Angelis_Solaris ago

Black and White are used as symbols of the "good side" and the "bad side" of a pagan god, and I quote:

"In the Papacy, as in occultism, there is a black and a white side to every god or goddess. In paganism, Osiris was worshipped either in black or white depending on what aspect of the deity you favoured. The contrasts of black and white feature prominently in secret societies as well. Here we see the black Madonna and Child. They are the same as any other, but are worshiped in their opposite form. The black and white are interchangeable in the androgenic pagan system.

Watch The Wine of Babylon on ADtv for more information. "


Wine of Babylon lecture:

YogSoggoth ago

Forgot to mention that the tile pattern outside the black is, The Flower of Life: a Pattern That Makes up ... - Learning Mind That is also squared which would usually mean satanic in nature.

YogSoggoth ago

OK, from what I gather, the main thing that sticks out is the deco-drain around the round platform. It can only come from a few sources that would have a paper/computer file as to who bought it. I would suggest somehow partitioning part of the video into pictures so as to not only zoom in, but to also send to companies online for identification using the guise of wanting to purchase the product. Lighting fixtures could also be specific. Black tile around raised is most likely absolute black granite which is sold at Home Depot and many others. Other tile is different looking.The sinks are not common as well. I did not see any water being poured. Large Area Swimming pool main drains - Daldorado would be that type of small company.

Wynterwhisper ago

The shape is called a Dodecahadrel

Wynterwhisper ago

It's a hotel in Turkey although the name slips my mind. It was the last thing that Issac Cappy posted before his death. There are many speculations as to the meaning of his post and video depiction.

NowThatsInteresting ago

This is a Hammam indeed but it’s a private one. Public Hamams do not have windows. Not in turkey at least, unless it’s on a private mansion, which makes this vid even more worrying.

lopus ago

the pattern of that "altar"... (photoshopped)

Immelda ago

What is that little plastic thing on the seat?

Kahlypso79 ago

Water bearer and running water are symbols of satanism. Black and white floor symbols of temple of solomon. Caligula s uncle kept a harem of children who he called his little fishes.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

Osiris and the Fish

Ricardinho ago

What I find odd is that the liquid is being poured onto the pedestal/altar. Are they cleaning it? Moreover the layout of the room makes it clear that seats have a view specifically focuses to the middle of the room. The black and white geometry and the pillars give it a Masonic feel. This video on face value is odd. My question is where and when did this video first appear? That will give us meaningful info

Sitnikoff ago

Supposedly, this was one of Isaac Kappy's last videos before his death.

Ricardinho ago

I don't buy it. Vegan Mikey and Kappy are opportunists. No real evidence was offered just a list of names. Wondering how this is connected to Kappy...I need real evidence. The origin of this video is key.

Mad_As_Helll ago

A commenter on a r/conspiracy thread about Kappy’s death posted the video and said it was the last thing Kappy posted before he died, but provided no evidence for this claim afaik

Sitnikoff ago

Isn't there some kind of way to de-encrypt the data in a video file and find identifiable clues as to where the video originally comes from?

carmencita ago

From 8chan

is it not running through your mind that he was murdered, wrapped in cardboard, and thrown off the overpass?

It's just very convenient that this happened 250-500 yards across from a military are not that close

Design on the Pedestal in the video Can anyone make out the design on the pedestal top?

The base pattern is he same as the floor; rhombitrihexagonal tiling. It is just truncated by a circle on the outer edge instead of continuing. The center hexagon is divided into a smaller hexagon surrounded by squares and right kites. I have no idea if this geometric figure has a name.

The base pattern is he same as the floor; rhombitrihexagonal tiling. It is just truncated by a circle on the outer edge instead of continuing. The center hexagon is divided into a smaller hexagon surrounded by squares and right kites. I have no idea if this geometric figure has a name.

WITNESS SAYS Witness says there is Instagram Live Video showing Isaac Kappy was not alone in drive to his death. Anonymous 05/23/19 (Thu) 22:48:23 f0d95f No.13313825>>13314483 >>13314956 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


senpaithatignoresyou ago

This is getting weird.

That thread on 8chan was spamed with weird memes, and people coming out of the wood work to say "he is a drugged up shyster, don't believe him goyim!!" His career is setting off some red flags. I am not seeing any signs of "time cougars", and that is setting off my porno sense.

3141592653 ago

Time cougars?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Yep. No pictures of the movie at imdb. No actresses mentioned. I keep getting porno results when i search for it. So i am suspecting that it is a sleezy movie.

"cougar" is a word to keep on the watch for. There are a lot of allegations around famous women, the most known one is Cher statutory raping the red hot chilli pepper's vocalist.

3141592653 ago

Thank you

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Baal. If it involves sex, water and kids, then it is Baal.

There is also a contrast between Baal, the god of rain (fresh water), and Yamm, the god of the sea (salt water). It is only the fresh water of rain that is able to provide for the fertility of the ground, so Baal must win out.

The practice of Baal worship by humans, though, was focused on the element of fertility. It was believed by those who worshiped Baal that human beings were able to help strengthen Baal in his struggle with Mot by taking certain actions. These actions specifically involved performing magic, engaging in certain rituals (which included child sacrifice), and sexual interaction with sacred prostitutes. The magic, rituals and sexual activity were all designed to encourage Baal’s return to mate with Asherah so that he could bring the rains.

No one ever bothered to ask "Why did Rome sack Catharage?" The same reason why Rome hunted the druids: They despised human sacrifice. The legionaries are demonized by our modern society, but their brutality pushed some evil cults into the underground.

WHAMMO63 ago

No such god as 'Baal', the word just means gods other than Jehovah. Auramoth is the goddess of water, it is her that all these stars (and even Trump) are alluding to with the downwards pointing triangle of the hands.


ESOTERICshade ago

As regards Baal...from what I understand, in some of the oldest texts, don't remember if its the Bible or the Talmud, or maybe something else, Jesus was referred to as Baalam. Not the exact same words but the similarity is interesting.

WHAMMO63 ago

Perhaps the Talmud, which also claims that Jesus is in Hell boiling in excrement 🙄

There is the OT story of Balaam's donkey, is that possibly what you're referring to?

ESOTERICshade ago

There is the OT story of Balaam's donkey, is that possibly what you're referring to?

Could be I suppose because didn't Jesus "ride out of town on a Donkey?"

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You got any other sources for that besides a picture?

Sources are surprisingly helpful.

There is a connection between new age fertility worship and sex trafficking. nxim is a more recent example but it is far from the first.

WHAMMO63 ago

Sources for what? Baal, or Auramoth?

Fertility worship is just the cover for the sex trafficking really... And of course child sacrifice.

ToFat2Fish ago

Oh dear jesus. Somthing is not right I can feel it in my bones.

Piscina ago

I read this was a Turkish bath house (hamam) where the girls were being trained. It does look like a hamam, but all those little girls there does not make sense.

followthemoney ago

Bottom left to the left of the pillar on the bench.

ToFat2Fish ago

I believe that's just another fountain

followthemoney ago

The sex toy on the bench?

ToFat2Fish ago

Oh shit dident see that. Its shaped like a butt plug.

Luckzzz ago

what could be that?

whatdaheck ago

This definitely seems strange. May not be that weird, but the girls are wearing matching skimpy bathing suits and don’t seem related to each other. I’m curious about whoever is filming it. The way they explore the room with the camera like they want to expose something. It seems like one of the girls in the back of the room sees the person filming and then says something to the girl next to her. The girl standing on top of the circle at the beginning almost looks like she got caught? It almost looks like the center of the room might be a place where girls stand to get auctioned off, if I had to give my darkest opinion.
The floor tiles are interesting. Maybe they chose to divide the circles by six white tiles on purpose? There is a drainage grate around whatever it is they are watering, it probably isn’t the first time. Also that is one strange dark door.


That one little girl acts like she's aggravated and bored.

lopus ago

or maybe mind controlled, brainwashed, tired and threatened?


I mean it doesn't look like a ritual to me.

dc0de ago

i saw this posted before, somebody suggested this was some kind of maybe greek bath house and this was relatively normal and not what it has been portrayed as here, so i'd possibly look into that option first as it may be a red herring, although in the light of what we know the video is fairly distressing but this may not be what it seems, i have not researched but seems worth mentioning

NotHereForPizza ago


It's supposedly a palace in Turkey (I think... shit I can't remember if this is the right country). Someone ought to have the pic of it zoomed out on the room.


truehistory ago

Normal? Are you daft? You've got 8-10 year old GIRLS walking around in robes, attending in a room with no adult supervision. To assume it is 'normal' is a sign of complete naivety or obvious evil.


dc0de ago

Who's filming? Perhaps an adult, maybe even mother. I went through the other post and found the comment I was referencing

" it's a Turkish Bath. they are apparently sex segregated. the "altar" is where you lay when the "washer" washes you and scrubs off dead skin. conventionally, that is what is then rinsed between clients"

I'm not daft, jumping to conclusions is daft.


Are you a shill account? 2 comments in 9 months?

Oh_Well_ian ago

he can't count, either