becki_p20 ago

I can confirm that is where he works

becki_p20 ago

I have had people ask me before if I'm aware of the Hampstead kids. Yes I am but only through the research I've done. I do not know them personally

cantsleepawink ago

Hi Becki. Thanks for chiming in. I didn't think that you knew the children personally, my post was really about the similar business links that I noticed between Planet Coffee and Ricky Dearman's business associations. It made me wonder about the possible broader connections/patterns between pedophile rings within the UK. (And the pedophile symbology in the cafe logo is unmistakeable ). Appreciate your input.

Btw, are you still in touch with your friends at the NSPCC and Youth Net UK ?

ListenUp ago

Gordon Bowden was instrumental in investigating the Barbara Kahan "boiler room" shell companies. Most of these companies, +250,000, have the same address 788-790 Finchley Road, Hampstead. Here are a few good posts on this that I don't see here, just wanted to add, perhaps I missed them...? Also related, The Panama Papers Big!

cantsleepawink ago

I'm just reading about something called the Pindown report which Kahan was involved with. Hurts my heart to read. I guess I will have to do another post. People need to know. Tomorrow...

cantsleepawink ago

and here's another comment on this blog

Men Scryfa said...

Well Well Well What an INTERESTING set of comments especially those 2 or 3 from MrMi5 er I mean Anon. Well done Zoomie for exposing the Kahan connection. It is a big J con as you might have guessed. Apparently Barbara Kahan has been a director of about 25,000 companies all told, as you do. It is all a big company factory job run out of Finchley Road North London. The business A1 companies is linked to it but the owner who is called Keith Kahan pushed off to Florida years ago. So its obviously still being run and used by Mossad and Mi5 as a launch pad. Companies House don't seem to mind (so much for law and order and the rule of law - haha). The Barbara Kahan signature on all those company documents is always the same. Its done by a ghost writer machine or just printed on by re-scan. Yes the D.O.B.s don't match but there is obviously identity manipulation going on. There is a Javeed Akhtar who is also a company director linked to over 50,000 companies all incorporated through A1. Interestingly he apparently has the exactly the same date of birth as Barbara Kahan, namely 31.06.31 - how likely is that. Yes not very. In fact the likelihood of this being a coincidence is almost zero. When added to the fact that Keith does not appear worried in the slightest by all these indications of fraud on a massive scale and is also now living it up in the life of luxury in Florida with many assets and property to his name without any apparent fear of prosecution - well this is all state sanctioned crime (or rather by the Shadow Government). Now on some directorships Barbara Kahan's name actually becomes Barbara Javeed Kahan etc so it is obvious they are taking us all for a laugh here. Two bloggers Mr Peter Eyre of Eyre International and his friend pointed this out to UK and US authorities some years ago. AND NOTHING HAPPENED - SURPRISE SURPRISE. Mr Coleman of the Coleman Experience also knows all about it. Finally what is the connection between the Barbara Kahan of Pindown and the Barbara Kahan and Keith Kahan of A1 Company Secretaries? Also what exactly was Vladimir Leon Kahan's connection with Tavistock...?

Yes PINDOWN was a Mind Control experiment. They took the most vulnerable children in society and used them to experiment on before using the results on the whole population. I am telling this because I know this and I know a lot more and they are hurting me and I have hurt them back and will continue to do so more and more and more till there is respect. There would not have been the events of this year if it was not for what I have done. GLORY BE TO GOD

Zoomie - Thanks for re-blogging my earlier posting at Zoomie - they are trying to slowly kill me so don't give in to what they are doing to you. They are actually terrified of you. They are actually terrified of the Truth. Because HE is the TRUTH. God Bless you Zoomie! Thanks for pointing out the Barbara Kahan link. I have posted something new and important about Exaro at:

Blessings to you and all your readers in truth. PS Zoomie use the weapons and armour Our Lord gave us. Your enemies shall flee from you.

Men Scryfa 02.XII.12 2 December 2014 at 13:12

cantsleepawink ago

One more comment today: here's a comment from someone replying on that blog about the weird synchronicities in the Kahan name:

wormnosetree December 12, 2014 at 1:50 am

Barbara Joan Kahan’s identity has been stolen since her death in 2000, albeit with varying dates of birth, to be the director of over 35,000 shell companies in the past 14 years for the purposes of MASSIVE fraud.

David Cameron’s “Big Society” fund links back to this fraudulent theft of Kahan’s identity. Her name features here:

And would you believe it, coincidence of coincidences, it’s also the very same fraud that David Cameron’s brother had thrown out of court.

So now we’re left with the question of what is the real connection between all of this huge fraud and child abuse. Our Prime Minister certainly knows something about all of this and doesn’t want the links uncovered.

And why specifically was Barbara Kahan chosen to be a posthumous patsy to this gigantic industrial-scale fraud?

The link that Zoompad found with Exaro is concerning ( it really does make one wonder what’s actually going on… Are they using the 40 year old “revelations” to deflect from the present day CLEAR LINKS between abuse, fraud, politics and the theft of Kahan’s identity?

I hope not, I do have respect for their work, but it’s worth bearing in mind that if they hadn’t talked Simon Danczuk into not naming Leon Brittan as an abuser back in July at the select committee, we wouldn’t have had the Butler-Sloss and Woolf debacles and the inquiry would probably have had a chair since the Summer rather than sitting with no chair months and months later.

I also wonder what directorships Barbara held whilst alive. If somebody wanted to bury that information, the creation of 35,000 red herring files to create a “haystack” would certainly be a good way to go about it.

On a sidenote, The Lord Laming CBE DL gave the opening address at this memorial event for Barbara Kahan The Queen appointed him to her Privy Council three weeks before the home secretary announced the CSA Inquiry.

Alan Levy QC also spoke at that same event. He was co-author with Barbara of the Pindown report. He believed that their report was hampered by not being statutory and was watered down and obstructed by the government.. Ring any bells? #CSAinquiry His thoughts on inquiries are perhaps more relevant today than ever.

Another funny thing… The Barbara and Vladimir Khan Trust apparently ceased to exist back in 2006: Yet the children anf young people’s charity Buttle claims that the trust is one of its supporters and funders:

It’s possible that the trust ceased to exist as a charity but still exists as a bank account, I suppose, just found it worth mentioning.

I sincerely hope Zoompad is alive and well by the way, her last blogpost and tweet are very worrying.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. I haven't seen this before - new info. The burrowing continues tomorrow....

cantsleepawink ago

Btw, I have fairly recently come across information that the Tavistock institute is very much involved with the management of the property that Ricky Dearman and his family were living at in Hampstead. More to come on that, in time ...

cantsleepawink ago

No, you are quite right. And that is why there was so much discussion and confusion. The children in the Hampstead case visited the Tavistock Institute clinic and lived in that area. Their father just happened to have a director for his company with the same name. The Kahan company director's name is synonymous with high level ponzi schemes in the UK. Coincidence or psyop ? Now we have Becki's parents involved with a Kahan company. What are the odds ? This is not a coincidence. I don't have a concrete explanation for what is going on. Using your own knowledge base this is something for you to consider.

MDE ago

You're right. This is him:

cantsleepawink ago

During the Hampstead case, the name Barabara Kahan elicited much debate amongst researchers because there was also a social worker who worked with the Tavistock Institute on child abuse cases with the same name. And people were discussing whether the director of new companies and and Tavistock social worker were one and the same. It led to much confusion, understandably. Ideal fodder for a psyop too. Here's a link to the Tavistock Kahan .

I think it is time for a revisit.

shoosh ago

I really hope Becki is alerted to this. It may help her recovery process, giving her more strength and courage. Of course it makes complete sense that Becki wouldn't know any of these details as a child.

becki_p20 ago

You're right. I really don't know details or stuff from "behind the scenes". I can only talk about things I know are factual and that what happened to me

shoosh ago

Yes, you could relate them to what you knew as a child and the words, terms and situations you're understanding as an adult. As a child you wouldn't know the word ''trafficking'' or many other words or situations in context with what you learn as an adult, but the puzzle pieces come together to say, aaaahhh, that's what it was, that's the word or symbol they use to describe what happened, or this or that could have been what happened behind the scenes, or why it happened in reference to these other things that seemed disjointed but now make more sense.

All the best to you gentle stranger.

MDE ago

Well spotted. Dearman's satanic cult members are very much active online. Their propaganda and covering up of the Hampstead abuse is relentless at anyone trying to expose them. I wouldn't be surprised if they make their way to this post very shortly. Keep digging!

cantsleepawink ago

It doesn't really matter what I find. I've noticed that people shy away from certain levels of information. This goes much beyond Mr. Dearman but that's the psyop. No one wants it to be public just how far up this actually goes...and that it's actually part of the global network. Royal Arch who is involved there.

MDE ago

It's tricky investigating the UK. Hopefully more people like Becki will speak out and we can start connecting more dots. Her Dad used to work in London and she mentioned every time he went there he would come back with a lot more contacts. There's a very good chance he's linked to Dearman. I'm hoping George Webb will get on the case at some point.

zzvoat ago

More accurately, this should read:

"Becki Percy is an - alledged - child abuse and child trafficking victim who moved to the US in 2015."

There are many more posts and comments on here about Becki than the Pizzabot found, below. Many people question her story in part or in whole. If anyone is interested, find and reread all the posts. With that info in mind, watch her earliest first and second videos.

PizzagateBot ago

People act like we shouldn't be able to apply skepticism to those who come out as survivors and it is totally ridiculous. I realize there should be a line that you don't cross and when I have commented in this fashion it is more me being the '10th man' when I don't see anyone applying that skepticism already.

I expect there to be fake vicitms just like I expect there to be shills and fake supporters.

I expect to be attacked when I try to shine the light on something that appears to be shrouded in darkness.

I would never say anything if there were more people being skeptical. I'm willing to take the hit for the team if I am wrong. I realize many won't like or appreciate that, it's fine.

becki_p20 ago

As I say to all people questioning what I've said, feel free to talk to me

V____Z ago

"Many people on here questioned" means literally nothing. Her story has never been found to have holes, and elsewhere, besides shill central (aka Voat), she is not ever questioned in any way, she is treated with reject and gratitude. Her treatment here was similar to Seaman's. Irrelevant info from her distant past was dug up, and supposedly concerned, well meaning Voaters stepped in and cautioned us. In her case, it was some post from when she was very young, about wanting to become famous.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I'm aware of that and pondered on whether I should have included that word. However, I don't yet know enough about her case. I am more familiar with the Hampstead one. Nevertheless, it doesn't change my findings one iota. If you question her story, this post should be just as relevant to you because it points to quite a narrative (if you can see it).

Annon365 ago

I feel like as the USA investigation is drying up waiting for them to be prosicuted , the uk investigation has plenty of dots to join, we need eyes on this, it's all connected!

stellarcorpse ago

Not drying up darling. Just getting started.

zzvoat ago

US...drying up? I disagree.

Annon365 ago

I think it's got to a point where we have 90% of the evidence, we just need someone to blow the whistle or to flip and confirm what we knew all along. Agree we are still finding some new leads but nothing compared to one two months ago, most the posts on this page now are repeats or irrelevant

Annon365 ago

This is amazing well done

cantsleepawink ago

Me too. Still trying to digest.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle The Guardian asks to 'name the villains' - well, let me depict Becki Percy's abusers Hampstead's Pizzagate and Dolphin Square