rouge, the Comedy club, and many others ...)

new4now ago

Whooooa, nice add, 👍

maurice1 ago

So..........Nicole Junkermann actually connects to Edgar Bronfman Jr. The brother of Sara Bronfman, who has been all over the news due to NXIVM and Keith Raniere? That alone is notable and interesting.

Great work. I look forward to the next part.

think- ago

...and there is also a connection to the Hampstead case via Barbara Kahan.

new4now ago

That Secretaries Co that created the shell company, I believe NXIVM used their services

The name is so familiar and I know it had to do with NXIVM

Will look for it after I done with Junkerman

Hope to have Part 2 out soon

I already running into the angry goat

But I a goat too so that goat better back off lol

think- ago

But I a goat too so that goat better back off lol


new4now ago

Lordy, I getting to hate those 2D goats lol

maurice1 ago

If you run into anything about business between Junkermann and companies she has a hand in, it likely will tie into the crazy patents Raniere had.

His patents, many would be very useful not only to cult systems but community policing tactics.

Owning a satelite company that allows for third person apps, such as Junkermann does, would also allow systems of hers, Carbyne to be weaponized and tailored against single individuals

21yearsofdigging ago

I call that targeting, which has now been around for years. Anyone that could potentially expose the bad guys, they hire a service(like Black Cube, which Weinstein hired) and they have specialists that follow a target, let the target know that they are being followed, break in any resident they are living in or hiding out in, spread false rumors and cripple the target financially. Then after all this, accuse the target of being paranoid or a schizophrenic and presto....the smear is i n place

maurice1 ago

Yup. Cointel pro, silent dagger, organized stalking, gang stalking, community policing.............all the same stuff.

I know the Infragard and fusion centers are part of the FBI doing it to people, but anyone with time and money can stage the stuff. It only takes a handful of knowing perps to destroy a life. Perps know how to seed minds and outsource flash mobs to crowd-sourcing agencies. Street theater is easy to find a useful idiot to do as well. Knowing a handful of criminals isn't outside of most peoples lives, if they took time to watch around themselves, so again, yup I agree fully with you. Pettiness and trying to not hold oneself accountable to karma are just two reasons it's done to someones life.

letsdothis3 ago

If you run into anything about business between Junkermann and companies she has a hand in, it likely will tie into the crazy patents Raniere had.

Correct. I was going to do a post about that and decided just to get on with a damn flow chart about how all this connects.

think- ago

would also allow systems of hers, Carbyne to be weaponized and tailored against single individuals

Yep. The 911 app created by Carbyne is very similar to the app Erik Prince created for the Chinese government for monitoring the Uighurs, the Muslim minority.

Let's not forget that Carbyne seems to be a Mossad front company.

So basically, all data collected about a US citizen who uses the 911 app might will end up in the Mossad data collection.

The two apps and the Mossad connection are explained in this video:

The secret life of Epstein, part 2

@swordfish69 @9217

think- ago

@gamepwn, please see parent.

new4now ago

Think all these hacks lately are them

No sooner does Nicole start working through a health thing, the whole system got hacked

I believe we have it set up in every state when Obama started Obama Care

I think every hack since then can be traced back to Promis

maurice1 ago

Obama care is a joke on so many levels. Remember what the first acronym for it was? Affordable Health Act...........AHA. Like Aha, we got you!

Then all over the media people in congress saying we have to pass the bill to know whats in the bill.And many in the media kept chanting the same mantra, "the devil's in the details". They was overtly weaving Hollyweird magic into minds of the people. Casting "spells" so to speak and most involved were useful idiots.

new4now ago

I think they used a backdoor app for it

Would have to look into it

Am sure the system or a clone worldwide

2 is up if your interested

maurice1 ago

It's not even about believing in "magic". It's about those controlling this shit and what they believe in. Like "Moloch".

It's all psychology games to me.

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting you should say that. Comet Trust + magic.. I've found some connections there, I think.

maurice1 ago

With all of this type of info and trying to "waken" people, it's damn near futile and even detrimental to try mentioning magic unless you know enough psychology to explain the intended purpose of it.

I began learning what philosophies our world leaders follow, many decades ago. Moloch is a reach in the dark and it took me into various forms of magic and crap and I took to learning all the sciences behind "magic". From psychology to magnetism to harmonics, etc, etc, etc.

I know others believe things I may not and I can not ignore that fact, even if it contradicts my own ideology.

maurice1 ago

I hate going into symbology though, because it's an endless loop of rabbit holes into when a symbol arose and when it morphs due to others latching onto it.

maurice1 ago

It doesn't surprise me, really.

Think about the entire cyber security system and even homeland security.

Someone has to utilize predictive programming to ensure a need to rising costs and clientele in every sector to need their services.

It takes a lot to build entire logistics infrastructure into overthrowing individuals privacy.

letsdothis3 ago

Excellent. We have a lot on Barbara Kahan (as I'm sure you know).. just putting this here for those unfamiliar with the background..

..Hampstead researchers will recognize the name Barbara Kahan as she was one of the directors listed for Ricky Dearman's online businesses...

[Barbara Kahan from Finchley who becomes Mohamed Javed Akhtar in the next tier of the PONZI/SHELL Company]>(https://sites.

..Gordon is worried that you may not be able to understand the crimes committed in the fraudulent boiler rooms by the creation of hundreds of thousands of Shell companies. So we have decided to illustrate it by showing a simple example of their illicit fraud involving CLIENTS of the Prime Ministers Brother. That is the same PM who has a Press lockdown on reporting of his alleged 1 Billion Pound Fraud at the Carroll Foundation. ..

Tavistock, Barbara Kahan, Peter Righton & The Hampstead Cult

letsdothis3 ago

Michigan - I have a doozy of a story about that area.. waiting for the story to 'mature' before putting any details forward...

new4now ago

I figure a lot of names will pop for you

You have done excellent work

It's hard looking her up

She says things off hand, but there's more to it and she hides behind ownership while she herself owns a lot of the companies

It's confusing lol

I trying to straighten it out

Part 2 things get dirty, I workin on it lol

I on a phone, have at least 20 pages open and still finding more on a different search engine lol

letsdothis3 ago

The name Barbara Kahan was pilfered to use as a front for shell companies .. see the article [Barbara Kahan from Finchley who becomes Mohamed Javed Akhtar in the next tier of the PONZI/SHELL Company](https://sites. It explains that well. (Take the space out of the web address to access the link.)

new4now ago

2 is up if your interested

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks. Yes I am. Heading over now :-)

letsdothis3 ago

It's a Pandora's Box. My next task is to produce some kind of flow chart of all the connections :-(

think- ago

My next task is to produce some kind of flow chart of all the connections :-(

Yes , please do. This will be mind-blowing.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes.That's why I've been delaying doing it. But it needs to be done... Will do.

new4now ago

I worked on timeline after Nicole got out of college

Kept notes in a notebook so when I overwhelmed I had notes to focus lol

Vindicator ago

@new4now @letsdothis3 @think-

You are heroines for the kids :-)💪

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. We live in extraordinary times.

think- ago

Thank you. :-)