13Buddha ago

I read about this connection last week. Thanks for your post OP. Excellent info!

theooeht ago

Thanks so much.

Hopefully, I can get into posting more on it.

3141592653 ago

I have no many thoughts on this. Where to start.... 1. Traverse city and Interlochen, Michigan, 15 minutes apart from one another, are very close to North Fox Island, MI, where a super rich guy ( just like Epstein) ran an "elite" pedo ring in the 70s. 2. The lead suspect in the Michigan Oakland County Child killer case from the 70's was connected to the pedo ring on North Fox Island, and I believe his (also rich and powerful) father owned a house a house In Traverse City that the supposed killer stayed at often where he (already a known pedo/child molester) was seen with young boys. 3.boys trafficked to the pedo ring on North Fox Island were drive to Traverse City, again 15 min from Interlochen, where there were flown to the island. 4. One of the 2 years that the Oakland County Child Killings occurred, 76 and 77, Bob Hope visited the school for gifted arts kids at Interlochen. Cathy O'Brien (or was it Brice Taylor) accused Bob Hope of elite pedo ring involvement and I believe of abusing her.

And wait, I'm finding even more possible connections...

  1. Interlochen school for the Arts is an e expensive school in Michigan for gifted kids. Who else went to a school in Michigan for gifted kids? Sarah Ruth Ashcraft. She went to Roeper in OAKLAND COUNTY, where the 4+ notorious child killings occurred in the 70s. She says the school was involved in her ritual abuse, and she is THE accuser of Tom Hanks.
  2. Oakland County, MI, is the wealthiest county in Michigan . That ties to elites and the Oakland County Child Killings, and perhaps possibly makes it a location where kids who go to Interlochen School for the Arts come from often.
  3. Jeffrey Epstein funded Interlochen and has a building there, a lodge, named after him, which is listed in his little black book. I believe this may be the first time anyone has brought up a possible connection between Epstein and the also-super-rich guy who owned North Fox Island and ran the pedo ring there.
  4. Sarah Ruth Ashcroft I believe says her father knew Tom Hanks from an acting school in Cleveland, 3 hrs from Oakland County Michigan. Interlochen School focuses on the arts, including acting. I have verified Hanks' past connections to Clinton.
  5. It is widely believed that no one was ever charged with the Oakland County Child Killings due to intricate connectionsand to rich individuals who were tied to local pedo rings, including the one on North Fox Island, where rich sickos went to rape kids and were child pork was made.
  6. Sarah Ruth Ashcroft says she was abused by an elite pedo ring and again, says her school for gifted kids was involved.
  7. Sarah's father was the treasurer for the Oakland County Democratic Party. He held power while L. Brooks Patterson (still in power) did. L. Brooks Patterson is believed to be involved in the cover up of the Oakland County Child Killings. I believe he was the county's chief prosecutor at the time of the killings. 12.This may be nothing, but we've had a few users here who have implicated Racine, Wisconsin as a hot bed for criminal activity, including organized child abuse by the wealthy. Racine is on the East border of Wisconsin, right across the great lake from Michigan's North Fox Island, or pretty close.
  8. Notice that both Epstein and the guy who ran the pedo ring on North Fox Island are both Rich Pedos who Own Islands and have connections to powerful people..

Whew, I believe that is all for now.

3141592653 ago

I have no many thoughts on this. Where to start.... 1. Traverse city and Interlochen, Michigan, 15 minutes apart from one another, are very close to North Fox Island, MI, where a super rich guy ( just like Epstein) ran an "elite" pedo ring in the 70s. 2. The lead suspect in the Michigan Oakland County Child killer case from the 70's was connected to the pedo ring on North Fox Island, and I believe his (also rich and powerful) father owned a house a house In Traverse City that the supposed killer stayed at often where he (already a known pedo/child molester) was seen with young boys. 3.boys trafficked to the pedo ring on North Fox Island were drive to Traverse City, again 15 min from Interlochen, where there were flown to the island. 4. One of the 2 years that the Oakland County Child Killings occurred, 76 and 77, Bob Hope visited the school for gifted arts kids at Interlochen. Cathy O'Brien (or was it Brice Taylor) accused Bob Hope of elite pedo ring involvement and I believe of abusing her.

And wait, I'm finding even more possible connections...

  1. Interlochen school for the Arts is an e expensive school in Michigan for gifted kids. Who else went to a school in Michigan for gifted kids? Sarah Ruth Ashcraft. She went to Roeper in OAKLAND COUNTY, where the 4+ notorious child killings occurred in the 70s. She says the school was involved in her ritual abuse, and she is THE accuser of Tom Hanks.
  2. Oakland County, MI, is the wealthiest county in Michigan . That ties to elites and the Oakland County Child Killings, and perhaps possibly makes it a location where kids who go to Interlochen School for the Arts come from often.
  3. Jeffrey Epstein funded Interlochen and has a building there, a lodge, named after him, which is listed in his little black book. I believe this may be the first time anyone has brought up a possible connection between Epstein and the also-super-rich guy who owned North Fox Island and ran the pedo ring there.
  4. Sarah Ruth Ashcroft I believe says her father knew Tom Hanks from an acting school in Cleveland, 3 hrs from Oakland County Michigan. Interlochen School focuses on the arts, including acting. I have verified Hanks' past connections to Clinton.
  5. It is widely believed that no one was ever charged with the Oakland County Child Killings due to intricate connectionsand to rich individuals who were tied to local pedo rings, including the one on North Fox Island, where rich sickos went to rape kids and were child pork was made.
  6. Sarah Ruth Ashcroft says she was abused by an elite pedo ring and again, says her school for gifted kids was involved.
  7. Sarah's father was the treasurer for the Oakland County Democratic Party. He held power while L. Brooks Patterson (still in power) did. L. Brooks Patterson is believed to be involved in the cover up of the Oakland County Child Killings. I believe he was the county's chief prosecutor at the time of the killings. 12.This may be nothing, but we've had a few users here who have implicated Racine, Wisconsin as a hot bed for criminal activity, including organized child abuse by the wealthy. Racine is on the East border of Wisconsin, right across the great lake from Michigan's North Fox Island, or pretty close.
  8. Notice that both Epstein and the guy who ran the pedo ring on North Fox Island are both Rich Pedos who Own Islands and have connections to powerful people.

Whew, I believe that is all for now.

theooeht ago

Thanks for this.

You must have been reading my mind. I did run across the Fox Island story and flagged it. Here's the site I found:


No, they never charged Francis Shelden. Here's some tidbits:

The pedophile ring included well-to-do businessmen, politicians and other rich and powerful men who would take children to the island to have sex with them and make films that were distributed around the world, as the story goes.

Shelden and others were able to attract children through his Brother Paul's Children's Mission and a supposed nature camp for underprivileged children on the island.

Many people saw him as a generous benefactor who took youths on hunting trips to the island, skiing trips in Aspen and beach parties at his family's estate in the Caribbean. He also set up trust funds so they could go to college.

So Shelden has Caribbean estate and set up scholarship funds. Then there's his going skiing in Aspen and taking kids out on "hunting" trips. Bucks Camping and Fishing comes to mind as does all those submissions of children disappearing in the woods from campsites. And, no, he was never arrested although the authorities knew where he was:

Shelden fled to the Netherlands, which at the time rarely extradited those wanted for crimes in the United States. He was reported dead in 1996, but some think he may have established a new identity and continues to operate as a pedophile. He would be 80 or 81 today.

Really? The Netherlands? If the US pressed extradition, The Netherlands wouldn't have sent back a man accused of pedo serial child killer? Although The Netherlands is up to its eyeballs in this. I probably shouldn't say this, but WTH! I know a few people from The Netherlands and are here causing a whole lot of trouble with trying to turn our country into a socialist state. They are not citizens, but there is an entitlement to them getting involved in politics and some groups like ANTIFA. I'm wondering if their schools are producing this mindset and there's not a doubt that they are. It's global indoctrination.

Thanks again and the Fox Island ring deserves its own post. I'm betting there's tons to be learned.

Here's a newspaper account:


3141592653 ago

Thanks for all this. Fox Island is a topic I've been researching for years. I will try to put a post together. Keep up the great work

theooeht ago

I will try.

Just dug up a TON of info. This stuff is amazing! Even has ties to Jon Benet Ramsey!

3141592653 ago

Yes! Didn't her father also have a house in traverse city? Or run the airport? Its been a while. Crazy connections. I think Penn State might even be connected. I think it's all one big global pedo ring...

Truthseeker3000 ago

You know what else is bizarre, Jon Bennet Ramsey’s father dating “murdered” teen in Aruba Natalie Holloway’s mother. Natalie’s body has never been found, most likely she was trafficked.

3141592653 ago

No way! Any links?

Truthseeker3000 ago

YouTube channel Reallygraceful did an excellent video on Jon Bennet Ramsey and all the weird inconsistencies in the case it was in there and she’s an excellent researcher. It is true that her body has never been found.

3141592653 ago

Thank you. Why are most of your comments deleted?

theooeht ago

I think it's all one big global pedo ring...

It is, but think about it. B

There is one big pedo ring run by the elites of the world. Now it's fine that's it's closed, but not really because you need a fresh supply of victims and recruits to expand your network. But you can't advertise. You don't want people to know you exist so how do you go about it? Well, you form various outlets / groups / organizations / clubs that can openly recruit. Like churches, Satanic churhces, Christian churches, mind-controlling churches like Scientology ... and what about yoga and health? Sure! You can have gurus ... teachers that take on students that can be tested. Arts, schools, music are all viable to attract children and recruits ... camping, fishing, hunting ... yup, yup, yup ... what about sex clubs? A big yes. You've already got people interested in sex. And cults like NXIVM and pedos like Epstein. Note when Epstein or Raniere go down, nobody knows they're connected to this one big cabal. That stays hidden, but these lucrative, viable side ventures continue to attract pervs and children giving fresh lifeblood to your enterprise.

3141592653 ago

Very true

theooeht ago

Worth noting: James Dudley Ramsey (also known as James D. Ramsey, James Ramsey, Jay Ramsey, or Czar Ramsey), the father of John Ramsey and grandfather of JonBenet Ramsey, was the director of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission from 1957 until 1979, encompassing the period that Shelden had the airstrip constructed and was flying both children and pedophile clients to North Fox Island. He had previously lived in Nebraska (home to pedophile activities of its own) where he was the director of the Nebraska Aeronautics Commission from 1947 to 1956. ...

North Fox Island connection

  • (See article for link/attribution) "Especially considering both the OCCK and Son of Sam cases featured perhap the most absurd stories ever put on paper. Maybe only topped by the Jonbenet Ransom. John Ramsey, father of Jonbenet, had a summer home in Charlevoix, Frank 'Torey' Sheldons old town of operations. The operation connected to numerous other disgusting operations including involving boy scout clubs. Some of Fox Island can be found directly in the Boy Scouts Perversion files. His father John Dudley Ramsey ran the aeronautics division in Michigan during a time where little boys were being flown to an elite pedophile island for intercourse. These coincidences are likely just that, or somethimg sinister has been at work for a multitude of years. [...] I have zero evidence of anything, but the MAC would have had direct authority over all landing strips at the time. I imagine that would have included private flight paths to islands as well."
  • (See article -- same link / attribution) "John Dudley Ramsey rose ranks fast within the Michigan Aeronautics Commission, becoming leader of the oversight of all constructions of airport locations. In the mid 1970's, they pushed and had approved the building of the North Fox Island airport, which would be used to ship children from all over the country. It all went down in flames, but not before countless rich men had their way with young boys. A list existed of the people who "paid" money to attend these events, but alas, it all went up in flames (or water, if you count "flood damage"). Point is, the Shelden Fox Island ring required the sign off of The Michigan Aeronautics Commission to even occur. People ended up dead. One of the victims was found dead by suicide when Shelden fled. I know they went to Charlevoix and glossed over it. Went home. said "aint nothin here". But Charlevoix was more than just any city in Michigan, it was the city that connected North Fox Island to Michigan. It was the "connect". It just seems weird that, in Michigan, knowing John Dudley Ramsey's history, that that is where they ended up settling down. In Shelden's home turf."

  • TheraKoon on /r/OCCK goes further into possible Jay Ramsey connections to North Fox Island: "James Dudley Ramsey lived in Okemos, Michigan not far from the Traverse City Bay. He was an avid flyer to an island called Beaver Island, an island John Ramsey would often visit when taking trips to Michigan. He rolled in flight crews with his son in the Traverse City Bay. John Ramsey was brought up briefly in J. Reuben Appelmans book on the OCCK crimes called The Kill Jar. He had known a man named Steven Stanislaw, once a suspect in the OCCK crimes due to the murder of a young girl he committed. Stanislaw and Ramsey's father knew each other, both prominent men in the Michigan Aeronautics Commission. They did not roll in the same flight crews, though, but were familiar with one another. Shelden, by law, had to go through the Michigan Aeronautics Commission to establish an airport for North Fox Island. James Dudley Ramsey was currently, during North Fox Island, head of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission. The ultimate decision on approval or denial would have likely fallen on John Ramsey's father. [...] Couple this with the fact that the Ramsey family was frequently flying Traverse City Bay during the North Fox Island ring, it opens up a whole other slew of possibilities involving a more hands on role in the ring by the Ramsey family. [...] Is it possible the reason James Dudley Ramsey did not run again was because his name was on that North Fox Island list?"

3141592653 ago

Yes. Amazing stuff. I've read this before but had forgotten some of the details. Very glad you found and posted this and also to have someone to discuss this with. Very important information, I believe.

theooeht ago

Yes. Very important.

There's tons more. And there's these weird connections. I'm going to have to go through this one site's links a little better. Have a feeling there's a treasure trove in there, but haven't had the time. I'm going to try to make some ...

3141592653 ago

I can't wait to delve into all this later today. Just wanted to add another person who is from Oakland County Michigan. Selma Blair, the actress who had an emotional meltdown on an airplane after supposedly mixing meds or mixing meds and alcohol, during which she screamed about a man abusing her and "burning her privates." She later recanted and said it was untrue and due to the medication she had taken (I tend not to believe that). She recently defended James Gunn, director of her recent movie, after footage was found of him saying he would anally rape his daughter "to break her in" (vomit.) For the record, I am not implying she is guilty of anything . ALSO, I think she may be almost the exact same age as Sara Ruth Ashcraft, meaning they would have both grown up together in Oakland County Michigan.

theooeht ago

Absolutely. She is someone that needs looking into.

Looking forward to your post.

juhos ago

Boylover triangle and the swirl symbols in the logo


ARTS EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP has the symbols in its logo. Any program associated might be worth looking into.

arteducators-prod.s3.amazonaws . com / image/473/ four_three_medium.jpg?1478131482

theooeht ago


Yes, any associations or co-sponsored events or large donors might be worth a dig. But it's yet another way to launder money. I believe it's when the mother is talking about Nadla that she mentions Epstein is a large donor. Was it his way of paying off people for keeping quiet? Or for letting him use the program as a recruitment center? Could be all of the above.

think- ago


Makes sense to put someone on the board of a children's art centre who collects art that depicts dead, nude and tortured children. Just sayin'.... /s


think- ago

There is a recent Daily Beast article about Epstein and Interlochen you might want to check, @theooeht.